While Churchill waited anxiously, the submarine loaded with 200 tons of gold arrived at the Spanish port.

The Spanish heads of state Arias and Salazar, who were discussing matters, received the news and couldn't help laughing. "Hahaha, it's so interesting! I wonder if His Excellency Churchill will explode on the spot if he knows about it in the future." Last time Britain sent 270 tons of gold, 200 tons of which were shipped back to Germany; this time all 200 tons will be shipped to Germany. Germany. If Churchill knew that he had given his gold to Germany in vain, would he be furious on the spot?

After laughing for a long time, Salazar wiped the tears from his eyes and stood up. "I have to go back, so that our Ambassador Samuel will not be impatient. I wonder if they can get so much gold this time."

"If we don't have gold, we can accept anything else, including jewelry, diamonds, antiques, famous paintings...except pounds, anything of value. Aren't there many gems embedded in the crown of His Majesty George VI? Maybe they can be broken off for the sake of the British Empire." Send me a few." As the oldest and most prestigious royal family in the world, the British royal family owns the largest number and most valuable rare treasures.

In the 1980s, Mrs. Thatcher, the then British Prime Minister, sent an inventory team composed of accountants, gemologists, historians and epigraphists to inventory these jewelry. It took fifteen years to complete the work. .

When Salazar returned home, he saw Ambassador Samuel pacing back and forth in the living room with an anxious look on his face. "Sorry, sorry. I have something important to do tonight, so I came back late."

Ambassador Samuel ignored the pleasantries and went straight to the topic. "Your Excellency, Deputy Head of State, the gold has arrived. Where is the secret you mentioned?"

"Of course, I always keep my promises." Salazar signaled Ambassador Samuel to calm down and poured two glasses of wine himself and placed them on the coffee table.

"Your Excellency, Ambassador, I believe you also know what the Germans rely on for their blitzkrieg." Before Ambassador Samuel could speak, Salazar held out two fingers. "Tanks and airplanes." "Blitzkrieg" is not tank warfare or armored warfare, but a multi-arms joint operation. In addition to tanks, there are also airplanes that play a key role in it; even the air force plays a greater role than the tank force. Be bigger.

When attacking Poland, the first German army dispatched was the air force. As soon as the war broke out, a group of bombers taking off from the German mainland flew into Poland and concentrated their attacks on Polish troops, arsenals, airports, railways, roads and bridges. Then the German ground forces, led by tanks and armored vehicles, launched a full-line offensive. At this time, Poland's transportation hubs and command centers were destroyed, and the army fell into chaos. Therefore, the German tank troops easily broke through the Polish defense line and were able to advance straight in.

"What do these tanks and planes rely on to drive them? They rely on oil! Without oil, planes cannot fly, tanks cannot drive, and a lot of advanced weapons become scrap metal."

Ambassador Samuel frowned slightly and interrupted his long speech. "Your Excellency, Deputy Head of State, is this the secret you are talking about? Are you kidding me?"

"Of course not." Salazar said extremely seriously. "As I just said, oil is the lifeblood of Germany. As long as Germany's oil supply is cut off, not to mention Germany's war machine, the entire Germany will be paralyzed, and the war situation will naturally be reversed."

Ambassador Samuel's face was already quite ugly. "You're not talking about the Romanian oil fields, are you?"

Salazar shook his head. "The production of Romanian oil fields is constantly shrinking, and there is not enough oil for Germany to squander." Romania's oil production was 8.71 million tons in 2036, 7.2 million tons in 2037, and 6.2 million tons in 2039. "If Germany had relied on Romanian oil fields, I'm afraid it would have run out of fuel by now. The secret I'm talking about is..." At this point, Salazar leaned forward and lowered his voice. "Germany has discovered new oil fields, big, big oil fields."

"New oil field?!" Ambassador Samuel was so startled that he almost jumped up from the sofa. "New oil field? Are you serious?! How big is it?! Where is it?!"

"Libya, Sirt Basin."

"Libya?!" Ambassador Samuel looked unbelieving. More than 95% of the entire Libyan area is desert or semi-desert. It is not that no one has explored it before, but no useful resources have been found; except for sand, it is sand.

Salazar smiled. "Your Excellency, the Ambassador, are you thinking about what kind of oil can be found in that poor place in Libya? Unfortunately, the Germans not only found it, but the storage volume is terrifying. As far as I know, it can support Germany and its allies for ten years of high-intensity operations. no problem."

"Ten years?" Ambassador Samuel's face became extremely ugly. Did even God side with the Germans?

Before World War II, the world's main oil producing areas were still concentrated in a few countries, and the oil lifeline was still controlled by a few oil powers such as the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Soviet Union.

The first is the United States. At this time, the United States was the country with the largest oil production in the world, accounting for more than half of the world's oil production, reaching 60,000 tons in 1939. During World War II, the United States' oil production once accounted for more than 70% of the world's oil production. It can be said that Americans use Oil flooded Germany and Japan.

The second is the UK. Although the British mainland and colonial oil production are not outstanding, the British have used their abundant capital and influence to penetrate into major oil fields in the world, and their presence can be seen from extraction, transportation to sales. The British are the biggest competitors of the Americans in the oil field. The competition between the Americans and the British is very fierce. It was not until the "Red Line Agreement" signed by the United Kingdom and the United States in 1928 that the two sides shook hands and made peace.

The third is the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union is the world's second largest oil producer. Its oil output reached 30.3 million tons in 1939, but it was only one-sixth of that of the United States. In addition, the Soviet Union's refining capacity was slightly insufficient.

Fourth, Venezuela; fifth, Iran; sixth, Indonesia; seventh, Mexico; eighth, Romania; ninth, Iraq; tenth, Colombia. (At this time, Middle East oil did not have a high status in the world market. 39 years ago, Middle East oil only accounted for 5% of the world's total oil production.)

Among the top ten countries, only Romania can continuously provide oil to Germany.

But now that Germany has found such a large oil field in Libya, it has completely broken away from the shackles of oil, and the consequences are really unimaginable.

Ambassador Samuel was in a daze when he heard Salazar say. "As long as your country destroys Libya's oil fields, Germany will not be far away from defeat. So, this secret is worth 200 tons of gold, right?"

Ambassador Samuel ignored the conversation and stood up to leave, Salazar said. "I heard that London was attacked by a strange flying bomb? Coincidentally, we have an engineer who was also involved in the production of this kind of flying bomb. I wonder if your country is interested? There is also a secret that is included for free. I heard Said the Germans had stored enough missiles to bomb London for a year."

"..." Ambassador Samuel staggered and almost fell to the ground. He left silently and hurried back to the embassy to send a telegram to London.

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