Everyone in the frontline 201st Division headquarters who was holding a combat meeting couldn't help but be startled when they heard Viscount Auston's emergency summons order.

With the current posture, the Germans will launch an attack at any time. What could be more urgent than this now?

Is it possible that His Majesty is here in person?

One of the brigade commanders looked at Division Commander Isaac, who was also confused, and asked. "Teacher, what should we do?"

Commander Isaac made his decision without much thought. "Since the Commander has summoned you, there must be an emergency. Everyone happens to be here. John, go and prepare the car right away, and let's go there together." He is a very conservative and traditional soldier who believes in "obeying orders is the right thing to do." "It is the bounden duty of a soldier", but there is no courage to "reject military orders abroad". Even though he knew that a battle could break out at any time, he resolutely decided to obey the order of the commander and go to the headquarters to attend the meeting.

His headquarters was the farthest away from the headquarters, so he had to set off immediately to arrive on time.

Fortunately, there was no problem with the car on the way, and they arrived at the headquarters ten minutes early.

"It seems that there is indeed something important." Several military policemen with loaded weapons were guarding the door of the headquarters conference room, asking them to unload their weapons before entering. In the conference room, there was at least one platoon of military police standing against the wall, surrounding the entire venue.

Commander Isaac sat down in his seat and quietly asked the colleague next to him. "What happened? Why did you call everyone here at this time?"

The colleague smiled wryly and shrugged, indicating that he didn't know, and paused for a while before speaking softly. "I only heard that these military police came from London and were sent by His Excellency Churchill himself."

Without keeping them waiting, Viscount Oston walked into the conference room with several military policemen a few minutes later.

Seeing the Commander coming, someone immediately asked impatiently. "Your Majesty Commander, what emergency happened?"

Viscount Oston shook his head. "Like everyone else, I don't know anything yet. Now that you are all here, Major Robert, you can read out His Excellency Churchill's order."

Major Robert glanced at the venue, with a strange smile on his lips, and said calmly. "Of course, no problem. His Excellency Churchill's order is for the Plymouth garrison to raise the white flag and surrender. Anyone who disobeys the order will be shot!!"

"What??" The entire venue was in an uproar. Everyone's first thought was that Churchill wanted to become a traitor? But then I thought about how he could surrender because he was an extremely determined fighter!

There was only one possibility left, Viscount Oston reacted suddenly and shouted. "You, you are German!!"

Many people subconsciously touched the holsters on their waists, but then they remembered that they had handed over all their weapons before entering.

Seeing the wonderful expression on Viscount Alston's face, Major Robert smiled proudly. "It seems that our commander has finally figured it out. Then let me introduce myself again. I am the captain of the first detachment of the German Dream Factory Special Forces, Robert. Now our large force is about to land. If you cooperate, That’s good for everyone. If you don’t cooperate, there will be rivers of blood here. And without your commanders, how much role can those soldiers on the front line play?”

In the original time and space, Skolz implemented a bold plan called "Griffin".

It is conducted by 160 agents who are proficient in English. During the training, they try their best to imitate the lifestyle of the US military. They need to watch Hollywood movies, get used to chewing gum, and lazily salute their superiors. The ultimate goal is to learn to be An American soldier, trying to fake the real thing.

After being ready, each operation team member received a US military uniform, as well as a disguised ID card and US dollars, and then broke through the US military's defense lines and sneaked into the US military's rear. These special forces disguised themselves as U.S. military police and were on duty at intersections, giving wrong directions to passing U.S. military vehicles, intercepting U.S. military personnel, making things difficult, and openly treating U.S. military personnel who couldn't answer questions as spies and shooting them on the spot.

Their actions caused great panic in the Allies, so much so that General Bradley, commander of the U.S. 12th Army, was also questioned. In his memoirs, A Soldier's Story, he recalled a visit to Lieutenant General Hedges. "Initially an inspector asked me where the state capital of Illinois was, and I said Springfield. Unexpectedly, he 'corrected' me and said it should be Chicago."

These situations made the Allied Command very angry, and ordered the military police to hunt down these German disguised personnel who had sneaked into the rear at all costs and bring them to justice.

The most "legendary" thing is the "Griffin Kidnapping" planned by Mustache himself in December 1944.

According to the plan, a "kidnapping team" composed of 10 elite soldiers would disguise themselves as American soldiers, secretly go to the town of Fontainebleau south of Paris (the seat of the Allied Command), and kidnap the Allied Commander-in-Chief under the noses of thousands of Allied troops. General Eisenhower. The top German military leaders believed that the chaos caused by the kidnapping operation within the Allied forces could increase their chances of reversing the defeat. But the irony is that after the kidnapping operation was launched, because the team members were too realistic in disguise, 9 out of 10 people were mistakenly mistaken for American troops by the Luftwaffe and killed, and the kidnapping operation was aborted.

And this Robert belongs to the German DreamWorks department, which is a special force responsible for sneaking into enemy lines in disguise to carry out missions.

Following Major Robert's words, the surrounding "military police" raised their Thompson submachine guns and pointed them at everyone. The sound of clicking and pulling the bolt made everyone turn pale. The Thompson submachine guns in the hands of these people all have 50-round drum magazines. Once fired, the entire conference room will definitely flow into a river of blood.

Major Robert continued to remind him "kindly". "Your Excellency Viscount Alston, don't forget those people who went to inspect the arsenal before. If you don't agree, your arsenal will be blown up to the sky."

"..." Viscount Ouston really wanted to give himself a few slaps, but he was stupid enough to let the Germans enter his headquarters in a big way, and was reprimanded for a long time. Finally, he ordered all the frontline commanders to follow the Germans' wishes. Called over so that the Germans could serve it all in one go.

Maybe he is the stupidest commander in British history?

But this can't be entirely his fault. The documents forged by the Germans were so realistic that even Prime Minister Churchill's signature and seal didn't allow him to find any flaws.

"His Excellency Viscount Alston, sirs, I will give you five minutes to think about it. If you don't surrender, then everyone will die together. If anyone refuses, he can stand up at any time, and I will make it happen." With that said, Major Robert jumped from the gun. He pulled out the M1911 pistol from the holster and slapped it on the table.




The entire venue fell into a deathly silence. Although most of the people present had the consciousness to sacrifice their lives for the country and believed that dying in battle and being shrouded in horse leather was an honor and a privilege, few people were willing to die in such a useless way.

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