Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 557 Refugee Ship

News that a ship exploded in the Panama Canal locks, making the canal impassable, reached Washington. Roosevelt, who had just returned to work two days after being discharged from the hospital, almost fell ill again and asked angrily. "What's going on?!" Nowadays, the United States' finances are so tight that they can't wait to break a penny and spend it in half. The Panama Canal crossing tolls are quite considerable, bringing tens of millions of dollars in revenue to the United States every year. But something like this happened at this time. The canal tolls will not be collected for at least half a year, and they will even have to pay for new ones. By building a floodgate, isn't this an intentional attempt to cause trouble?

"What exploded was the San Francisco cargo ship returning from the Philippines."

"'San Francisco'" Roosevelt couldn't help but frowned. When he heard the name of the ship, he knew it was an American ship. "What cargo was loaded?" Was it a shipload of explosives? But why didn't he know that explosives were also being transported from the Philippines?

"coconut oil."

"Coconut oil" Roosevelt's frown deepened. “What else but coconut oil?”

"Only coconut oil is on the register, no other goods."

But Roosevelt felt that things were not that simple. Coconut oil is a vegetable oil, and most vegetable oils will only burn when in a liquid state. Sometimes when it evaporates and is fully mixed with air, it can explode. But even if an entire ship of coconut oil explodes, it is impossible to explode with such power. This is obviously an effect that can only be achieved by the explosion of dozens of tons of high explosives. "Let Hoover investigate this matter thoroughly and restore access to the Panama Canal as soon as possible."

Just after giving the order, General Ernest hurried into the office. "Mr. President, our destroyers have discovered a Greek fleet heading towards the United States. The people on board are refugees who have fled the battlefields in the Middle East and are seeking refuge in the United States."

"Greece? Refugees?" Roosevelt said with a dissatisfied look on his face. "Who asked them to come?" Is this Greek crazy? You just decided to send the refugees over without consulting them? Consider the United States your home? "Let them go back and forth wherever they come from!" If these guys were rich and rich in gold and silver, he would welcome them very much. But what can refugees have? To put it nicely, he is a refugee, but to put it bluntly, he is a homeless beggar! The government's finances were already tight, and he didn't want to feed these people in vain.

"Listen to the ships in front! Please return immediately!" The American destroyer that received the order repeated over and over again on the radio to urge the approaching fleet to turn around and return.

The ships did not stop, but continued to sail straight forward.

After a few more minutes, the destroyer captain became a little annoyed when he saw that the fleet still had no intention of turning around. "Fire to warn them!"


A shell fired over and landed on the sea a few hundred meters in front of the fleet, setting off a high column of water.

"We are a humanitarian refugee rescue ship. US warships are about to open fire on us. Americans, who call themselves the 'beacon of freedom and democracy in the world,' are going to open fire on refugee ships carrying only the elderly, the weak, women and children."

Listening to the other party repeatedly repeating this clear broadcast on the international channel, the captain of the destroyer's mouth twitched slightly, and he did not dare to continue the bombardment and reported it quickly.

Roosevelt's face turned dark when he heard the news from the destroyer.

It seems impossible for these refugee ships to return obediently, but if they are really sunk, the United States will definitely become the target of public criticism. Those in the Middle East may even hate the United States more than the Germans.

The new Secretary of State Edwards Titinius urgently summoned the Greek ambassador to the United States. "What does your country mean?"

"It's not interesting." The Greek ambassador said calmly. "Those people on board are all poor people who were displaced during the war in the Middle East. They were sent here just to save these poor people from the ravages of war."

Edwards and Tintinius said angrily. "Then why not take it to your country?"

The Greek ambassador spread his hands and said helplessly. “We in Greece are a small and narrow country, and we are determined but powerless.”

Edwards and Titinius were too lazy to talk nonsense to him. "I formally warn you to send the fleet back immediately, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences."

The Greek ambassador was still slow and confident. "Sorry, my conscience doesn't allow me to do that. If you really don't want to accept it, you can order them to be sunk."

Edwards and Tintinius were so angry that they wanted to curse, "Do you mean we have no conscience?"

While the Greek ambassador was arguing with the Secretary of State, Major General Lockwood had prepared a submarine to be sent to fight in Europe.

He chose five S-class submarines.

The S-class submarines began construction after the end of World War I. The design made comprehensive improvements to the R-class, including enhanced endurance, increased torpedo reserves, and enlarged hulls. It is the last class of submarines in the U.S. Navy to be named alphanumericly. Each submarine is named S plus a consecutive number. The number represents the number of the boat in that class.

Its weapons and equipment are 1 6mm or 2mm deck gun, 4 or 5 533mm torpedo tubes, all bow or 4 bows and 1 stern, and 12 torpedoes.

Although this class of submarines is obviously old, they still achieved good results in the original time and space: in 1942, this class of submarines sank the Japanese Navy heavy cruiser Kako.

By 1943, all S-class submarines were withdrawn from active service or performing minor patrol duties in the North Pacific. The British Royal Navy also received four submarines of this class and used them in the Mediterranean theater.

Rear Admiral Lockwood ordered that all available space on the submarine should not be spared, and fuel and food should be loaded to the maximum extent. It could originally hold 12 torpedoes, but in order to make room for more fuel, only 8 torpedoes were carried.

After everything was ready, the captains of the five submarines were called to Rear Admiral Lockwood's office to hear the mission of the trip.

"What?!" The five people were shocked when they heard that they were going to be sent to Europe to fight. Among them, the captain of submarine No. S-042, who had a rebellious look on his face, simply vented his dissatisfaction. "General, have we offended you in any way? If we had offended you, just pull us out and shoot us. Why use such a noble reason to push us into the fire pit?" As captains, they naturally have a deep understanding of their own actions. The performance of submarines is clear. If we rely on these antique-class submarines to travel thousands of kilometers to hit the European coastline, isn't that looking for death?

Although his words and actions were considered disrespectful, Major General Lockwood did not get angry. After all, he did not very much agree with this action. "I can't help it. This is an order issued by President Roosevelt himself. If you have any objections, just go to him and complain."

Captain S-042 muttered softly. "This damn cripple, I have to tell my dad to stop voting for him."

Although they were extremely reluctant, they still set off bravely. If you refuse to perform the mission, it is equivalent to being a deserter, and you may be court-martialed. And those who died in the mission are heroes and martyrs; they naturally choose the latter.

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