Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 470: Experiment

next morning.

Sulu opened his eyes: "The feeling of exhaustion...the body of an ordinary familiar..."

Originally, after being promoted to a professional, after being baptized by the extraordinary, he has very little need for rest such as sleep, especially after the fifth level.

But now, he suddenly became an ordinary person again.

Because I stayed up too late to play with my mobile phone yesterday, not only did I not feel refreshed when I woke up in the morning, but I was dizzy and my limbs were weak.

After a brief wash in front of the mirror, he saw a young man with bewildered eyes and a beard.

"This kind of life is really miserable..."

Sulu patted his face, came to the door, and closed the rolling door with a bang.

Although the business of this small shop is bleak, it serves three meals a day and sells steamed stuffed buns and soy milk in the morning.

For the original Bai Jing, it is natural to get up and work every day before dawn to witness the dawn of the city.

But Sulu?

I'm in a bad mood and I don't work anymore!

He randomly found a piece of paper, wrote a few words and pasted it on the door, and then walked away.

Shortly after he left.

There were more pedestrians in twos and threes around, a white-collar beauty yawned and came to the door of the small shop.

Li Weiwei is not a foodie.

She just happened to live around here, one of the thousands of cogs in the big city.

Due to the heavy overtime pressure every day, I get up late in the morning, and the working hours are very tight, and I don’t like the few stalls around me that need to wait in line.

She doesn't have much demand for taste, as long as it is clean, she especially hates the feeling of waiting.

Therefore, she is a frequent customer of Baijing Restaurant in the morning - from this, you can know how bleak the restaurant is. It is said that there is no need to wait for breakfast during prime time, and a seat is guaranteed when you enter the restaurant!

But today, Li Weiwei stood at the door of the closed roller shutter, looking at the white paper pasted, feeling a little messed up in the wind.

"You're in a bad mood, so you're closed today?"

She thought of the chef of that restaurant, a handsome young man: "Isn't it fake? If the chef doesn't open the restaurant, are there still billions of property waiting to be inherited? Or has it closed down?"

She stomped her feet and walked towards another breakfast stall that was full of people in a very unhappy manner: ‘Hmph...Even if you open the business, Ms. Ben will never come again. '


There are no emergencies in Sulu, and there is no inheritance of hundreds of millions of family property.

He has almost nothing in this body, not even four digits on his bank card!

But he just had a good day willfully.

After fully feeling the hustle and bustle and vitality of this city, Sulu determined that Blue Star's technology was similar to that before he traveled here.

What should appear, basically appeared.

"There's no room to take advantage of..."

Su Luluo got on the bus with some regrets and began to worry about life.

Each world has unique rules.

In this world, extraordinary power is forbidden, not only the ancient Ram language and ancient Hebrew language, but even the arrogant language has lost its original effect.

He's just a normal guy now,

Not to mention pistols, you can kill with a few knives.

"The first spiritual wave, I don't know when it will come..."

With a little sigh, Sulu got off the bus, like a bewildered young man often seen in a big city, returning to his small shop with sleepwalking steps.


It was already dark at this time, but with the orange light of the street lamp, Sulu still saw two figures squatting at the door of his small shop.

'No way? With Bai Jing's cooking skills, there are still such loyal customers? '

Sulu walked over: "Two!"

"it's him!"

"Bai Jing, don't try to run away!"

When the two black shadows saw Sulu, they immediately stood up with a very excited tone.

"Huh? Are you?"

After getting closer, I realized that the two were tall and burly, with fleshy faces. They were not good people at first glance, the kind that could scare a child to tears.

But Sulu has been a human being for several generations, so he naturally knows that judging people by their appearance is very inaccurate.

Some people are good-looking, but they have a human face and a beast's heart, and some people are extremely ugly, but their hearts are very soft.

Of course, there are counterexamples, such as these two goods.

"We are from a small loan company, Bai Jing! You are overdue, plus interest, you have to pay 14,000! Where is the money? Why didn't you answer the phone?"

One of the floral shirts was vicious and authentic.

"A debt collector? Today I turned off my mobile phone." Sulu frowned: "Also...I remember that I didn't have a total loan of 8,000, right? Also, I have paid off several installments."

Of course, he also knows that this kind of company must be able to set up a pretentious name to skyrocket all kinds of interest and handling fees to a terrifying level, and in the end, the fucking interest rate is still within the legal support range!

"Nonsense! Are you still paying it back?"

The younger brother in the floral shirt glanced around and made an OK gesture. There was no surveillance, and no passers-by took pictures! Do whatever you want!

"I have no money!"

Sulu rolled his eyes and told the truth.

Why should I pay back the money my predecessor borrowed based on my ability?


The floral shirt took a step forward, pressed his knuckles with both hands, and made a clucking sound: "Do you want to be beaten up by us, and then stripped naked and posted on Moments?"

"Are you... violent debt collection?"

Sulu frowned: "I feel that my personal safety has been violated, can I defend myself properly?"

"You still dare to resist?"

Flower Shirt felt that he had encountered a neuropathy, and grabbed Sulu's collar with his right hand, planning to slap him hard a few times before saying anything.

But at this moment, Sulu's eyes turned cold.

He let the opponent grab his neckline, put his hands together, and pressed down on the opponent's elbow.

The ferocious force caused the floral shirt to fall forward.


He saw a knee come up, right in the chest.


The flowered shirt rolled backwards and fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

His younger brother was also dumbfounded, he never thought that a young man like Bai Jing dared to fight back and was so fierce.

"What? Are you still coming?"

Sulu's breathing was a little heavy, and a few simple movements were also a burden to this body.

However, the opponent obviously has no fighting experience, so at this time, it is more ruthless and faster than anyone else.

" still dare to hit someone?"

Floral Shirt howled.

"I recorded everything, you guys did it first!"

Sulu took out his mobile phone and turned off the function with a smile: "I'm just self-defense... Besides, I also know a few tricks, which are guaranteed to make you feel more painful, but there is no scar to identify."

He stepped forward, found a few positions, and kicked them over.


The shrill cry made Sulu frown, and he found a piece of cloth to stuff his mouth: "And you!"

He looked at the little brother: "Don't be afraid, there will definitely be no injuries, I just want to ask you to help me with the experiment..."

A moment later, the two figures fled out of the street in embarrassment while supporting each other.

Sulu opened the shutter door, and went back to the house as if nothing had happened. Looking at the attribute bar, a gleam of joy appeared on his face:


:. :

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