Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 534 Infiltration

Denmark is a small country of 40,000 square kilometers, but it has a colony of 60,000 square kilometers, which is a miracle.

This colony is Greenland.

Greenland is called green land in Danish. But Greenland is close to the North Pole and is covered in ice and snow all year round. What it lacks most here is green. The reason why it is called Greenland is that more than a thousand years ago, Eric, a pirate from Norway, happened to encounter the only place suitable for human survival at the southern end of Greenland. The island was completely covered with polar bears, so the pirates Call this place Greenland, and the call will start after one pass and two passes.

Norway occupied Greenland from 982 to 1261 AD. Until 1380 AD, Denmark and Norway formed a support pair. The territory of Norway's eldest brother was naturally my territory of Denmark. But who would have thought that the Danish rats ate the elephants. In 1841, Denmark ate Norway instead, and Greenland naturally became Denmark's territory. Of course Norway was not convinced after independence. I have been playing for hundreds of years, but you have only been playing for a few years? But Norway went to the international court in 1933 and lost. Denmark took over the magpie's nest with peace of mind and became the ruler of Greenland.

Germany occupied Denmark almost effortlessly, and by the way also occupied Greenland.

If you just look at the distance on the map, you will find that Greenland is a very good forward base. As long as an airport is built here, large cities such as New York and Washington in the northeastern United States will be within the combat radius of German long-range bombers. In order to avoid irritating the United States, Greenland did not build military bases in the past, and only established a few weather stations on several coastlines. But now that they have fallen out with the United States, there is nothing to be polite about, and the German army has begun to build here.

However, it is not easy to build a base here. Almost most of Greenland is within the Arctic Circle. The entire island is severely cold all year round and has a typical frigid climate. The temperature in the coastal areas can reach above zero in summer, while the inland parts are frozen all year round. This is a world of ice and snow, which is simply not something ordinary people can bear.

Fortunately, there is a country whose people are quite cold-resistant. They can roll naked in the snow, take a hot sauna and then do an ice swim... This country is Finland.

In the Finnish War, without the strong support of Germany, Finland would have been bulldozed by the Soviet Union. The Finnish people are extremely grateful to Germany. Not long ago, the decision to join the European Union was passed with a high vote in a referendum. With Yannik's words, Finland immediately allocated a division of troops to Greenland to participate in construction and defense.

That evening, a small plane taking off from Canada was approaching Greenland. Worried that the Germans had deployed radar in Greenland, the plane flew very low, almost flying close to the sea. The crew in the cabin can even see schools of fish swimming on the sea.

"Five minutes to prepare!"

The pilot had seen land in the distance and warned loudly.

Davis, who was dozing off, suddenly opened his eyes and began to check the umbrella bag on his body.

Although the plane took off from Canada, they were authentic Americans. The mission of this trip was to secretly sneak into Greenland to detect the deployment of the Germans.

To avoid being discovered, they deliberately chose a small plane that could barely fit the five of them and their supplies. They don't have much support on the island, so they have to prepare all the food and drink themselves. Davis nodded his head when he thought of this. He didn't know who made this plan. There was no one to support it. Could it be that they were allowed to be savages in the mountains?

Just as he was complaining in his heart, the pilot pushed the control stick, and the small plane flexibly got into the mountainous area.

"Get ready to skydive!" Davis yelled. After all, he was here, and he couldn't just sit back shamelessly. Even if you sit back, you will have to go to court martial.

When the cabin door was opened forcefully, the icy cold wind instantly filled the entire cabin, making people shiver involuntarily. This time was not a normal high-altitude skydiving. In order to reduce the weight of the skydiving, they did not even wear a cold-proof coat, only a leather jacket. The cold wind poured in through the collar, making goosebumps appear all over his body.

Davis gritted his teeth and pushed a few supply boxes out of the cabin door first, and then several people jumped out of the cabin one after another.

Falling to the ground awkwardly, Davis quickly retracted the parachute and buried it in the snowdrift. There may be a German patrol here. If the parachute is discovered, someone will definitely know that someone has infiltrated and launch a large-scale search.

After burying the parachute, James went to search for the others. Fortunately, the other four people were unharmed.

Next, they had to look for those abandoned supply boxes. Food, drink, clothing, and supplies were all in those supply boxes. If they couldn't find them, they wouldn't even be able to survive tonight.

Fortunately, they were lucky. After searching for more than 20 minutes, they finally found a supply box. Several people ran to the supply box, and just as they were about to take out the cold-proof coats inside, several snowdrifts around them suddenly jumped up, and several black guns were pointed at them.

"Don't move!" These people were all wearing white combat uniforms, from head to toe, with only a pair of eyes exposed. It almost blended into the surrounding snow environment. No wonder Davis and his party noticed something strange.

Facing the muzzle of the gun, several people naturally did not dare to move rashly, but they looked at each other in confusion. These people didn't speak German or Danish. Davis asked carefully. "Who are you?" However, he also noticed that these people were holding German-style weapons. No matter who they were, they were obviously from the German side.

One of them replied in broken English. "We are Finns." They had just been patrolling nearby when they suddenly saw a plane flying overhead. From the direction in which the plane was flying, they knew it was not German. They immediately reported the situation to the base and chased the plane in the direction it flew.

Of course, people couldn't catch up with the plane, but after a while they saw several large boxes dropped on the ground.

The patrol captain immediately decided to ambush here and let those people fall into the trap.

"What am I talking about? These idiots must be looking for these equipment, otherwise they will freeze to death in the mountains." The patrol leader, who was showing off his wisdom to the rest of the team members, suddenly pulled the trigger without warning. trigger.

"Boom!" Davis, who was holding a pistol in his hand, had more than a dozen bloody holes in his chest and fell down weakly. The patrol leader had killed three Soviet soldiers during the Soviet-Finnish War, so shooting and killing was a piece of cake for him.

"Don't move!" He shouted a few words in broken English, but these shots were obviously more effective than any order. The remaining four people raised their hands tremblingly.

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