Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 541 Middle East (6)

"It seems that the weather in North Africa is good." Yannick warmly welcomed Rommel who came back from North Africa to report on his work. He couldn't help complaining in his heart. This guy obviously came back to visit his wife under the pretext of reporting on his work. It was his wife in a few days. birthday.

If you use one word to describe Rommel's view of love, you can use "holding your son's hand and growing old together with him." In his youth, Rommel had a resolute character, was shy and introverted, did not smoke, did not drink strong alcohol, did not approach women, and always lived a strict Spartan-style ascetic life. In March 1911, Rommel was sent to the Royal Cadet School in Danzig for eight months, but he rarely experienced the colorful night scenery of this coastal city.

Officers' balls were often held in Danzig at that time, and these young students and the daughters of some local prominent families were invited to attend. At a summer dance, Rommel met a 17-year-old girl named Lucy Morin and launched a crazy pursuit of her.

Lucy didn't like Rommel at first, thinking he was too serious and inconsistent with her lively personality. But when Rommel put on a monocle and vividly imitated his Prussian officers, she was still amused by him. Laughed. The two quickly fell in love.

During his study life at the military academy, Rommel spent almost all his time writing love letters to Lucy, except for daily study and drills. This habit did not change even in the North African battlefield, which became increasingly tight in the future. In North Africa, Rommel wrote a letter to Lucy every day, sometimes several letters. Some of the letters were neatly written, pouring out thoughts in leisure time, while others were written on the back of documents, calendars and other military supplies, often dictated by him and written by the adjutant. After the war, Lucy kept more than 1,000 letters that Rommel wrote to her during his time in North Africa. The letters were later searched and taken away by US troops. Interestingly, since they were all signed "Your Erwin", these letters were not included in Rommel's materials, but were opened under another account name of "Erwin". It was not until many years after the war that these letters were returned to Lucy.

According to the memories of Lucy's female companion, "Rommel doted on Lucy to the point of pampering. The words he kept on his lips were, 'Dearest Lou, just tell me if you have any requests.' Later, he pampered her so much that Like a shrew. If she doesn't like any of her female companions, the others must reject them together." From this point of view, it is not difficult to understand why Rommel showed no mercy when Mrs. Rommel had a quarrel with Gauss's wife in 1944. He drove Gauss out face to face.

Before the Normandy landing, it happened to be Lucy's birthday. Because the weather on the front line had been bad, Rommel seized the opportunity to return to Germany to celebrate his wife's birthday.

Unexpectedly, the Allies chose this day as the landing day. Fighters on the battlefield are fleeting. When Rommel rushed back to the battlefield, even he was a Desert Fox and could not save himself.

After reporting on the situation in North Africa, Rommel brought up the war in the Middle East. "Your Highness, the Jewish Army attacking the Middle East..."

Yannick asked casually while signing the document. "What's wrong with them?"

Rommel hesitated for a moment before speaking cautiously. "I heard that they did not accept the surrender of the other party and even massacred the prisoners of war they had captured before." Massacre and the killing of prisoners of war without accepting surrender are serious violations of the relevant Geneva treaties. This has never happened to the German army from the beginning of the war to the present. .

"Oh? Who gave the order?" Looking at Yannick's calm and calm look, Rommel also guessed that he already knew about the matter, but he still replied truthfully. "He is the temporary commander of the Judah Army."

"Are you wondering if this is an order I gave? I have this idea, but I have never given an order. This commander is very discerning, and it seems that he can achieve great things in the future." He looked at Rommel but hesitated to speak. Look, Yannick continued. "Is there anything surprising? Each of these guys has the potential to be a terrorist. If you eliminate them now, you will leave them as trouble in the future. This is why I specially dispatched the Judahs to attack the Middle East. They want to establish a country in Jerusalem. I’ll have to deal with Arabs more often in the future, so let them practice my skills first.”

During the conversation Dr. Goebbels came to see Yannick. "Dr. Goebbels, please post about the war in the Middle East in the newspaper and say that those Arab soldiers were brave and good at fighting. They would rather die than surrender until the end. They are opponents worthy of admiration."

Rommel was dumbfounded when he heard that the combat effectiveness of those Arab soldiers could only be described as scum, they were easily defeated and vulnerable. But His Highness said that these guys were brave and good at fighting and would rather die than surrender?

Yannick smiled. "Those Arab soldiers died heroically. Who dares to say that they were executed after surrendering? Who would believe it even if word spread?"

"Also, we send refugees from the war to the Americas. Don't Americans like to promote their so-called democracy, freedom, and human rights to see if they accept these refugees? Once the Americans refuse to accept them, we will vigorously attack the Americans hypocrisy."

The number of refugees in the world in later generations will be in the hundreds of millions, especially in the Middle East, where the number of refugees will be tens of millions. Most of the refugees became refugees because of the war. During the war, their homes were destroyed, their property was scattered, and they eventually became refugees.

Most of these wars are related to the United States. It can be said that the United States caused the displacement of these people and is theoretically responsible for helping and accepting refugees. On the other hand, the United States, as the world's superpower and the most powerful country in the world, enjoys world interests. From an international moral perspective, the United States also has the core obligation to accept refugees.

But the fact is just the opposite. The United States has never accepted refugees from beginning to end, and even illegal immigrants have difficulty entering the United States. There is only one principle they pursue, and that is "America First."

The United States only wants benefits, not burdens. If a large number of refugees flow to the United States, it will only cause harm but no benefit to the United States. Moreover, the United States is also worried that the arrival of refugees will cause chaos in the security of the United States, so it is determined not to accept a single refugee. They only welcome people who are rich, talented, or powerful to come to the United States and immigrate to the United States, because this is beneficial to the United States.

And now Yannick is planning to send all the refugees from the Middle East to the United States. Although the two countries have declared war, Germany cannot deliver them in person, but there are still many neutral countries.

Such as Greece.

It happened that Greece had recently negotiated an arms trade with Germany, so Yannick asked Greece to do a favor and hang the Greek flag on the refugee transport ship; naturally Greece did not dare to offend Germany.

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