Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 543 North Carolina (1)

Hearing that Yanik wanted them to return to Mecca, Abdullah almost jumped up with excitement, his voice rose an octave and he spoke incoherently. "If you really let our Hashemite family return to Mecca, then you will be a great benefactor to the Hashemite family!"

Yannick smiled. "If the Hashemite family is as rigid and stubborn as the Saudi family, then I will not give you such benefits. I welcome the secular and open country of Islam. As for those who are unwilling to cooperate with In my opinion, the old diehards and conservatives who keep pace with the times are damned heretics, and everyone should punish them. They are extreme, and I can be more extreme than them. If you can't change mentally, then I will completely eliminate you physically. ! Kill ten thousand, one million, ten million, and one day you will be able to kill them all, right?"

Listening to Yannick's understated but murderous words, Abdullah broke into cold sweat and nodded in agreement.

While Yanik and Abdullah were discussing the allocation of resources after their move, Germany's most advanced super submarine Tiger Shark One had secretly sneaked into a place less than 300 kilometers away from the U.S. coastline.

Captain Otto Kretschmer was studying the navigation chart when he suddenly heard a report from the sonar operator. "Captain, fifteen degrees and four nautical miles to port, a large battleship!"

"Raise to periscope height!" Kretschmer suddenly became energetic. Since they crossed the outer defense line of the US Navy, the largest ship they encountered was only a cruiser, and now they finally encountered a large battleship.

"I hope it's a battleship." He muttered quietly, raised the periscope, and turned fifteen degrees to port.

He saw a fleet, which was not large in size, with only four destroyers, two cruisers, an unfamiliar battleship, and a supply ship. "What kind of battleship is this?" Kretschmer quickly compared all the battleship graphics in his mind, but found that none of them matched it. "It seems to be a new type of battleship of the U.S. Navy." He said and handed the periscope to the first mate on the side.

The first mate observed it carefully and nodded. "It should be a fast battleship built according to the Washington Treaty. The tonnage is obviously more than 20,000 tons." It seems that we are in good luck. In the vast sea, they actually ran into a new American battleship.

During World War I, all naval powers designed battleships with greater scale and firepower, and the caliber of the main guns increased to 16 to 18 inches. Since battleships were extremely expensive to build and maintain, this costly arms race clearly became a heavy financial burden after the war. During the 1922 Washington Conference, the five naval powers signed the Treaty for the Limitation of Naval Armaments (Washington Naval Treaty), which limited the tonnage of capital ships (35,000 tons) and the caliber of main guns (not to exceed 16 inches).

The battleship they encountered was the North Carolina-class battleship built by the United States in accordance with the Washington Naval Treaty. North Carolina (a total of two North Carolina-class battleships were built: North Carolina (No. BB-55), USS Washington (No. :BB-56)).

As early as 1929, the U.S. Secretary of the Navy gave rough instructions on the performance of the proposed battleship: a standard displacement of 35,000 tons, a ship width of 48 meters (the maximum size of a ship allowed to pass through the Panama Canal locks is 31 meters), a main gun It has 9 406mm guns, a maximum speed of 23 knots, and a 5-bulkhead protection system on the side. Accordingly, the U.S. Navy conducted research on the design of the proposed battleship in 1931, 1933, and 1934. From 1935 to 1936, it developed a number of alternative design plans. However, these designs were still subject to the relevant provisions of the Washington Naval Treaty and later the London Naval Treaty.

A large number of technological achievements accumulated by the U.S. Navy during the Treaty of Washington were used in the design of the North Carolina-class battleships.

The North Carolina class uses a flat-deck ship type and a tower mainmast. The original design plan determined that it would use 12 356 mm (14-inch) caliber main guns (3 quadruple turrets), but considering the London Naval Treaty, it is actually possible be modified or abolished, leaving room for choice in the selection of main guns (when the treaty was signed in 1936, it stipulated that the standard displacement of a battleship should not be greater than 35,000 tons, and the caliber of the main gun should not exceed 356 mm. In 1938, the above provisions were revised to standard The displacement shall not exceed 45,000 tons, and the caliber of the main guns shall not exceed 406 mm). The caliber and number of the main guns of the two ships were changed after the construction began (this design method of exploiting treaty loopholes was widely used by navies of various countries in the "Treaty Era") .

"Get ready to fight!" Following Kretschmer's battle order, the submarine suddenly became nervously busy.

If it were the previous U-shaped submarine, he would not dare to attack this fleet. After all, the underwater speed of the U-shaped submarine was only five or six knots, and it would be difficult to escape the pursuit of the opponent's four destroyers. In addition, this is already the enemy's hinterland, and enemy reinforcements will come from all directions. Even if they are lucky enough to sink the battleship, it will be a disaster. Whether you have done enough to get the medal is one thing, but whether you have the life to go back and get the medal is another thing.

But now this super submarine has given him unlimited confidence, and Kretzimer has begun to imagine the wonderful scene of the battleship being shot and tilting and sinking.

"Prepare torpedo No. 1 and No. 2, and the depth of torpedo No. 3 and No. 4 is set at 15 meters!"

He knew that the mainstream torpedo protection system of American warships was a "five-layer system", consisting of two layers of empty tanks and three layers of liquid tanks. The outermost and innermost layers are empty tanks, and the three middle layers are liquid tanks. This system innovatively uses three thinner layers of highly elastic steel as lightning protection walls, which are arranged between the four inner layers, and the final watertight bulkhead is arranged behind the empty inner layer. Each lightning protection wall is carefully designed to provide maximum resistance before it is torn apart by impact. The three lightning protection walls are separated from each other, so if one of them is damaged, it will not affect the other intact ones, and if the last lightning protection wall is damaged, it will not affect the watertight bulkhead. The shock wave will not reach the watertight compartment until all three layers of lightning protection walls and five layers of compartments are destroyed. Therefore, the entire system can reach their limits in the face of explosions, resisting underwater explosions with their maximum resistance.

The actual combat performance of this system is relatively good. From the perspective of underwater explosions, the only flaw may be that the water intrusion caused by the initial destruction of the outer cavity will cause the warship to list, but this can be easily corrected by reverse water injection. .

Therefore, Kretschmer launched a magnetic fuse torpedo to attack its keel.

The keel is the most important and most fragile part of a ship. The magnetic fuse will cause the torpedo to explode at the bottom of the ship. After the explosive explodes, the expanding bubbles filled with high-pressure gas and rushing toward the water above will completely release the energy to the bottom of the ship, thus severely damaging the keel of the ship. To solve this problem, designers had to use a multi-layered ship bottom structure with light armor (usually double or triple layers). However, even if large-scale water intrusion can be prevented, the huge force transmitted through the rigid load-bearing structure will Vibrations can still damage power systems and weapons.

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