Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 303 Asking for help

The First World War lasted for 4 years and 3 months. In this war, more than 30 countries were involved, with a population of about 1.5 billion, accounting for 67% of the world's total population at that time, and 30 million casualties. . Calculated in U.S. dollars at the time, the direct economic losses of the participating countries were as high as 180.5 billion U.S. dollars, and the indirect economic losses also reached 151.6 billion U.S. dollars. The war mainly took place in Europe, and some estimate that Europe's industrial production levels have regressed by at least eight years.

After the war, the Allied Powers and the Entente Powers both shouted a slogan, which only had 9 words: the war to end all wars.

Just 9 words, but it is the biggest lie in the world.

Obviously, Britain was also deceived by this lie. After World War I, Britain invested less and less in national defense, so that even its proud naval ships were almost the foundation of World War I.

As a result, Germany suddenly launched an attack 20 years later, and Britain was unable to find its way to the north.

Now that the British Empire was mobilized for war, all resources were concentrated for national defense. As an old empire with a strong foundation, Churchill was confident that in just one year, the British Empire would be able to organize a powerful army; in two years, the navy would be able to crush the German navy; in just three years, the British Empire would be stronger than any time in history. All powerful.

However, they take time.

The morale of the German army, which had just defeated France, was high. They might launch a cross-sea landing operation in a few days. By then, the British Empire would be in danger; no matter how strong their foundation was, they would be of no use.

Therefore, Churchill sent people everywhere to seek help. As long as there was a glimmer of hope, whether it was the terrible Red Empire or Italy, which was about to declare war on France, he would win over.

You must know that because of ideological issues, the United Kingdom has always been extremely hostile to the Soviet Union. Even if it wanted to ask the Soviet Union for help on the Polish issue, it was only superficial. In the heart, even if the United Kingdom agreed with Germany, Nor would they identify with the Soviet Union.

But now, Britain is facing a critical moment of life and death, and it doesn't care what ideology it is. As long as it can survive this crisis, it will be no problem to become brothers with the Soviet Union.

Although Germany and the Soviet Union seemed very friendly on the surface, and German shipyards built aircraft carriers for the Soviet Union, the British felt that the relationship between the two countries could change at any time, or even turn against each other.

Take the Spanish Civil War a few years ago as an example. Although their respective identities were not revealed, the whole world knew that the Soviet Union and Germany fought a war, and the Soviet Union was defeated.

Can the Soviet Union swallow this breath?

Moreover, Churchill also analyzed that during the Polish campaign, the Soviet Union and Germany originally planned to carve up Poland; but the Soviet army was really weak, and as a result, the entire Poland was occupied by Germany.

Wouldn’t the Soviet Union be jealous?

Moreover, the Soviet Union has always wanted to extend their "magic grip" into Europe and export their colorism. The Spanish Civil War was an attempt. And now Germany has occupied a large area of ​​European territory; in this case, what should the Soviet Union do? Continue to watch?

Maybe with a little provocation, the Soviet Union may participate in this war. As long as the Soviet Union restrains Germany from the east, Britain can survive!

With this mission in mind, British envoy Robert Anthony Eden was sent to the Soviet Union.

Robert Anthony Eden can be said to be a "young success". He joined the Royal Infantry Regiment in World War I. He fought on the French front and was awarded the Cross of Merit for his military exploits. He became a member of the House of Commons at the age of 26 and became a member of the House of Commons at the age of 34. He became Under-Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Lord Privy Seal of the British Empire at the age of 37, and Foreign Secretary for the first time at the age of 38. This time, he went to the Soviet Union for negotiations in his dual capacity as Foreign Secretary and head of the British delegation. Looking back at the world situation over the years and looking at the land of Russia outside the window, Aiden is really feeling a little emotional!

In the past, he had traveled to Moscow via the European continent, but this time he was forced to take a detour through the Middle East. Aiden once again experienced the hugeness of Russia and its seemingly endless war potential, which was unmatched by the British Isles.

Since 1933, he has been ordered to Paris, Berlin, Rome, Geneva and Moscow many times, visited Sweden, Norway and Denmark, and held talks with leaders of many countries on the international situation. Eden met twice with the German Foreign Minister in February 1934 and March 1935: he was not deceived by Germany's promises of peace that concealed its aggressive intentions. Advocate for the establishment of a European collective security system. Aiden's views attracted attention in British political circles. Churchill, who did not participate in the government at the time, called him "the only outstanding member of the government."

In 1935, Eden became foreign secretary, the beginning of his rise to power. He showed a tougher attitude toward Germany than his predecessor: "You must not make concessions just to appease Germany, because that will only backfire and make its appetite grow bigger and bigger." But he was still conservative. For the benefit of the British Empire, On the issues of the "Rhine Demilitarized Zone" and the Spanish Civil War, he tends to be conservative - for example, he openly exchanged arms embargo memorandums with the French government and agreed to ban the export of weapons to Spain, hoping to reduce the risk of arms embargo through "non-intervention" The dangers of war.

He resigned as Foreign Secretary in February 1938 because of Chamberlain's appeasement policy. As a result, Lord Halifax, known as the "first mate on the appeasement ship", succeeded him as Foreign Secretary.

Less than a month after Eden resigned, Chamberlain, together with France's Daladier and Mussolini, signed the Munich Agreement selling Czechoslovakia to Germany. That agreement was strongly opposed by three Conservative MPs including Eden and Churchill. Not only that, Eden, Churchill and others also believed that an alliance with the Soviet Union was necessary to achieve peace. Under pressure from the situation and public opinion. The British and French governments sent representatives to Moscow to negotiate with the Soviet Union. Aiden volunteered to go to Moscow for negotiations. But Chamberlain refused.

In 1939, Germany attacked Poland, and Britain was forced to declare war on Germany. Eden returned to the cabinet as Minister of Dominion Affairs. Later, Churchill succeeded Chamberlain as Prime Minister of the Cabinet. Eden was favored by Churchill and served as Foreign Secretary for the second time.

Finally, he came to the Kremlin and saw Stalin, who looked a little gloomy.

Stalin did not have a good impression of Britain. After the October Revolution, the Soviet Union successfully overthrew the feudal rule of the Tsar and transitioned from a dictatorship to G-ism. After Stalin took over the Soviet power, the so-called Sovietism in the Soviet Union was not particularly perfect; When the whole of Europe was a capitalist country, the unique regime of the Soviet Union was undoubtedly provoking Britain and France, which were the hegemons of Europe at the time!

The fact is exactly like this. Britain, France and other countries were worried about the growing power of the Soviet Union. At the same time, they carried out the isolation policy to the greatest extent against the Soviet Union, eager to wipe them out in their infancy. Moreover, they secretly supported the White Bandits of Tsarist Russia. The Soviet Union fought a civil war for a long time.

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