Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 2: so-called Yiren

At the beginning of the lantern, in the house along the Jianjiang River.

Zuo Lingquan took off his robe, lay on the bed with a bare upper body, and held a white tail in his hand. He looked at it carefully by the light, and when it was slightly touched, it would vibrate 'zizi', which was very subtle.

The window was closed, the two swords rested on the sword stand, the tray and a few small medicine bottles on the dressing table.

Wu Qingwan, who was wearing a long cloud-white dress, had her hair pulled into a more mature style, with a green flower hairpin inserted; she sat on the side beside Zuo Lingquan, her legs were bent and folded, and her buttocks were resting on her calf, exposing her body. Delicate bare feet in white silk.

Wu Qingwan held the golden needle in her hand, gently pressed Zuo Lingquan's right shoulder where the bruise was on her right shoulder, and pierced it slowly, following the method of Bishop Taohuazun, to disperse the killing energy in the sword mark.

Although both are healing, the experience is completely different.

The ancestors of Shangguan need not be mentioned, just like Zuo Lingquan's use of strength.

Venerable Peach Blossom is also gentle, but there is something in her heart, like the eldest lady of the scholarly family who is forced to be with a man, gentle and gentle, but not distracted.

Qing Wan is different, a familiar and beautiful wife who knows what pose to change by patting her buttocks, her technique can only be described as enjoyment.

Not only is it a physical enjoyment, Zuo Lingquan also has no pressure in his heart. Occasionally, he touches his hand twice, and the exchange is not a stab, but a shy look that is as gentle as water, even if he patted him on the back, he said. It also contains the love and concubine of a husband, and people can't wait for this warm feeling to last until the end of the world.

Yesterday, Ling Ye came over, and the family played and danced together by the river.

Although Zuo Lingquan's thoughts were all on the girl, there was Qiu Tao, who knew everything in the girl, and Venerable Tao Hua, who had never been through the door. No matter how close he and his daughter-in-law were, it was impossible for him to leave halfway and run into the house for Zhou Gongzhi. Li, in the end, it was really lively and playful all night.

The purpose of Lingye's visit was to visit Juejianya on official business. It was okay for everyone to stay at Juejianya and wanted to leave as soon as possible, so Lingye went to Juejianya when he was ready. The old ancestor's best friend naturally followed; Qiu Tao wanted to see the world, so she also followed.

There were three young daughters-in-law and Leng Zhu left in the house, and Zuo Lingquan was naturally a little confused, but Jiang Yi and Qingwan came from afar, and it was obviously inappropriate to think about rolling the sheets when they met.

During the day, Zuo Lingquan accompanied a few girls first, walked around the market in Juejianya, and saw many famous scenic spots. It was not until nightfall that he returned to the house and asked Qingwan to help heal the wound.

The lonely man and the widow stayed in the house, and the newlyweds had been away for a long time. Zuo Lingquan lay on the ground for a while, and his mind drifted a little. Holding the white tail in his hand, he looked at Qingwan behind him, his eyes slowly moved to the back of his waist, who had been greedy for a long time.

Wu Qingwan knew Zuo Lingquan so well that she didn't need to look at it with her eyes, just by listening to the change in her breathing, she knew what Zuo Lingquan was thinking, and said softly:

"Ling Quan, I won't stress some things over and over again. If I treat you well, you should reciprocate. Even if you don't favor me, you shouldn't think I'm easy to bully. Just watch me bully alone."

Zuo Lingquan turned over and let Qingwan tie his chest with a bright smile:

"What are you talking about, where did I bully you?"

Wu Qingwan took a few glances, then leaned over and pressed Zuo Lingquan's chest muscle for acupuncture:

"What are you thinking, I can't see it? This dog's tail is made for Ling Ye, you dare to use it on me, hum..."

Zuo Lingquan raised his hand, landed on Qingwan's waist, slid down the waistline, and said with a smile:

"How come? I always listen to what Senior Wu said. But I'm afraid the dog's tail is not very good. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to replace it with a rabbit's tail?"

"She is jealous and eats alone all day long. Isn't it right to teach her a lesson?"

"Then this is for Ling Ye, what are you using?"

"Are you too embarrassed to ask? I worked hard for a few months, and she said that it was confiscated and confiscated. I wanted to play and asked her if I wanted to. I won't practice for a day? Thinking about these things that are not on the table?"

Wu Qingwan's injury has not been healed yet. She didn't want to be interrupted, she removed her hand from behind and changed to a serious topic:

"This time, when you go to Posuo Continent, you should pay more attention to the second uncle's situation. Since I sent you a message last time, there has been no movement, and I don't know how safe it is now."

Zuo Lingquan knew that Qingwan had been thinking about her family, so she put away her unruly thoughts and said with a smile:

"As long as you catch someone from the Youying alien race, you will definitely find a way to interrogate them. However, the Youying alien race is also large, and the two continents of Beishouzhou and Kui Bingzhou, the Xianjia forces are no less than here, it may not sound easy."

"Don't worry, you have practiced the Dao for thousands of years. As long as people are there, you will definitely meet them."

Wu Qingwan saw that Zuo Lingquan's eyes were serious and gentle, but there was an obvious reaction from her waist. Knowing that he had been holding back for a few days after being injured, she sighed helplessly after thinking about it, and raised her hand to unbutton the front of her clothes, revealing hollow flowers like white sand. Between the carp, the fat-headed fish that was oppressed by the front of the clothes also popped out.

dong dong~

The ripples trembled, and although there was no sound, it seemed that there was such a sound.

Wu Qingwan pulled Zuo Lingquan's hand up, warmed it in her arms, and continued to **** the needle seriously:

"Just touch it, don't mess around. You will accompany Jiang Yi tonight. When she finishes playing with her tail, Jingxuan and I will go over again, or she will be embarrassed. You gave Jiang Yi such a big chance, but she said no. Said, she must be moved in her heart, and she will absolutely agree to whatever you say in private..."

Zuo Lingquan's hands were very gentle, but he was afraid that Qing Wan would be tired, so he helped hold the heavy weight:

"The chance of the Tianji Temple is in the hands of the ancestors. We just take it for you. If you can't practice the famous hall, you have to return it..."

"Jiang Yi is smart. I can't catch up with you all these years. You can't see how hard I work behind my back. If she dares to accept it, how can she make you empty the bamboo basket and carry the burden even if she tries to do anything..."

As Wu Qingwan spoke, her hands froze again, a blush appeared on her cheeks, she sat up straight, and pulled Zuo Lingquan's hand away from under the flower carp.

Zuo Lingquan left Wenrou Township, feeling cold in his hands, and said doubtfully:

"what's wrong?"

There is a reaction, what can I do...

Wu Qingwan blinked her eyes to moisten her eyes. She was embarrassed to say that her heart was unstable, so she glared at Zuo Lingquan and buried her head in needles.

Zuo Lingquan was a little dazed, not knowing what he had done wrong to make Wanwan unhappy, so he could only look at it properly and say some sweet words to make Qingwan happy.

After about two quarters of an hour, Wu Qingwan finished piercing the needle, closed her shirt, lowered her head and kissed Zuo Lingquan's lips, and when she got up, she changed back to her dignified and gentle elder appearance, and put away the golden needle medicine bottle. :

"Okay, let's go out."

Zuo Lingquan stood up, put his robe on his body, looked at Qing Wan's back, thought about it and asked:

"Wanwan, are you unhappy that I didn't find a chance for you?"

Wu Qingwan's eyes were a little helpless, and she took out a green peach pit with her backhand:

"This thing is enough for me for a lifetime, why am I unhappy? Go ahead and do your job, and I'll reward you when you have a chance to be alone."

Zuo Lingquan smiled, leaned up and kissed Qingwan's face, then walked out the door.

The room was quiet.

"This kid..."

Wu Qingwan raised her hand and touched her cheek. After Zuo Lingquan left, she raised her eyes to look at herself in the bronze mirror.

The beauty in the mirror can't tell her age, only the gentle and familiar beauty, her appearance is very familiar, but her temperament is already different from that of Wu Shishu in the Phoenix Valley, she is just a virtuous and gentle little woman.

Wu Qingwan blinked, unconsciously remembering the night she received the carp in the flowers and put it on in the bronze mirror to look at it alone.

At that time, the woman in the mirror was carrying the heavy responsibilities of the sect, with the worries of the sect and the expectations for the avenue of longevity in her heart, her eyes were firm, but it was difficult to hide the emptiness and loneliness in the bottom of her heart, and her expectations for life were deeply suppressed. the bottom of my heart.

Now there is no independent perseverance on the face, just like a gentle little woman, but the yearning and nostalgia for beauty can always be shown in the eyes.

I am afraid that a woman will like herself more now.

Wu Qingwan smiled, and a thought flashed through her mind:

When the ancestor of Shangguan looked in the mirror alone, would she have the same thoughts as she did back then?

If so, I also hope that the ancestors of Shangguan can one day be like her, touching her unchanging cheeks and smugly alone in front of the dressing table...



Zuo Lingquan stood behind the bonsai and looked at the mature woman in the window who was smiling in the mirror. Although he didn't understand the meaning of that charming smile, he also smirked.

He has practiced since childhood, and has done everything for his cultivation, not for the short-lived joy between the bed and the bed, but for the smile from the bottom of his heart from the people around him.

This smile, better than anything in the world, made him willing to save even a quarter of an hour with his life.

Of course, it’s best to last forever. Since you can live forever with the world, why can’t you let this smile last forever…


Zuo Lingquan was slightly absent-minded under the smile, and was awakened by a familiar dumpling.

Looking back, on the riverside outside, Tang Jingxuan put the fishing rod under his arm and held a miscellaneous book in his hand. Judging from the picture above, it was "The Prestigious Valkyrie" that he bought at the market today. He is very serious, and he makes a "cut~" from time to time. Looking at the expression, he should be chatting with the ancestors in his heart. Just by looking at his eyes, he knows that he is saying:

"Mother-in-law, you are called more saint than a saint, aren't you ashamed?"

The dumpling squatted pitifully in front of him, pointing at the floating fish float on the water with his wings, reminding his mother who had been sleepless and sleepless after reading the book—don’t look at it, I’m hooked for dinner, and I’ll run away later...

With a smile on his face, Zuo Lingquan didn't bother to disturb the ancestors of Jing You and Luo.

Not long after the few people came back from the street, they went out for a walk and naturally bought a lot of things. In addition to the medicinal materials needed for cultivation, there were also many local specialties and souvenirs.

In the back room, Leng Zhu was sitting at the table, with a large pile of sundries in front of him, portraits of sword gods, Taoist ancestral family Ping An Fu, quirky ornaments produced in Guigu Gorge, and so on.

Because I made a lot of money in the Mausoleum of the Immortal Kings, my family business is relatively large now, and I even bought a 'Water Moon'; Leng Zhu is testing, and in the water moon in the shape of a bronze mirror, I don't know which sect's famous mouth is talking :

"...I saw the sword demon Zuo Ci, standing in front of the excellent cliff with one sword and one sword, and the sword intent went straight to the bullfight, with a feeling of 'tens of thousands of men are like ants, only I am a true fairy'..."

Leng Zhu held his cheek and smirked, as if listening to others brag about himself.

Zuo Lingquan actually wanted to give Leng Zhu a meat meal, but Leng Zhu was not a maid in his heart, but a well-behaved and warm-hearted little girl, a complete woman. He opened meat for the sake of eating meat, which was obviously a slight to Leng Zhu, so Never had a crooked thought.

These things can only be seriously pondered after the busy work is done.

After Zuo Lingquan glanced twice, he entered the east wing.

The east wing was lit, the long sword 'Red Lady' was placed on the sword table, and there were several items on the table, newly bought skirts, books, etc., but Jiang Yi was not in front of him.

Zuo Lingquan turned his eyes and saw that in the back room, Jiang Yi was wearing a light red nightdress, made of tulle, through which he could see the mandarin duck apron and thin trousers below. Although the size of the placket could not be exaggerated, the proportions of the curves were perfect. From head to toe, there is not a single flaw in sight, and it is no exaggeration to describe it as 'bee waist, round hips, beautiful shoulders, slashing angels in the red gauze tent'.

At this time, Jiang Yi was sitting alone on the stool. It seemed that she had just put on her rouge seriously. Her lips were so red that people couldn't take their eyes away. Holding a black armguard, he is looking at it seriously.

On the dressing table in front of him, there are also a circle of red rope, a brand-new red fox tail, and fox ears...

I go……

Zuo Lingquan saw the stance of preparing for a big fight, and the youthful spirit that had been diluted by warmth just now got up again!

He closed the door softly with his hand and came to the door of the back room, not wanting to disturb Jiang Yi.

But how could Jiang Yi not notice when such a big man walked in from the door.

When Jiang Yi Yuguang noticed someone was coming in, she quickly hid the wristbands behind her back, looking like she was afraid that Ling Ye would come back, so she borrowed the things that her husband gave her to play with, and then went back and forth.

However, after discovering that it was Zuo Lingquan, Jiang Yi was taken aback for a moment, then her face flushed, and she grabbed the 'torture tool' on the dressing table and hid it behind her back:

"You...why didn't you knock on the door when you came in?"

Zuo Lingquan saw everything, his eyes were as serious as possible, and he came to look left and right:

"What door do I knock on when I enter the daughter-in-law's house? What is hidden behind my back? Let the husband see it."

Jiang Yi's face flushed, she stood up pretending to be calm, and walked backwards to Linglong Pavilion on the pillow, trying to hide the torture tool in her hand:

"It's nothing, you're the concubine. When you see the princess, you naturally have to knock on the door and go out and come in again, otherwise... eh?"

Judging by Jiang Yi's conduct, Zuo Lingquan's opponent was Zuo Lingquan's tail before he even reached the bed.

Zuo Lingquan looked at the red fox's tail, and from the excellent workmanship, he could see Qingwan's caring and thoughtful 'the niece's clothes are tightly sewn before leaving'.

Jiang Yi looked at Zuo Lingquan's playful eyes, panicked in her heart, she had some courage at first, but when it really came to a critical juncture, she wanted to escape immediately, so she lowered her head and was ready to go out, looking for my aunt to **** her.

But after walking a few steps, Jiang Yi found that she was wearing a nightdress and not wearing a nightdress. .

How could Zuo Lingquan be pushed by Jiang Yi, raised his hand to embrace Jiang Yi, sat down beside the bed, and threw his tail aside:

"Okay, okay, Her Royal Highness is not willing to go back and forth, how can I force the princess..."

"Who backtracked?"

Jiang Yi glared slightly, but immediately felt that something was wrong, and the momentum weakened again:

"I... I'm just saying that you don't knock on the door when you enter the house, and I didn't say anything like that... I'm not afraid of what Ling Ye Hu Meizi can do."

Zuo Lingquan lay down on the pillow and patted his side:

"Don't be brave, or you won't be considerate of your daughter's feelings afterward, and you will be scratched for several days."

Jiang Yi hesitated, made the appearance of someone who came over, lay down beside the pillow, and put her hands on her waist:

"I'm not afraid of you for the first time. What's this, it can't be more painful than that time... By the way, this set of Immortal King Kai, did you find it specifically for me?"

Zuo Lingquan looked at the wrist guard in Jiang Yi's hand and said with a smile:

"It's not special, but I happened to meet it. In the hands of the ancestor, I wanted it but couldn't say it, but Qiu Tao mentioned it. I said it according to the situation, and the ancestor agreed."

"Then what is the Patriarch of the Qu family, you beat him down, this thing is not yours."

Jiang Yi touched the black wrist guard and placed it next to the pillow:

"I took a closer look just now. The martial arts and skills inside are a bit esoteric. They are divided into four levels of 'Jiyue Tongliang'. The Qu family's patriarch has practiced the first level at most. If he can practice the second level and the third level, you estimate Can't beat..."

Zuo Lingquan spread his arms and let Jiang Yi lean on them:

"The head of the Qu family doesn't know, but if the princess has reached the second and third levels, it would be easy to beat me to the ground."

Jiang Yi glanced at Zuo Lingquan, saw that he was coaxing his little daughter-in-law, and snorted softly:

"You don't believe me, do you? When I practice such a technique, it will be the day when I will be the master of the house. At that time, what you say will be useless, I will first beat Ling Ye Hu Meizi, and then I will be the master every day. Look at her face, and you, let her listen outside the window..."

Having said that, Jiang Yi was a little less confident and added:

"She is very talented. If I don't surpass her, can't rely on her for everything, or I will go back to my mother's house with my aunt..."

Zuo Lingquan smiled and hugged Jiang Yi tighter:

"Okay, see which of you practice fast, if you surpass me in the future, I can eat soft rice with peace of mind."

Jiang Yi was slightly silent, and hummed softly:

"When we met back then, you couldn't practice. I chose you to be my concubine because I wanted to support you for the rest of my life, so that you could eat this princess's soft rice with peace of mind... Who would have thought that you were so capable, and asked for trouble... "

"How can you call yourself asking for trouble? It's called vision. The Jing Terrace is just opposite the mountain. There are so many fairies in it, but they didn't find me such a golden tortoise-in-law, but Her Royal Highness caught a glimpse of me. Isn't this a sight like a torch?"

Jiang Yi blinked, feeling that this statement was okay, smiled, and leaned her cheek on her shoulder:

"It's good to know, anyway, I'm the first to meet you..."

"When I went to the capital, the first person I met was Jingxun."

"Uh...the first one I Auntie?"


Zuo Lingquan's eyes moved, and he felt as if he was caught in a proposition and did not dare to speak.

Jiang Yi pursed her lips and patted Zuo Lingquan's chest:

"Anyway, their names were not right at that time. I was the first one, the youngest and the oldest..."

"The youngest is Qiu... Leng Zhu, right?"

"Leng Zhu is my person, doesn't it represent me..."

Jiang Yi glanced at the window, thought about it and whispered:

"Would you like to call Leng Zhu in? She is in a hurry in private. If I don't perform my duties as a young lady, she will probably rebel..."

"Let's talk about it later, it's too insincere here."

Zuo Lingquan chatted a few words, and found that he was a little absent-minded, and his mind was on Jiang Yi, so he put his arms around Jiang Yi's shoulders and hugged her to lie on his body:

"Do you want to talk while practicing?"

Jiang Yi had no opinion, and picked up the red rope next to her:

"How is this thing used? I asked my aunt, but she didn't tell me."

"It's for tying people. I'll talk about it later. Come and put on the fox ears and let me see."


Jiang Yi didn't hesitate about put the red fox ears in the bun, looking more like a glamorous little fox.


"Pretty, where's the tail, I'll put it on for you..."

"Hey, don't worry, let's talk... What is the fox calling?"

"What's the name of a fox? Um...ah, ah..."

"Be serious, that's a fox."

"The fox really screams like that. I used to see two of them from Qinghe County. I saw them when I was a child. When they screamed and rolled their eyes with the princess... oh—it hurts..."




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