Just when Churchill issued the order to reinforce Plymouth, German bomber groups taking off from various airports in Amsterdam, Netherlands, swarmed towards Norwich like a swarm of locusts; plowing the coastal defense positions there over and over again.

The first wave of bombers dropped cloud bombs. For this landing operation, the German army moved out all the cloud bombs in stock. Cloud explosive bombs poured down on the British army's position as if they were free. Mushroom-shaped explosion clouds rose one after another, which was very spectacular.

When the second wave of bombers dropped their bombs, the sky gradually turned white, and densely packed German surface ships appeared on the sea in the distance. To be precise, it should be the "European Combined Fleet". Italy and Vichy France also participated in this landing battle.

After the third wave of bombers returned from dropping ordinary aerial bombs, there were not many obstacles left on the beach. Instead, countless large and small craters appeared, becoming natural foxholes.

Countless landing craft approached the beach, led by dozens of fully enclosed landing craft with a somewhat strange appearance. Just as these landing craft were about to approach the beach, countless tongues of flame formed by tracer bullets swept over from the unbroken bunkers. Many bullets hit the outer shell of the landing craft, making a clanging sound.

It's just that no one in the British army on these defense lines would have guessed that the landing craft named "Fishing" by Yannick was just a decoy. Its armor was fully 150 mm thick, and it had a good sloped bulletproof shape, let alone a heavy machine gun. And 20mm and 30mm machine guns, even the Germans' own 88mm cannon may not be able to penetrate them.

There are only a few people in each landing craft responsible for detecting the enemy's firepower arrangement.

Seeing the fire net of colorful tracer bullets on the ground, the captain of the Stuka brigade hovering in the air showed a mocking smile. "Attention, hunter group, the fox has exposed its tail, the hunting begins!"

Accompanied by a heart-rending beep, Stukas swooped down one after another, accurately dropping the heavy bombs on the belly of the aircraft on the exposed bunkers.

Dozens of bunkers were destroyed in one breath, and the "Fishing" landing craft slowly retreated into the sea until there was no movement on the British position, and slowly turned around and headed towards its own fleet.

They were replaced by a second batch of landing craft.

This batch of landing craft is very ordinary. They are all open, and you can see the densely moving helmets inside the landing craft from a distance.


The flat bottom of the landing craft hit the soft sand, and the iron baffle fell down, revealing the densely packed German soldiers inside who were ready to attack.

Several tongues of fire appeared on the British defense line again, but they were much less than the last time. Many machine gun bullets accurately flew into the open landing craft hatch, wreaking havoc among the German soldiers.

But these German soldiers remained motionless, neither rushing off the landing craft nor lying down to avoid bullets.

They didn't even bleed? ?


A burst of hearty laughter erupted from the battleship command tower on the distant sea. The commander of the Combined Fleet, who was observing the movements of the British position with high-power telescopes, couldn't help laughing. "Are these stupid British guys going to be pissed to death?" He didn't expect that after such a violent bombing, they could survive so many intact bunkers and firepower points. If they landed rashly, he didn't know how many soldiers they would have. Fall under the fire of these bunkers.

Fortunately, thanks to His Highness's little trick, the British didn't even injure a single German soldier, but lost dozens of bunkers in vain.

The British were indeed furious. By the time they discovered that the German soldiers standing in the second batch of landing craft were all dummies, only a few of the bunkers and firepower points that were carefully arranged to severely hit the German landing troops had been destroyed by the battleship's large-caliber main guns.

Just when the British garrison commander loudly cursed the Germans for their cunning, the real German landing force finally set foot on the beach.

They simply gained a foothold on the beach after suffering hundreds of casualties. Then, under the cover of gunboats of various calibers, they easily broke through the British army's already desolate first line of defense and headed towards the fundamental talks. Without a solid second line of defense to advance.

The subsequent engineers braved sporadic enemy artillery attacks and began to build a floating dock.

For beach landings, in the past, beach grabbing points were always near the enemy's ports. This was to replenish subsequent troops and supplies in a timely manner to prevent the leading troops from being wiped out by the enemy or driven into the sea. But the enemy is not a fool, and of course he will deploy heavy troops to protect these strategic locations. In this way, even if the attacker pays an extremely heavy price, he may not be able to successfully land. Even if he is lucky enough to succeed, the port may be completely destroyed by the enemy in advance, rendering it useless. This was one of the reasons why Churchill sent troops to Plymouth. This is also the reason why the German top brass did not believe that the Allied forces would land in Normandy when the Allied forces launched the Normandy landing war in the original time and space. In their view, no matter how strong the Allied offensive in the Normandy area was, after the supplies were exhausted, , will also be driven into the sea by the German second-line troops.

They were worried that the deployment of troops from other areas would not be able to cope with the so-called "second landing" operation of the Allied forces to seize the port. For the senior German commanders at the time, ordinary coastlines could be recovered as much as they were lost, but important coastal cities such as ports could not be lost.

If war was not a catalyst for the development of science and technology, Churchill would never have imagined that in World War II in the original time and space, the Allied forces racked their brains to launch a surprise attack on Normandy, which did not have a big port. In the end, I was so imaginative that I came up with the "Floating Pier", which is very creative but has no technical difficulties. Using a temporary spliced ​​dock like a pontoon, a dock that can handle cargo was built abruptly in the Normandy region where there is no large port!

The "floating dock" can be said to have effectively solved the problem of landing point selection and provided great guarantee for the replenishment of landing troops. When the top German military leaders in the original time and space finally realized that the Allied forces who landed in Normandy did not seem to be short of supplies, it was already too late. And now Churchill has also suffered the same technical losses that the Germans suffered back then, and seriously misjudged the material throughput capacity of the German landing troops!

It only takes a few hours to build a simple floating dock. The Germans can send at least one armored regiment ashore before tonight. Even if the British mobilize all the armored troops by tomorrow morning, it will be of no avail.

What's more, this time the Germans landed in three places at the same time, which was enough for the British to worry about one thing and miss the other.

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