Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 416 V-1 attacks

The "big gift" Yannick prepared for London was the V-1 missile.

The V-1 missile is a flying missile developed by Germany during World War II and is the originator of modern cruise missiles. This is the first missile used in actual combat in human history. The reason for its birth was that German pilots and aircraft suffered huge losses in the Battle of Britain. In order to reduce these losses, the German army had to find a cheaper way. At that time, the V-2 missile The development was in trouble. In order to change the war situation faster, the development work of a new type of missile was started, and the V-1 missile was born.

However, compared to later generations of advanced cruise missiles, the technology of the V-1 at this time was relatively simple. The core components were the guidance system and jet engine. The guidance system consists of a gyro azimuth, airspeed meter, altimeter, mechanical timer, and oil circuit cutter.

Before launching a missile, the launch personnel first calculate the missile's flight direction and flight time based on the map coordinates of the launch site and the map coordinates of the bombing target. After the missile takes off, the gyro azimuth sensor comes into play to ensure that the missile flies in the predetermined direction. The airspeed meter and altimeter ensure the speed and altitude of the missile during flight to prevent it from being intercepted or crashed by the enemy due to too low speed or too high altitude. The mechanical timer calculates the flight time of the missile. When the scheduled flight time is reached, the mechanical timer activates the oil circuit cutter. This instrument cuts off the oil supply, causing the missile to lose power. At the same time, it opens the choke plate to greatly slow down the missile. At this time, the missile dives downward, hits the ground and explodes.

In general, the V-1 at this time does not have GPS navigation and target recognition functions; not to mention advanced technologies such as autonomous route planning. From the outside it looks like a bomb with wings, or a small plane, essentially an unmanned suicide plane.

Yannick had not paid much attention to the production status of V-1 in these years. Until the day before yesterday, when Dr. Obert reported on the progress of rocket research, he asked for instructions on whether to continue production of V1 missiles, which amounted to 30,000 missiles. This really shocked him, and he decided to Clear inventory. Ordered all these V-1 missiles to be fired at London.

That evening, in a newly built launch base next to the V3 artillery base, the soldiers of the Guards' X unit were busy preparing for the launch. They fueled each missile, installed batteries, and filled it with compressed air. It is then transported to the degaussing area and the missile's flight compass is adjusted to ensure that it is consistent with the predetermined target orientation in the installed navigation system.

Finally, these missiles are moved onto the ejection launch rail.

V-1 uses pulse jet, which is simple, practical and low-cost.

The basic principle of generating power is that the inhaled air is burned in the combustion chamber and then injected backward. The air sucked into the engine is mixed with fuel and ignited by the spark plug. Before the mixture is burned, the valve of the inlet is closed rapidly, and the combustion generates a large pulse thrust that rushes out from the exhaust port. After this the air inlet flap opens again to take in air. The engine can complete 42 such cycles per second.

In fact, this is a relatively simple engine, and it was almost killed in the weapons bureau. It can only work at lower altitudes and is difficult to repair and maintain. At the same time, its air inlet valve will soon be worn and penetrated. But for a one-time use weapon like a missile, this kind of engine has great advantages: it has a simple structure, low cost, and high thrust. In addition, it can be fueled by low-grade gasoline instead of using precious high-octane aviation fuel.

However, this thrust is not enough to launch a missile of more than 2 tons, so an acceleration device is used during launch.

The ejection launch rail is a 48-meter-long slope-shaped launcher that uses a steam ejection system. There is a piston groove on the launcher, and a dumbbell-shaped piston is installed in the groove during launch. The missile is placed on a trolley and placed in the piston groove. The piston groove is equipped with a safety pin to prevent the missile from slipping out. When launching, the dumbbell-shaped piston pushes the cart forward quickly and launches the missile.

In addition, the V-1 can also be launched from vehicles and bombers. In the original time and space, the Germans used the He-111 bomber as a launch aircraft to launch missiles towards the UK. This improved mother aircraft removed the bomb racks and associated fuel tanks from the He-111 bomber. A set of V-1 missile launch transmission mechanism and missile pylon were installed under the bomber's left wing. The bomber model name was changed to He-111H-22.

However, the risk factor of bomber launch is quite high. V-1 missiles are very heavy and can easily cause aircraft damage and casualties when launched. A total of 1,200 V-1 missiles were launched this way. At the same time, 77 bombers crashed. In one mission, only two V-1 bombs exploded prematurely after the plane left the runway, resulting in the loss of 12 bombers.

The Germans also considered using German Ar-234 bombers to launch V-1 missiles. It was planned to launch from a launcher temporarily installed on the swivel axis on the back of the bomber. But this plan only remains at the drawing stage.

However, the use of bomber launches was due to the bombing pressure of the Allies, and the German army now uses ground launches so generously.

"Report, ready!"


As the launch button is pressed, streams of compressed air send gasoline containing octane from the missile's fuel tank to a pulse jet engine located above the missile's tail. Then the spark plug began to energize and ignite, the fuel was ignited, the engine made a huge roar, and dazzling flames were sprayed from the rear.

When the engine reached full speed, the catapult suddenly started, pushing the two-ton missile into the sky. When the missile left the launcher, its speed reached 400 kilometers per hour.

Several mosquito bombers that were already hovering in the sky immediately followed, recording every move of these missiles in detail.

"Height 900 meters... 1000 meters... 1500 meters... 2000 meters, reaching the designated flight altitude."

"The engine is fine."

"Flight is normal, flying speed is 640 kilometers."

Soon, the V-1 missile formation flew over the strait.

"A V1 engine has stalled and is falling." Because some technologies are not mature enough, the missile will have mechanical failures from time to time.

When the remaining nine V-1s flew to the center of the strait, British radar also discovered these uninvited guests. Dowding, who had been depressed all day, received the report. "What? Nine enemy planes discovered?"

In fact, there were six Mosquito bombers following them, but as mentioned above, it was difficult for this less advanced radar to detect the Mosquito bombers whose main frame structure was made of wood, and only nine V-1 missiles were detected.

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