Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 1012 Confiscation (2)

On the way back, the machine gunner leaned against the bulkhead, yawned lazily, and complained. "Do these Americans think it's still the War of Independence? They can win with just a few broken guns? There are no French people to help now."

If you carefully read the early history of American independence, in a flash of understatement, it is not difficult to see that the real founding father of the United States is someone else, and this person is King Louis XVI of France. An unlucky king who borrowed money to help other countries fight a war, but ultimately lost his life. According to current sayings, this man is a real soldier sent by a certain industry: he relies solely on his passion, regardless of rewards, and ultimately sacrifices himself. own.

Why did France join the American Revolution?

The American Revolutionary War lasted from 1775 to 1783. Before this, two major European military groups fought for the colonies: the British-Prussian Alliance and the French-Austrian-Russian Alliance, and the war happened to cover North America.

Because the war period lasted exactly seven years from 1756 to 1763, it was also called the "Seven Years' War". In the end, the British Alliance won, and France signed the most humiliating Treaty of Paris. Although Britain won a complete victory, it spent the war expenses It was all blamed on the North American colonies, and it also paved the way for North American independence.

When the United States launched the War of Independence, France, in order to wash away its previous humiliation and stand at the top of Europe again, united with the Netherlands and Spain to support the then United States. Large purchases of North American debt and even dispatch of military support have exacerbated France's already heavy economic burden. The French high-level officials could only raise taxes, and the people were miserable. They were also affected by the American independence and participated excessively in the American Revolutionary War. In the end, the Great Revolution broke out, Louis XVI was killed, and France moved from monarchy to republic.

Therefore, there is a joke among American people that "Louis XVI is the founding father of the United States."

This time, the French not only refused to help, but also joined the European coalition to attack the United States; in short, the United States today is completely isolated and helpless, unless God shows up to help them. However, he is also an atheist and has always scorned the theory of gods and monsters.

Soon they returned to the base and landed on an apron. The ground crew immediately stepped forward to refuel the helicopter and add ammunition, carefully inspected each component, and after confirming that there were no problems, took off again and headed to the next town.

They "visited" six small towns in total that day, and there were dozens of such helicopter groups.

The next day, when they flew over Town No. 31 again, they saw white flags hanging everywhere in the town.

"Tsk, why bother in the first place?" The driver curled his lips disdainfully and informed the ground troops behind.

Soon, several armored vehicles and two trucks drove to the entrance of the town.

At this time, there were several middle-aged people standing at the entrance of the town. Next to them were several large boxes filled with various firearms.

A German second lieutenant got off the armored vehicle and came to these people. The haggard faces of these people were full of grief, anger and unwillingness, but the German second lieutenant turned a blind eye to this and asked. "Who is the mayor here?"

The oldest-looking middle-aged man among them spoke. "I am the mayor of this town, and these two are the sheriff and law enforcement officers of the town."

"I don't think we need to introduce ourselves. After all, I'm just here to collect these weapons. I won't stay long." As he said this, the German second lieutenant walked to the big boxes. "Tsk tsk, that's quite a lot." Looking at the size of this town, there are only more than 1,000 households, and the number of these guns is far more than a thousand.

"Hey?!" The German second lieutenant suddenly let out a surprised cry, reached out and pulled out one of the flintlock guns, held it in his hand and looked at it carefully, and couldn't help but marvel.

The soldiers on the side couldn't help but wonder. "Platoon leader, is there anything special about this gun?" He knew that the flintlock gun was old, but he didn't see anything special about it.

The ensign pointed to the production year 1809 stamped on the butt. "This is a 1809-style rifle, and it should be the first batch of production. My uncle has an ancestral one at home, but his one was produced in 1812."

Due to the early Holy Roman Empire period, Germany was not a serious unified country, but a nominal empire composed of various principalities and states. Therefore, the administrative capabilities are very poor, unlike the British who unified the Brown Bess as the military standard rifle in the 18th century.

At that time, the German firearms were a mess, and there was no unified standard. It was not until 1809 that Prussia, which was in the process of modernizing its army, officially adopted the 1809 type as its standard rifle. At this time, most of the flintlocks and smoothbores of various countries were copied from the M1777 that was commonly used during the Napoleonic Wars in France. But 18 and the French are 5mm, so the Prussians can pick up the French lead pellets and shoot them out. Although the accuracy and range are relatively poor, they can still be used. If the French picked up a Prussian lead shot, they would not be able to use it unless they filed off a circle.

By 1841, the Germans came up with an epoch-making rifle for the first time, the Dreiser needle gun.

It is breech loading, which not only has a fast rate of fire, but also solves the problem of rifled guns being inconvenient to load from the muzzle. The flash cap is also integrated into the integrated paper-packed bullet, fired by the slender firing pin on the bolt, and locked by a rotating bolt (the world's first rotating bolt-action rifle).

It can be said that this design of rotating bolt + breech + rifled + full-load ammunition was overwhelming at the time. Moreover, there was no need to stand and pour gunpowder from the muzzle for loading. Prussian soldiers could lay down and shoot, and they would take care of Denmark and Austria. Countries that were still queuing up to be shot were just like playing, thus gradually establishing a complete German Empire.

"Ha!" After hearing the history of this gun introduced by the second lieutenant, the soldier said with surprise. "Then this gun has a history of more than 130 years?" What is the concept of 130 years? It is almost as old as his grandfather's grandfather.

"Yes, it can be entered into a museum. And this gun is quite well maintained, and it might even be able to fire bullets." Some couldn't put it down and played with the 1809-style rifle for a while, and then the platoon leader got down to business. "Mayor, everyone. I won't go in to search. I hope these are all the guns in your town. If someone is found to have hidden guns in the future and has not handed them over, it will not be a matter of one or two lives. .As the leader of a town, you and you, naturally, cannot escape the involvement."

The platoon leader waved his hand and ordered all the guns to be loaded onto the truck. "One more thing, mayor, in the next few days you have to come up with the town's population statistics; age, gender, occupation, etc., the more detailed the better, someone will come to register in a few days."

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