Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 521 Countermeasures

Members of the U.S. Congress have yet to come up with any results from their quarrel, and European countries have successively declared war on the United States and Canada.

"It's over!" This thought flashed through many people's minds. It seemed that this war would be impossible without fighting. If it does not fight, the economic losses to the United States will be no less than losing the war and will be irreversible. Moreover, many congressmen’s industries are in Germany. Now the Germans have seized all American companies and even frozen their funds, which makes them even more furious. If they don’t win this battle, then these assets will be in vain. What are they doing? I've suffered this kind of loss before.

Congress passed the proposal to fight Germany as quickly as possible, but Roosevelt and his think tank were not happy.

"It feels so uncomfortable to be led by someone's nose!" Roosevelt looked a little gloomy. In his opinion, the United States should have participated in this war half a year ago. If the United States had fully supported the United Kingdom at that time, I am afraid that Germany would still be at war with the United Kingdom. Shopping. But at that time, due to various reasons, they could only watch the British mainland being blocked and conquered.

It's good now. The United States is not ready yet, but Germany provokes a war. "George, do you think we can win?"

Marshall sighed. "If the British mainland had not been occupied, the probability of winning the war would be more than 60%. But now, I'm afraid it's not even 30%, unless we can join forces with the Soviet Union." He said that the probability of winning the war is less than 30%, and "the war will be peaceful." "The probability is infinitely close to 10%. After all, Europe and the Americas are separated by the Atlantic Ocean. They can't get to Europe, and Germany can't get to the Americas.

But for the United States at this time, "fighting" is meaningless, and it is even equivalent to losing, so the United States must win!

Roosevelt raised his eyebrows slightly. "Soviet Union?" Stalin clamored all day long to destroy the world's bourgeoisie and to join forces with them, and he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable in his heart.

"Yes, the Soviet Union. If our two countries join forces, the chance of victory should be 70 to 80%. We will provide the Soviet Union with advanced weapons and equipment. Although they are not as good as the weapons of the German army, we can at least reduce the gap."

Roosevelt nodded noncommittally and talked about the next plan.

The first step was to extend the maritime defense line to 1,500 kilometers from the coastline to prevent the Germans from bombing the mainland with flying bombs.

"The Spanish refused to surrender even a single point." President Roosevelt puffed out his smoke in a depressed tone. The U.S. Ambassador to Spain discussed the purchase and sale of flying bomb blueprints with Deputy Head of State Salazar several times, but Salazar refused to give up a penny. If Spain can really provide the blueprints for flying bombs, then the United States can also build flying bombs to bomb Europe and even Germany. But the price of 500 tons of gold is too exaggerated.

Marshall spoke. "Maybe we should do a study."

President Roosevelt said helplessly. "But you also said, how much do we have to spend to build the same flying bomb? If the investment is much higher than 500 tons of gold, wouldn't it be worth the loss. And our top priority is to build warships, many warships."

The two continents are separated by the Atlantic Ocean, so naval battles are inevitable. At this time, the total assets of the U.S. Navy were only 345 warships of various types totaling 1.43 million tons, including 17 battleships, 8 aircraft carriers, 18 heavy cruisers, 19 light cruisers, 165 destroyers, and 106 submarines.

Roosevelt felt that it was not enough and he needed more battleships.

The second step is to recruit soldiers.

The attack on Pearl Harbor in this original time and space made the American people share the same hatred of the enemy, and passionate young people enthusiastically joined the army. But now, many people think it was the stupid government officials who declared war on Germany first, which caused many people to resist the draft order. (The United States adopts a military service system that combines two systems, the draft system and the conscription system. If there are enough soldiers recruited, conscription will not be implemented.)

Once conscription is implemented, those who meet the terms of the conscription must perform military service when receiving a conscription order, otherwise they will break the law. Unless there is an exemption clause stipulated by law. Many young people burned conscription orders and refused to obey, but this was a crime. If they were caught and did not perform military service, they would have to go to prison. But there are still some people who would rather go to jail than serve in the military.

The U.S. Department of Defense put a lot of effort into recruiting soldiers and began to put a lot of effort into recruiting propaganda pages. In order to encourage young men to enlist in the army, they printed a large number of young and beautiful female soldiers on the propaganda pages.

After this kind of promotional page was put out on a large scale, the effect was really good, because many young people are attracted by beautiful female soldiers, and the promotional page even hinted to these young soldiers that as long as they join the army, they can fight side by side with female soldiers. If you perform well, you will become a hero in the hearts of these female soldiers, and many passionate young people have voluntarily joined the army.

Using young women as the protagonists on recruitment posters can actually make young men realize that if men do not go to the battlefield, then in the end it will be women who can only defend their families and the country. Then aren't men not as brave as women? Moreover, such posters will also give people psychological hints that they participate in the war to protect their mothers and daughters, as well as their wives and sisters, so they will bravely go to the battlefield for their families.

Of course, this is all for later.

"This is my opinion report on industrial transformation." Marshall handed a document to Roosevelt and smiled bitterly. "It should have come in handy half a year ago, but I didn't expect it to be delayed until now."

Marshall was a key figure in the industrial transformation of America during World War II. He needs to put forward specific demands for the industrial sector. In fact, raising demands is a very technical matter and requires close cooperation between the military and local industrial enterprises. Moreover, preparations do not start when a war is imminent.

Marshall began to make preparations before the war, including determining the needs of the U.S. military's land, sea and air forces and completing interactions with the industrial sector. Then, only if there is a better plan before the war, and a scientific design and preparation, can wartime mobilization be carried out smoothly. This is a very important point.

This kind of industrialization in the United States is different from that in Germany. Germany's industrialization is in a cutting-edge and in-depth direction, while American industrialization is in a horizontal and broad direction, pursuing large-scale and large-scale benefits. Therefore, the quality of things made in the United States is generally not as good as that of things made in Germany. However, once production starts, the cost, scale and speed of American industrial production can crush Germany.

Therefore, American companies used this set of management methods during wartime production, which ultimately enabled American production to reach the top level.

Roosevelt ordered after reading the document. "Get started on it as soon as possible."

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