Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 552 National Car

Summer in the Pacific can be said to be quite calm. Even near the Aleutian Islands in the north, the frequency of strong winds and waves is only 20%. In the south of New Zealand, the frequency of strong winds and waves near the 30th parallel south will not exceed 20%. . Wind and waves will gradually increase from autumn to the peak in February in winter.

The hazy moonlight shines on the calm sea, and the waves are sparkling. Several speedboats are speeding from a distance at high speed. Because the speed is so fast, after these speedboats fly over the top of the waves, the front half of the boat leaves the sea!

A huge black shadow appeared in front of them, approaching them. It was a cargo ship.

Several speedboats quietly approached the freighter with minimal horsepower. Several people stood up on the speedboats, raised their rope-throwing guns, pointed at the railings on the freighter and pulled the trigger.

boom! boom! boom!

The hook of the rope-throwing gun accurately hooked the railing, and everyone quickly climbed onto the freighter along the rope.

The captain, who was pulled up from the bed, looked at these ferocious and heavily armed men tremblingly and asked in a trembling voice. "You, who are you? This is an American ship." This cargo ship sailed from the Philippines to the United States. The cargo on the ship was not gold, silver or jewelry, but coconut oil, which is abundant in the Philippines. He really couldn't figure out why these people hijacked the ship.

The strong man at the head chuckled. "What we are looking for is an American ship. Let me ask you, is this 'San Francisco' heading to New York Harbor?"

The captain nodded.

The strong man asked again. "Is it going through the Panama Canal?"

The captain nodded again.

"That's alright, we just want to take a ride. If you are obedient, I won't make things difficult for you. If you dare to play tricks and resist, I will throw you all into the sea to feed the sharks!" They are German special forces, here to execute A secret mission; then they herded the entire crew into the hold and imprisoned them.

The freighter slowly stopped, and a member came to the side of the ship, holding a flashlight and sending a signal to the distant sea.

After a while, three submarines came from a distance. The members controlled the crane on the freighter to lift the cargo from the submarine deck one by one and moved it into the bottom cabin. After more than three hours of busy work, we continued to set sail for the Panama Canal.

In the German Chancellery, Prime Minister Speer is holding a regular meeting. At this time, the German Chancellor was just a fictitious position with no power, and could only give speeches to the outside world. Therefore, Yannick planned to let his confidants take turns to enjoy themselves.

"Our unemployment rate has been below 1% for five years in a row."

Before 1933 in the original time and space, the economic situation in Germany (then the Weimar Republic) was in a mess, with as many as 6 million unemployed people, accounting for half of the labor force. But after 1933, the new German government created an economic miracle—zero unemployment. By 1939, the number of unemployed people in Germany was only 300,000, and the unemployment rate was close to zero.

The German government at that time took many measures to achieve the "economic miracle".

For example, women were excluded from unemployment statistics; Germans were given a very simple choice: either work or be sent to concentration camps as "work-shy"; Jews were deported from 1935 to Deprivation of citizenship resulted in exclusion from the unemployment population; since 1935, Germany implemented a compulsory military service, and many young people were also excluded from the unemployment population. As of 1939, the total number of German soldiers was as high as 1.4 million.

Therefore, Germany's economic miracle of zero unemployment at that time was largely a "statistical game." But it is undeniable that the German government at that time did create many jobs through a large number of public projects, such as digging trenches, building roads, planting trees, etc.

Although Germany had swept across Europe, the war did not end there. In order to prepare for a larger-scale war, steel plants, industrial zones, small businesses, and handicraft workshops throughout Europe are operating at full power, producing all materials that can be produced, without wasting a minute or a second. Procurement contracts from the military have never been interrupted, and most companies have to work overtime, with workers working day and night to produce. Under this situation, the unemployment rate among Germans has been reduced to an incredible level. Everyone has work to be busy with, and there are very few idle people wandering on the road.

“Today, Europe has the most developed highways in the world. The highways starting from Berlin lead directly to Paris, Warsaw, and Rome. The railway network across Europe is also connected together, and every city with a population of more than one million has an airport. It greatly facilitates people’s travel.”

"Now that we have such developed transportation, it would be a waste if we don't make good use of it. In the past five years, we have completed the work of popularizing radios and bicycles. In the next five years, we will devote ourselves to the work of popularizing cars, and everyone in the empire will Every household will have its own car.”

In the early 1930s, the main product of the German automobile industry was luxury cars. At that time, luxury cars could only be toys for the rich. Ordinary people had no financial ability to buy expensive luxury cars.

In 1936, Mustache came up with an idea to produce a cheap "people's car." He said that every German, at least every German worker, should have a car of his own, just like the United States. At that time, there was one car for every five people in the United States, and one car for every 50 people in Germany. Workers commuted by bicycle or by bus.

Mustache ordered the production of an economical car for ordinary people that would cost only 990 marks (equivalent to $396 at the time).

The ideal is very fulfilling, but it is almost impossible for private companies to produce such cheap cars. Mustache ordered the "Labor Front" to be responsible. On March 28, 1937, the company "Gesellschaft zur Vorbereitung des Deutschen Volkswagens mbH" was proclaimed, followed by 1kswagenwerk GmbH (Volkswagen) in September 1938.

On May 26, 1938, Volkswagen began construction of a new factory in Wolfsburg to produce the Beetle, the "national sedan" designed by Porsche. But the good times did not last long. Just one year later, World War II broke out. Volkswagen stopped producing Beetles at its factory in Wolfsburg and switched to producing military vehicles. The more than 200 Beetles originally produced did not become popular among the people. It was the "People's Car" that equipped the German army and the Mustache was temporarily suspended.

Now, Yannick has also launched the "national car" project, which is the first-generation Beetle, priced at 500 euros. At this time, the minimum monthly salary for ordinary workers in Germany is 50 euros. If you don't eat or drink, you can take a Beetle home in less than a year.

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