Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 453 Guerrilla (3)

The remaining defeated soldiers and stragglers in Poland wanted to fight guerrilla warfare. Yannick chuckled.

He traveled back in time more than seventy years later. During this period, nearly 500 large and small wars and local wars occurred around the world. Military experts from various countries have made detailed comments, analyzes and summaries on every detail of the war. Naturally, it also includes tactics, applications, countermeasures, etc. of guerrilla warfare. A man named Max Boot also wrote a book called "The Invisible Army: A History of Guerrilla Warfare".

Want to play guerrilla warfare with him? That is simply "selling articles in front of Confucius, and using a big sword in front of Guan Gong."

Relying on the experience and lessons taught by Yannick and summed up by countless military experts in later generations, the German army directly skipped the groping and learning stage and entered a very systematic encirclement and suppression mode.

According to the central idea of ​​Max Boot's book "The Invisible Army: The History of Guerrilla Warfare"; whether fighting guerrillas or counter-guerrillas, the basic base is the support of the local people.

The anti-guerrilla side must establish and maintain good relations with the local people, such as by maintaining order and improving people's livelihood.

Separating the contact between the guerrillas and the local people can effectively cut off the guerrillas' sources of troops and supplies, reduce the political risks caused by accidentally injuring people, and combat the guerrillas more effectively.

Disintegrate the guerrillas from within as much as possible, use inducements to persuade those who waver to surrender, and resolutely attack those who resist.

Before World War II, Poland's industry and agriculture were very developed. It was one of the top ten industrial countries in the world. Its various economic and industrial indicators were among the best in the world. It had a relatively complete industrial system and could build aircraft and tanks. Therefore, the Polish people at that time did not live in dire poverty and poverty.

Although Germany annexed the entire Poland in this time and space, it is known that Poland in the original time and space was divided between Germany and the Soviet Union.

According to the agreement between the Soviet Union and Germany, Germany would receive 72,800 square miles of Polish land and a Polish population of 22 million; the Soviet Union would receive 77,720 square miles of land and a Polish population of 13 million. Among them, the land in eastern Poland that the Soviet Union will acquire is a traditional agricultural area with fertile land and rich natural resources including oil.

As soon as the Soviet soldiers entered Poland, they were impressed by the affluence here. They had never seen such a developed economy in their motherland. In fact, compared with Western Europe, Northern Europe and even western Poland, eastern Poland is lagging behind. Every household in Polish towns had electricity, which was unimaginable to the Soviets. For the first time in their history, they saw such a rich variety of goods in Polish stores, with dazzling food, clothes, shoes, watches and other items placed together. People don't have to queue up for shopping, nor do they need to use various tickets. As long as they have money, they can buy unlimited things. This is really a magical place. You know, the Soviet propaganda machine has always portrayed Polish workers and farmers as extremely poor and miserable.

“We saw that people were very wealthy, even the farmers’ houses were beautifully decorated, (even) the poorest people were better off than we were – their furniture was polished. Every farmer had at least two horses, Each family had three to four cows and many poultry.” Soviet soldier Georgi Dragunov was full of praise for Poland’s “affluence.”

Although Germany cannot improve the living standards of the Polish people in a short period of time, it can still do so without harming the interests of most grassroots people.

The German army in World War II was known for its strict discipline, and now Yannick's reputation is as high as the sky. His words are an edict and God's instructions; no one will violate them. Moreover, the rest of the Foreign Legion also has German military police responsible for maintaining military discipline, and no one dares to mess around.

After occupying Poland, Yanik simply purged the wealthy class in Poland (after all, they were not here to be good people, they needed profits). A small part of the wealth collected was used to win over the middle class, appease the civilian class, and impose sanctions from time to time. Small favors; at the same time, severe crackdowns on those who resist.

There were many ways to deal with the guerrillas. The German army gathered scattered villages together, built new cities, created no man's land, and destroyed the living environment of the local guerrillas. However, this method is not used much and is mainly used near mountainous areas.

The German army originally had mountain divisions. Some of the elites from these mountain divisions were mobilized to form mountain combat special forces. They used platoons and companies as units, quickly maneuvered by helicopter, and specialized in encirclement and suppression operations. They caused a lot of losses to the local Polish guerrillas.

Then came the most stupid thing. The Poles had guerrillas, and the German army also sent out "guerrillas" to stage a real and fake Monkey King drama.

These "guerrillas" committed all kinds of crimes under the banner of resisting Germany and saving the country. In newspapers published in Poland, you can often see that a certain village's food was robbed by the guerrillas, or that a certain innocent Pole was killed by the guerrillas. They were brutally killed, or the eldest daughter of a certain family was raped by these guerrillas, etc. In the end, all kinds of robbery, theft, and murder were all committed by guerrillas. The media simply changed the name of the guerrillas to terrorists.

Various unofficial gossips are also flying all over the sky. Some people say that these so-called guerrillas are not Poles, but foreign spies that have infiltrated into the country. If they want to deal with the German army, they do not have the courage or strength, so they can only use the Polish people. Take action. What’s even more outrageous is that these guerrillas are actually a cult that specializes in studying evil secrets. They will capture children and dig out their hearts, livers, and lungs as sacrifices, etc.

There is a story recorded in "Warring States Policy and Qin Policy".

Once upon a time, Zengzi lived in Feixian County. There was a man with the same name as Zengzi in Feixian County who killed someone. Someone told Zeng’s mother: ‘Zeng Shen killed someone. ’ Zeng Shen’s mother said, ‘My son will not kill anyone. ’ Still weaving with ease. After a while, someone came and said, ‘Zeng Shen killed someone. ’ His mother is still weaving freely. Soon someone told her again: "Zeng Shen killed someone." ’ His mother finally got scared, dropped the shuttle and ran away over the wall.

There are many similar allusions, such as "A crowd of words makes gold, but a pile of bones is destroyed", "A rumor spreads a rumor", "A forest of opinions becomes a forest, and it flies without wings" and so on.

In the rumors flying all over the sky, these Polish guerrillas gradually transformed from heroes who saved the country and people to beings that made Poles talk about it; they also became "rats crossing the street, everyone shouted to beat them."

After all, most Polish civilians work honestly and can support their families no matter what they do. Even under German rule, there is no danger to their lives. As a result, they are disturbed by these guerrillas. Naturally, they hope that these guerrillas will disappear quickly.

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