Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 746: Story

"Sivenado's real body... is hidden, and I can't find where it is..."

"However...he can't find me, after all, this is still a neutral world, not someone's kingdom of God, and he only has the rank of '7'..."

"It's just that he hides it very well, so I can't expose it first."

Sulu restrained the brilliance of his body in a low-key manner, and landed on the edge of a forest.

Once upon a time, this place was an inexhaustible treasure house for nearby farmers, but now it brings only fear.

The forked branches are like all kinds of stumps and arms, stretching ferociously in all directions... The trees are not full of sweet and delicious fruits, but all kinds of strange and hideous objects.

For example... There are bloodshot eyeballs, some of which are still dripping blood.

The painting style of the entire forest suddenly became very curious.

All the breath in Sulu's body was restrained, like an ordinary farmer, stepping on the black grass that would scream after stepping on it, he came to a fruit tree.

There are three twisted tree holes in the trunk of this fruit tree, forming a screaming human face.


Sulu reached out directly, picked out a string of eyeballs, and popped one at random.

"Hmm... it smells like grapes, and the taste should be good. Apart from making the person who eats it crazy, there are no other side effects..."

He nodded approvingly.

At this time, the fruit tree seemed to finally react, and let out a high-pitched scream like a woman.

"If you want to take must...answer me...a question!"

From the twisted trunk, came the voice of the fruit tree: "What animal...has eight legs in the morning, four in the noon, and two in the evening?"


Sulu's expression turned cold: "It's not sincere at all to take this kind of question."

He turned and left.

"Despicable thief!"


The fruit tree was gorgeously angry.

Its branches are all moving, like dexterous arms, sweeping towards Sulu.

Of course, in the end, the ground and soil could only be drawn helplessly.

"Hmm... It seems that there is still a certain range limit. Its roots cannot leave the soil... Otherwise, the forest will migrate? Then the human world will be even more messed up."

Sulu identified the direction and walked towards a countryside.


"a long long time ago……"

On the haystack in the threshing floor, there was an old man smoking a pipe.

Beside him, surrounded by a group of innocent teenagers and children.

There are men and women, with quick eyes, the only thing in common is that they are all sallow and thin, with longing in their eyes.

The white-bearded grandfather took a puff from his pipe and began to tell the story: "At that time, the crops growing on the land could fill the entire warehouse, the forest was full of sweet fruits and mushrooms, and the dwarves and elves were always hospitable... They live in mushrooms the size of houses."

"Grandpa Edson..."

A little boy raised his hand and said, "But now, Mom and Dad say that the forest is a forbidden area, and there are terrible man-eating monsters in it..."

"Ahem...don't you want to hear my story?"

Edson slowly exhaled a smoke ring, which immediately made the children shut their mouths.

"Our place is the core area of ​​the entire Stanley Continent... the birthplace of many fairy tales... When I was young, I once heard a story about peas sung by a bard who hadn't lost his mind... the protagonist of the story , is the son of a farmer on the plain, he is young and handsome, his family is very poor, one day, he went to the forest to cut firewood, and met a little fairy..."

"The little fairy was injured, one of her wings was broken, she hid behind the flower bone, crying."

"The farmer's son asked: 'Beautiful little one, is there anything I can do for you?' The little fairy felt his kindness, and timidly came out from behind the flowers, saying: 'I am missing something. One wing, unable to fly.'”

"The farmer's son is a man of ingenuity. He quickly found a way to recreate a wing for the little fairy with green leaves and petals. The little fairy flew up and circled around him happily: 'Good boy! Human, thank you for your help, please accept my thank you.", she flew into the flowers, and not long after, she came out holding a pea seed as big as her head...After planting it, your wish will be fulfilled be realized."

"The farmer's son brought home pea seeds, planted them in the fence, and watered them with spring water every day... Soon, the peas sprouted, and the vines grew and grew until they reached the sky..."

"In the sky?" "What's in the sky?" The children couldn't wait to ask.

Edson paused for a moment, until a little girl stepped forward and beat him on the shoulder, and then he continued with satisfaction: "There is a little fairy's magic in the pea, which can satisfy a person's wish. Legend has it that someone got countless Wealth, but that's not our story...the farmer's son climbed the vine, and climbed and climbed, and he climbed into the clouds, got to the top of the vine, and saw a castle!"

"The castle is very tall, and there is still a distance from the top of the vine."

"In the castle, there lived a beautiful princess. She had a wise lion teacher and a nasty toad mother... On this day, the princess happened to look out the window alone and saw the farmer's son. "

"The farmer's son shouted: 'Please help me, beautiful lady.'"

"The princess covered her eyes: 'Mother Toad who look like you are bad people.'"

"The farmer's son quickly replied: 'In the name of the little fairy, I am not a bad person.' He told the story of how he helped the little fairy."

"At this time, the princess thought of the wise teacher Lion, who is very good friends with the elves, so she lowered the rope ladder and let the farmer's son climb up the last section."

"They fell in love with each other, and with the help of the wise lion, they left the castle in the sky and returned to the earth, and lived happily ever after."


"It feels a bit unfinished. Why did you fall in love when we met? Isn't it too fast?"

An unfamiliar voice cut in.

Edson raised his head and saw a young outsider standing beside him, as if he had been listening for a long time.

"Who knows... It's just a fairy tale anyway, maybe the bard back then forgot the last part..."

Edson tapped his pipe and stared at Sulu: "It's rare to see outsiders like you now."

In the past, the food in the village was rich, and it treated foreigners with enthusiasm.

But now, the situation is completely different. No one can ask someone to take food to help outsiders when they are not full.

Also, there's the example of the crazy bard.

There was a hint of vigilance in Adelson's eyes.

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