Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Earth Chapter 539 Middle East (4)

"Thud! Thud! Thud!"

"Thud! Thud! Thud!"

Helicopters flew by in the sky, and the machine gunners, who were fastened to the safety belts beside the hatches, kept firing at the enemy soldiers on the ground; while firing, they taunted. "In what age are we still using cavalry?" I don't know how long these idiots haven't been out of this desert, but they are using camel cavalry to fight armored vehicles. It seems that they are crazy.

The soldiers on the ground running around in disorder were no match for the helicopter, although some of them had fallen to the ground and fired into the sky. But the helicopter kept flying, and the gunners on the helicopter kept shooting at the ground, causing more and more casualties.

In a command room at the rear, a middle-aged man with the rank of major general took a leisurely sip of tea. "Where have our troops advanced?"

A staff officer replied. "General, our forwards have reached the outskirts of Tabuk. These Arab troops are simply vulnerable."

In later generations, the combat effectiveness of the Saudi military seems to have always been the subject of criticism. In the joint strike activities they have participated in for many years, Saudi soldiers have played more of a soy sauce role. If an emergency battle occurs, the first thing they think of is to escape.

The reason is that basically all soldiers serving in the Saudi army receive mixed wages, because the threshold for joining the army is very low and everyone can join. So far, the culture of soldiers in the Saudi army is generally not very high, and their psychological quality is not very strong either. However, forget it. The discipline of the Saudi army is relatively loose, and the professional knowledge training for the soldiers is also very inadequate. A combination of various reasons has prevented Saudi Arabia from improving its combat effectiveness.

Once, the Houthi armed forces launched a large-scale attack on Asir Province in Saudi Arabia. At that time, a large number of Houthi armed personnel quietly entered Saudi Arabia carrying various weapons and equipment. Saudi Arabia, on the defensive side, faced the swarming Houthi armed forces, and its morale was immediately reduced by half. When the two sides officially started fighting, Saudi Arabia could not hold on for a few hours, and the soldiers ran away, turning the battlefield into a marathon. Contest.

Moreover, the weapons and ammunition deployed in large quantities were discarded and given directly to the Houthi armed forces. Faced with such a situation, the leaders of the Houthi armed forces were stunned. However, this saved a lot of fighting and also captured a large amount of supplies. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone. Saudi Arabia has almost become a cash machine for the Houthi armed forces. When they have no weapons, they immediately have everything when fighting Saudi Arabia, and they are all sophisticated American weapons.

"After the first line of defense was breached, their combat effectiveness plummeted, and they almost collapsed at the first touch. We have captured many prisoners."

"Prisoner?" The major general frowned and thought for a while, then said coldly. "Pass the order and leave no one behind! We don't need any prisoners!"

The staff officer was startled. "General, this will lead to a military court!"

"Don't worry." The major general smiled. "Soon we will establish a state in Jerusalem. Although it was the homeland of our ancestors, it has been occupied by others for more than 2,000 years and has become the home of others. We have robbed their land, and you would think that they would welcome it with both hands. ?"

The staff officer shook his head. "Of course not, they will definitely try their best to drive us out."

The major general nodded. "That's it. One more death now and one less trouble later. And I guess..." He lowered his voice at this point. "I guess His Highness Yannick also wants us to do this, otherwise he wouldn't have specially transferred us here." Originally, these Judah soldiers were assigned to various units, but now they are attacked by 200,000 Judah soldiers. In the Middle East, he, a major general, even served as the temporary commander of the Judah Army. "And there isn't even a military policeman." Because there are many foreign legions in Germany, there are military policemen in each army, who are responsible for supervising military discipline and preventing them from burning, killing, looting, and breaking the law.

The adjutant nodded in surprise. "That's right, I haven't seen a single military policeman since we entered the Middle East."

"So let's talk. We don't need prisoners. But don't go too far. Don't let others take advantage of you and make people gossip. Do it neatly. If you see white flags, put them away."

There is an interesting term in later generations called "Dutch Disease", which refers to the phenomenon that a country is rich in resources and relies on exporting resources to create superficial economic prosperity, thereby inhibiting the development of other industries. Because relying on resource exports will result in a trade surplus and exports. It is more than what is imported, which then causes the local currency to appreciate and affects the export trade of other domestic industries.

The most abundant thing in Saudi Arabia is oil. For a long time, Saudi Arabia has relied on exporting oil to drive the development of the country's GDP and earn a large amount of foreign exchange, causing the appreciation of the local currency and inhibiting the development of other domestic industries. Therefore, although Saudi Arabia is rich in resources, it is unable to become a regional power.

There are few independent industries in Saudi Arabia, which are all built by foreign capital. Of course, Saudi Arabia also has its own pillar industry, which is the construction of mosques. Saudi Arabia achieves religious infiltration by aiding in the construction of mosques around the world. Some mosques have simply become the birthplace of terrorist organizations. Almost all terrorist organizations have Saudi Arabia behind them, and the Saudi government supports them either openly or covertly.

For those refugees in Europe, international organizations call on Saudi Arabia to provide them with assistance. After all, you are all Muxilins, and Muxilins all over the world are brothers and sisters.

Saudi Arabia has never accepted a single refugee. Most of these refugees like to go to wealthy countries such as Germany and France. However, aid work still needs to be done. Following the appeal of human rights organizations, Saudi Arabia finally made an aid statement. Everyone is thinking, Saudi Arabia is Should we prepare to bring tens of thousands of refugees over, or should we donate billions of dollars to bring them over? As a result, the Saudi government said this: "We are not prepared to bring them over, nor are we prepared to donate money to them. We are prepared to carry forward the Mushilin to build more mosques for them in their resettlement countries.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was dumbfounded. You, the rich country, should not provide assistance. It is too late for the resettlement country to get rid of these refugees. You are still building a mosque here for these burdensome people. You want them to use the mosque as a stronghold in the future. Are you refusing to leave? Then from time to time, a terrorist attack is launched, which makes the people of the resettled country panic.

Saudi Arabia can earn hundreds of billions of dollars from the tourism industry of pilgrims who go to Hajj every year. For such a profitable business, all you need to do is build a few more mosques around the world, and then tell the Mushlings that they must come to Hajj at least once in their lives, otherwise you will He is not a qualified muxilin, so many muxilins live in poverty and save their whole life just to go to Saudi Arabia to take a look at that black stone. As a result, during worship, their wallets were stolen by the muxilin next to them. You can't go back, but at least you have made the pilgrimage, and you can already smile in heaven, where seventy-two virgins (macho men) are waiting for you.

Yannick naturally didn't like him very much.

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