"Elder Blum also knows how much the Soviets hate you Jewish people. I heard that the Jewish people in the Soviet Union lived a miserable life."

There were incidents and practices of exclusion and discrimination against Jewish people in the Soviet Union in that time and space. After the birth of the Soviet Union, exclusion and discrimination against Jews still existed among certain classes, nationalities and certain groups of people; Stalin was one of them.

Once, a mass incident occurred at the 30th Aircraft Manufacturing Factory. The investigation department reported to Stalin that the leaders of the riot were several Jewish people. When Khrushchev, who was also a senior official in Moscow at the time, exchanged views with Stalin, Stalin said: "Some strong workers should be organized and let them hold wooden sticks in their hands. When they get off work after a day's work, these Judas Give him a good beating."

During this time and space, 560 tons of gold (Spanish gold) was stolen, and the furious Stalin vented his anger and anger on the Soviet Jews (Chapter 114). It is no exaggeration to say that the situation of Jewish people in the Soviet Union today is no better than that in Germany during World War II.

Elder Bloom sighed deeply. "May God bless my fellow countrymen who are suffering so much."

Yannick continued. "So, even if I order Rommel to invade the Middle East immediately, what's the point of snatching Jerusalem for you to build a country? If the German-Soviet war breaks out, once we are defeated, won't the Jewish people you gathered in Jerusalem be convenient for the Soviets to attack? ?If the Soviets get angry, maybe the Jewish nation on the European continent will become extinct."

"What your Highness said is true. I was too impatient. Please forgive me, Your Highness." Elder Bloom smiled awkwardly and said with some doubts. "But now the Soviet Union can't even win the little Finland, why should Your Highness worry about defeat?"

Yannick shook his head. “Now the Soviet Union is temporarily unable to take Finland, of which our strong support and the heroic resistance of the Finnish people only account for 30%, and the Soviet Union’s own reasons account for 70% or more.

You must know that the Soviet Union has just undergone a purge, and there are not even one commander in the country who can fight well. Those newly promoted officers lacked experience in commanding the enemy. Facing Finnish commanders with sufficient experience, they were mostly at a disadvantage.

This war may cost the Soviet army a heavy price, but there is a saying that 'war is the best teacher, learn war from war'; as long as Stalin is not a fool, he will recognize his shortcomings through this war. The Soviet army will sum up experience, draw lessons, and improve tactics.

You can think about how terrible this would be. Once a full-scale war broke out, how many troops could the Soviet Union, with a population of nearly 200 million, mobilize? Ten million? ! Twenty million? ! Or thirty million? ! "

In 1930, before the start of World War II, the Soviet Union's total military strength was only about 600,000. But two years after the outbreak of World War II, by 1941, the Soviet Union's total military strength had expanded to 5 million. All of the Soviet Union's 5 million troops were invested in the Soviet-German war.

In the Soviet-German war that lasted for four years, the total number of Soviet soldiers who died, were captured, and disappeared was almost 20 million. At the end of the war, there were still 12.8 million Soviet troops left. So in total, the Soviet Union mobilized about 30 to 40 million people in World War II.

"And our German population is less than half that of the Soviet Union. How many people do you think Germany can mobilize?"

Germany's population is about 80 million, but this number does not refer to the Germans in Germany, but to the total Germanic people in all European regions. Among them, there are 66.54 million Germans in the traditional center of Germany, about 7.06 million in Austria, 2.8 million in the Sudetenland, 730,000 in the Saarland, 2.16 million Germans in Poland, 960,000 in Romania, 220,000 in Italy, and 220,000 in Alsace. There are 1.5 million.

At the peak of World War II, there were more than 15.3 million German troops, 80% of whom were authentic Germans, and the remaining 20% ​​came from Germany's subordinate countries, such as Romania, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic, France, etc. country.

"The most important thing is the United States. Elder Bloom, do you think the United States will help us or the Soviet Union?"

Elder Bloom thought carefully. "If it was Roosevelt, he would have helped the Soviet Union."

"Yes, if we don't help the Soviet Union, when we defeat the Soviet Union and integrate Europe, Asia and Africa, the United States will be squeezed out of the center of the world. So the United States will vigorously support the Soviet Union, hoping that both we and the Soviet Union will suffer."

Throughout World War II, U.S. aid to the Soviet Union included:

132,237 tons of explosives; 2,589,766 tons of steel; 26,110 tons of aluminum; 2,622,357 tons of petroleum; 631,017 tons of chemicals; 100 merchant ships; 200 torpedo boats; 77 small submarine-hunting minesweepers and UMS minesweepers; 43 landing ships; "Taco" 28 "Ma" class frigates; 1,196 radars; 329 sonar units; 420,000 trucks and jeeps; more than 8,700 tractors; 1,981 locomotives; 44,600 metal cutting machine tools; 8,218 anti-aircraft guns; 5,800 anti-tank guns; tanks and There are 8,200 self-propelled artillery vehicles; 14,000 aircraft; more than 700 million rounds of ammunition, etc.

The total amount of these aids is equivalent to more than 150 billion U.S. dollars today, accounting for more than a quarter of the total amount of the U.S. Lend-Lease Act.

Because U.S. aid mainly appeared after Britain won the Battle of Britain and the Soviet Union won the victory in the Battle of Moscow, it seemed insignificant. Especially the Soviet Union, when faced with the German Blitzkrieg that "strengthened, then weakened, and exhausted all three", being able to withstand the first wave of blows meant Germany's inevitable defeat and the possibility of the Soviet Union turning defeat into victory.

But the problem is that at this time, Germany has occupied almost all of Western Europe and almost all the industrial bases of the Soviet Union. It is no worse than the Soviet Union in terms of size, and fighting a protracted war is not a problem. In addition, the Soviet Union has lost almost all industrial areas in Europe, and it will be difficult for the industries in Siberia in the rear to restore productivity in the short term. U.S. assistance at this time is particularly important.

Giving help in times of need is far more important than adding icing on the cake. U.S. aid, which uses good steel on the cutting edge, appeared during the critical period of the Soviet Union's lean years, and its help to the Soviet Union can be imagined.

Elder Broome said. "However, according to the current support rate of the American people, it is difficult for Roosevelt to be elected as the next president. And since Washington, there is no precedent for a president to serve more than two terms." Although it is not a constitutional requirement, no one is so arrogant as to think that he is better than the president. Washington is greater.

That's because you don't know the historical process of the original time and space. After muttering in his heart, Yannick shook his head. "Even if it is not Roosevelt, the new president will not be able to change the strategic national policy of the United States. Maybe the new president will be more aggressive and bellicose and directly lead the United States to go to war."

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