Yannick continues to fool little Elizabeth. "You see, as long as Britain surrenders, my brother can deal with the polar bear in the east with peace of mind. When he defeats that polar bear, Europe will become stronger than ever before." At this point, he suddenly changed the subject. "When the time comes, I will lead the whole of Europe to find the hometown of the 'Little Prince'."

Seeing little Elizabeth's confused expression, Yannick gently rubbed her hair. "You will naturally understand these things in the future. Okay, I have to talk to your mother about business. Can you and your sister go out to play first? You can go to the library and have a look. There are many good new books there."

After calling Anne to take little Elizabeth and Margaret out, Yannick walked to the gramophone, picked a record and put it on.

As early as a few years ago, Germany developed a plastic tape-based tape, which has better performance than previous tape recorders, is cheaper, and is easy to operate. During World War II in the original time and space, this technology was widely used in military and broadcasting fields. The tapes recording the voices of high-ranking German troops were broadcast on radio stations across Germany, which really confused the Allies. How could these guys wander everywhere in an instant?

Because at that time, except for Germany, the recordings broadcast by radio stations in other countries were very different from the real people, which could be heard at a glance. After the end of World War II, these technologies were inherited by the United States, and their performance continued to improve until the era of digital recording technology arrived.

But so far, vinyl records still have unparalleled advantages in sound quality. Although the storage space is limited and cannot hold a few songs, Yannick still likes to listen to vinyl records.

After pressing the switch, a melodious and soothing melody came from the gramophone. Yannick walked up to Queen Elizabeth, bowed gracefully and extended his hand. "My dear Queen, may I have the honor to ask you to dance?"

Queen Elizabeth wanted to refuse. After all, she was not here to dance, but to negotiate peace with Germany and strive for an armistice as much as possible.

Although Yanik spoke to her in a consultative tone, there was a hint of refusal in his words.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Queen Elizabeth could only stand up and extend her hand.

Yannick put one arm around her waist and held her hand with the other, and suddenly chuckled. "Don't be so nervous. Relax. Also, how can we dance when we are so far away?"

Queen Elizabeth just took a small step forward, and Yannick directly stopped her waist and brought her over. Now, the distance between the two was so close that they were almost touching each other.

Queen Elizabeth hurriedly stepped back, but Yannick's hand on her waist was so strong that she couldn't move back a little, and she couldn't help but said angrily. "Your Highness Yannick, please respect yourself!"

"Oh." Yannick responded perfunctorily, but had no intention of letting go.

Queen Elizabeth bit her lip lightly and was almost half dragged by him to dance the waltz.

After spinning around for a few times, Yannick asked casually. "Is His Majesty George VI's condition getting better?"

Queen Elizabeth replied reflexively. "Your Majesty is in good health."

"Healthy? Not necessarily. How did I hear that His Majesty George VI coughed up blood recently?" Seeing the sudden change in Queen Elizabeth's face, a trace of pride flashed across Yannick's face. "Our agents can be said to be pervasive and everywhere. I also learned a lot of unknown secrets. For example, Prime Minister Churchill had a disgusting habit of wandering around without clothes after taking a shower."

In a later film, Churchill seemed to be reviewing speeches with his secretary all the time. After getting up, eating, and even taking a bath, Churchill took a bath in the bathroom. The secretary outside the door recorded the speech based on his dictation. "Ms. Layton, please be careful, I'm coming out." The next second, the fat old man burst out naked, scaring the secretary so much that he turned around and ran away.

Churchill did have the habit of coming out of the bathroom naked after taking a shower, but the "victim" in history was not his secretary, but US President Roosevelt.

In 1941, the United States officially declared its participation in the war after the Pearl Harbor incident. That Christmas, Churchill spent Christmas in the White House. One day, in order to discuss with Churchill the establishment of the United Nations after the war, Roosevelt went to Churchill's room in a wheelchair to find him. Unexpectedly, he happened to bump into Churchill naked after taking a shower.

"No, no, Mr. President! The British Prime Minister has nothing to hide in front of the American President." It is said that after this embarrassing scene, Churchill said this to Roosevelt. There is another version of this anecdote. Roosevelt calmly asked: "United Nations?" Churchill replied: "Okay!"

We don’t know exactly what the two said at that time, but the naked meeting was indeed true. In January 1942, when Roosevelt came to Buckingham Palace to meet with King George VI, Churchill also said: "Sir, I believe I am the only person in the world who has met a head of state naked."

"Speaking of Churchill, I know he really wants to use poison gas. But please tell him, Her Majesty the Queen, that Germany has developed a super poison gas that can kill 50,000 people in one gram. If he dares to risk the disapproval of the world and use poison gas first, Then I would also be happy to spread poison gas over the entire island of England. How many people are there on your island of England? One kilogram of poison gas can wipe out the entire island of England. And we can produce several tons and dozens of tons."

Queen Elizabeth lowered her head, as if she had made up her mind, and said softly. "Your Highness Yannick, you can marry Margaret."

"Huh?" Yannick was slightly startled, he was going to get married.

In ancient China, peace and affinity diplomacy was very common. Its most fundamental starting point was to stabilize the surrounding areas and ensure a peaceful environment on the border; while the most fundamental starting point of European marriage diplomacy was expansion.

The threat to the Central Plains Dynasty of ancient China mainly came from the north. Fortress defense was the most basic national defense strategy, and peace and friendship diplomacy was a product that matched the national defense strategy. The dominant culture of the Central Plains dynasty, which was based on agricultural and industrial civilization, was introversion. Culture, external expansion was not the basic national policy of ancient China. Therefore, peace and affinity diplomacy focuses on restraint and is generally good-neighbor diplomacy.

European marriage diplomacy also has the consideration of stabilizing the surrounding areas. However, since marriage and succession to the throne are twin issues in Europe, some countries often seek the throne of other countries through marriage in order to achieve low-cost, low-risk, and high-efficiency expansion.

This is especially true in the marriage to Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. Six days before the death of King James V of Scotland, his daughter Mary Stuart was born. She became Queen of Scots only six days after her birth. As soon as James V passed away, King Henry VIII of England decided to propose to Queen Mary, who was still nursing and not yet crowned, for his son Prince Edward, and sent an envoy to Edinburgh to negotiate with the Scottish nobles. King Henry VIII of England insisted that Queen Mary be sent to England to be raised as soon as she was weaned until the wedding. His intention is clear. If the marriage is successful, England will use the baby's marriage to control the young Queen of Scots, the daughter-in-law of the British King, in order to get involved in Scotland's sovereign interests.

But Yannick shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I won't marry Margaret or little Elizabeth."

Queen Elizabeth looked up and asked doubtfully. "Then you plan to marry Queen Silvia of Italy?"

Yannick shook his head again. "No. Let's put it this way, I will not marry a princess from any country. I plan to marry a commoner woman."

As he spoke, he held her hand and slowly tightened it, slowly bringing the two of them closer to each other. Apparently Queen Elizabeth also noticed his little movement and tried hard to get away.

"Your Highness Yannick, no..." Yannick suddenly lowered his head and kissed her red lips heavily.

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