Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 593: A World of Despair

Blue Star World.

Since the "God's Punishment", due to the outbreak of the curse, the painting style of the whole world has gradually changed to weird.

Not only humans are cursed by the gods, but other animals and plants are also the same.

Under the double influence of madness and spirituality, all kinds of weird species had the most thorough explosion, completely changing the ecological environment of Blue Star.

All the human countries can't take care of other things, just dealing with the endless mysterious and crazy incidents in their own countries are exhausted.

In various cities, madhouses and mental hospitals are blooming everywhere. It is foreseeable that they will inevitably become important buildings in human gathering places in the future.


Secret realm, within the marble temple.

Sulu's deity dragged his jaw with one hand while looking at the attribute bar.

The above attributes, skills, and passives have not changed much, but there is an additional title of [Spirit Lord].

The biggest change after the upgrade is that in the experience pool, there is a small category of faith value.

According to his attempts, faith value can play the same role as experience, improve attribute skills and passive, and be used for deduction.

At this point, the Faith Gauge is slowly but surely rising.

"It seems that the incarnation has done a good job, but before the belief in the 'spirit master' spreads to many worlds, the experience value brought by harvesting the true spirit of the blue star world is even greater..."

Looking at the huge number in the experience pool, Sulu chuckled and put the experience value into the deduction.

Since the road has been determined, the feedback of the property bar is very fast this time:


[Eighth-level unique occupation: spiritual ruler]

[Employment conditions: Pre-professional 'Lord of the Spirit World',...]

[Ritual: Spread influence in many worlds in the world of all spirits, and dominate the spirituality of many worlds! 】


"Tsk tsk... It's really getting more and more difficult, is it the spirituality that dominates many worlds?"

Sulu pondered for a while: "I thought four incarnations of gods would be enough, but now it seems that it is a bit reluctant."

His deity naturally needs to sit in the blue star world, and an incarnation is determined to be cultivated in the Zotland continent of the main world.

Also, the last avatar needs to be saved for a rainy day.

Therefore, there are only two Avatars of God that can be used at will.

When the deity was meditating, two clusters of light separated from him and turned into two identical incarnations.

"A world that looks for demons, investigates the whereabouts of the abyss and the Tonks couple, and prepares for the final journey to the abyss...a world that looks for a 'suitable' world, dominates its spirituality, and prepares for the next promotion."

The deity said calmly.

The two clones bowed to him at the same time and disappeared.

"[Spiritual Dominator]?"

Sulu chewed on the job name: "The so-called 'dominance' is not just bringing the dawn of the gods... It seems to be another aspect of domination to 'reduce the dimensionality' of a world and bring the dusk of the gods!"

"The current me, of course, can't control the spirituality of the world with a single word, but I'm still a little sure about lurking and gradually influencing."


"The abyss is not in the world of spirits, the fourth layer of the spirit world,

And in a higher star realm! "

"Actually... using the poems of the abyss, you can go on a day trip to the abyss, but that's in front of the devil, so don't even think about any small tricks..."

"Directly entering from the astral realm and passing through the periphery of the Kingdom of God is the second way. However, the gods have an extremely keen sense of the Kingdom of God, and I'm afraid they will be discovered as soon as they enter."

"The last channel is a shortcut opened by the devil to his believers..."

For example, Tonks, Sulu suspected that his body was dead, and his spirit body, with the help of the Botley family background, broke through into the abyss, and he didn't know what kind of creature was reincarnated.

"Once the deity or incarnation enters the abyss, it's tantamount to handing over a business card to the have to find a way to get in."

An avatar of Sulu roams freely in the world of spirits.

At this moment in the Ten Thousand Spirits Realm, an area that is very dangerous even for void creatures, it is a leisurely walk for him.

"In the beginning, it must be an incarnation... Then either I will 'stay' on the demon believer and assist the other party to enter the abyss openly, or I will wash away all the branding of an incarnation and disguise myself as a demon believer to smuggle?"

"The premise of these two methods is to find a world completely controlled by demonic influence."

The main world is not completely controlled by the influence of demons, and it is still competing with Ms. Guanghui for dominance.

A world truly controlled by 'demons' actually has its own unique 'signs'.

For example... the abyss is not just a legend, it may also have a 'connection' or 'gap' with that world, releasing a large number of demonic creatures from time to time.

Moreover, those who have fallen completely have the opportunity to go straight to the abyss!

This also means the existence of the 'Abyss Passage', which can be smuggled and used.

The task of an incarnation of Sulu is to find such a world, obtain enough information, and then try to sneak in.

"But both avatars are me, and the task is not fixed... It depends on the chance. If you encounter a world that is suitable for 'domination', according to the intention of the deity, you can also try to dominate..."

In the process of searching for the blue star world before, Sulu had explored a large number of worlds.

Basically, being influenced by a god has the characteristics of that god.

For example, in a world influenced by the God of War, force must be admired, muscular fighters run rampant, and wars often break out.

The world influenced by the God of Knowledge respects knowledge, scholars have a high status, and even have a unique set of rules, which can directly gain power from the process of understanding the world.

"A world purely influenced by demons... I haven't seen it yet, but if I think about it, I know that it must be shrouded in the most complete despair and chaos..."

Sulu left this star field.

The direction he chose was relatively remote, and he had gradually lost the influence of the gods.

This was also intentionally done by his deity, otherwise, if he was discovered by demons, Ms. Guanghui, or even gods like Svenado during the promotion ceremony, it would basically be over.


In the nothingness of the world of all spirits, Sulu saw a world.

From that direction, he felt a trace of despair.

It was a blue star mixed with a ray of scarlet light.

"It seems to be a world in the twilight period of the gods. No, it is more severe than the twilight of the gods. There is almost no spirituality, but it is better than the blue star world that was completely free from demons. It can be regarded as a world of 'micro-demons'."

He got a little bit of starlight and entered the dream world.

Immediately, a surprised expression appeared on his face: "There has never been a god or an incarnation. I was only affected by a god from a very remote place. Is it so hopeless?"

He is still very familiar with that god.

Ms. Moon!

:. :

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