Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 341 Soviet-Finnish War (10)

Anatoly, the commander of the SB-2 bomber group who finally escaped back to Leningrad, went straight to the headquarters as soon as he got off the plane and informed the frontline commander General Meretskov of the strange situation they encountered. "Comrade Commander, Comrade Commander! We were intercepted by enemy fighter jets and suffered heavy losses. The enemy fighter jets were not Fokkers at all!"

General Meretskov frowned slightly. "Then what kind of fighter jet is the opponent? Is it possible that there are external forces supporting Finland?"

Anatole looked around cautiously, and then spoke cautiously after making sure there was no one else. "Comrade Commander, the one intercepting us is a LaG-3 fighter jet!"

"What?! The Finnish fighter jet is Lag-3?!" General Meretskov was suddenly shocked. "Are you crazy?! The Lager-3 is our fighter jet! It has just been produced, how could it appear in Finland?!"

"Comrade Commander, I am very sober now. How dare I talk nonsense about this kind of thing? It is indeed the LAG-3 fighter that is intercepting us! I can vouch for it with my head!"

General Meretskov asked dubiously. "Did you see clearly? You can't talk about this kind of thing!!"

Anatole assured him. "General, I saw it clearly! Not only me, but also the other pilots saw it. There were bright red five-pointed stars printed on the fuselages of those planes. If you don't believe me, you can ask other pilots."

"!!" This matter is no small matter. The fighter jets that our side has just started to produce are actually equipped by the other side first? Also used to attack our own bombers? ! It sounds really incredible! This may involve a serious leak of secrets, and it may be caused by enemy agents infiltrating into our own side.

General Meretskov shuddered at the thought of enemy agents, and immediately called for the other pilots and asked them in detail. As a result, every pilot swore that it was indeed a LaG-3 fighter jet that intercepted them.

Now General Meretskov did not dare to delay at all and reported directly to Stalin in the Kremlin.

Stalin, who received the report, was naturally furious and ordered Beria to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Beria, who was born in 1899, showed calmness and cruelty when he participated in suppressing the Georgian national uprising at the age of 25, and he was soon promoted to the leader of the Georgian secret police.

It was in 1933 that he gained Stalin's appreciation and rose to prominence. Stalin, who was on vacation in Georgia at the time, was suddenly attacked. Beria heroically protected Stalin and killed the assassin on the spot. Some people say that Beria planned the attack in order to attract Stalin's attention, but there is no basis for this theory.

From then on, Stalin had great trust in his fellow Georgian and promoted him exceptionally. Beria was quickly transferred to Moscow and successively served as the second-in-command of some important institutions. These institutions either did not have a first-in-command, or the first-in-command was just a fictitious one. Beginning in 1938, Beria was in charge of the Soviet police, intelligence, and paramilitary forces for nearly 20 years.

Beria was an active participant and planner in Stalin's purges, ordering the executions of millions of people. After the Soviet-German war broke out, Beria became a member of the National Defense Commission, responsible for domestic security, foreign intelligence, armaments and weapons production. He used millions of Gulag prisoners to produce military supplies for the Soviet army.

During the Yalta Conference in 1945, Stalin said when introducing Beria to US President Roosevelt, "This is the Himmler of the Soviet Union", which shows what kind of figure he was.

Beria, who received Stalin's order, did not dare to delay, and immediately personally summoned people to go to the Lavochkin Design Bureau to conduct an investigation.

The first to be detained were the three leaders of the design bureau, Lavochkin, Gorbunov and Gudkov. Afterwards, from senior engineers to ordinary workers, all personnel related to the Lavochkin Design Bureau were subject to the most stringent scrutiny without exception. Such scrutiny continued until the outbreak of all-out war.

The famous Lavochkin Design Bureau in the original time and space was paralyzed (during World War II, the factory provided 22,000 pull-type aircraft to the front line, that is, one out of every three fighters of the Soviet Air Force at that time was a Lavochkin Design Bureau) The aircraft has even designed excellent fighter jets such as the La-5 and the La-7. You must know that the La-5/La-7 has a lighter body, a smaller turning radius, and a faster climb speed at low altitudes. At an altitude of 4,000 meters, it can completely Using its own characteristics to compete with the FW190, the Soviet ace pilot Kozhidub piloted the La-5/7 fighter jet and shot down a total of 62 fighter jets), and never produced another aircraft.

These are all things for later. At this time, the disgraced commander of the 35th Light Tank Brigade Ogurtsov, who was bombed on the front line, looked blankly at the hellish scenes around him.

Countless tanks were blown into flames, and tanks that exploded from time to time in the distance made loud explosions.

The infantrymen who were crowded together suffered countless casualties. The Soviet soldiers who fell to the ground groaned and screamed in pain.

Listening to the cheers coming from the Finnish position opposite, Ogurtsov could only issue the order to retreat in embarrassment. If they don't retreat, they will be completely wiped out after a few more flights from the opponent's plane!

The Soviet troops on other offensive routes were also repelled.

The Finnish Army General Headquarters in the rear was filled with jubilation, and President Kayander even held a celebration banquet for senior officers in the headquarters, Model and others. "This first glass is a toast to our friends."

Although drinking during the war was not appropriate, today's victory was so inspiring that everyone couldn't help but drink a few more drinks, and everyone was a little tipsy.

President Kayander asked, grabbing the hands of Model and Mannerheim. "General Model, Marshal Mannerheim, today we taught the Soviet Union a lesson. I believe that future wars will go smoothly, right?"

Model and Mannerheim looked at each other, Model shook his head with a wry smile. "Your Excellency, with all due respect, the battle in the future will only be more difficult. Today's victory is largely due to the Soviet Union's carelessness. Think about it, if they had a large number of fighter jets escorting them today, their bombers would most likely explode. Destroy our airports and important facilities. The Soviet Union is an artillery doctrine. If they were not careless, they would have bombarded them with artillery for a few days. By then, most of the anti-tank mines we planted would have been detonated, and they would not be able to stop the Soviet tanks at all. I want the Soviet army to regroup and launch a more intense offensive."

President Kayander opened his mouth and said with some frustration. "Then we will be defeated eventually, right?"

Model comforted. "An honorable defeat, Your Excellency."

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