Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 571 Operation Greenland (End)

As the U.S. warships sank to the bottom of the sea one by one, the thick smoke on the sea gradually dissipated. The pilots hovering in the sky saw dense crowds of drowned people flopping in the water.

"Oh, there are probably seventy or eighty thousand here instead of one hundred thousand. It's really spectacular!" That's not all. There must be many people who sank to the bottom of the sea with the battleship because they didn't have time to escape. "Tsk, these poor guys, Qianli Zhaozhao came here to die, how stupid they are!"

With so many people falling into the water, there were only a few dozen lifeboats floating on the sea, and each lifeboat could only carry a dozen people at most.

"What to do with those lifeboats? Sunk them?"

"Isn't this a bit inhumane?"

"Who is so inhumane? Just now they raised the white flag and surrendered, why don't we sink them all anyway?"

"But that is a battleship and these are lifeboats. How can they be compared?"

Just as these pilots were talking among themselves, the commander spoke. "Don't worry about them. There are going to be waves. Let them fend for themselves. Let's return." There are often strong winds and waves in this area, and it is more than 100 kilometers away from the nearest Greenland. How far can these unpowered lifeboats go? Unless God bless them, they will all be buried under the sea.

"Haha, let's go have a drink!" Today is His Highness's birthday, a national holiday. And these soldiers who participated in the battle received a large amount of special allowances. However, they were more interested in achievements than subsidies. They had not encountered a decent air battle for a long time since the British surrender. In today's battle, they each gained several achievements.

At this moment, a grand banquet was being held in the Berlin Palace. Envoys, princes and nobles from various countries gathered together, and it was very lively.

Wilhelm II's father, his grandfather Friedrich Wilhelm Nicholas Karl, had eight children; two of them died in infancy, and the remaining six married and had children, and their children married and had children, so that Yannick now had to live with a bunch of relatives greet.

It is said that one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven. Thanks to his blessing, these people's lives are quite good (actually they were living quite well before). But according to Yannick, you can enjoy the glory and wealth to your heart's content, but you can't act recklessly, let alone have any inappropriate thoughts, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!

Yannick kept his word. During the "Night of the Long Knives" a few years ago, several of his cousins ​​were thrown into concentration camps by him, and their lives and deaths are still unknown. After all, although everyone is related by blood, his soul is an outsider, and he doesn't care whether these people are his relatives.

With those lessons learned, the rest of the people can be considered honest.

While everyone was chatting happily, Yannick's secretary hurried over and whispered a few words in his ear.

"Sorry, excuse me." Yannick nodded to his relatives, walked to the center of the banquet hall, and flicked the wine glass in his hand. With a crisp sound, the entire banquet hall fell silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on him.

That’s all it takes to attract so much attention!

He sighed in his heart, took a sip of the champagne in the glass, and Yannick said loudly. "Everyone, let me tell you some good news. Just now, we wiped out a US military fleet that was preparing to attack Greenland. To be precise, it was the United States and Canada Combined Fleet. This fleet is not small in size, with six aircraft carriers and five aircraft carriers. Battleships, in addition to many battle cruisers, cruisers, and destroyers. But just now, we have sunk them all to the bottom of the sea, not a single one is left, and our army suffered zero casualties."

"!!" Everyone looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"Long live Germany!" Someone shouted, and loud cheers resounded throughout the banquet hall.

After the cheers subsided a little, Yannick continued. "Maybe some of you think I am bragging, but people who know me well know that I never brag. Interested friends can ask. Among the six aircraft carriers and five battleships, there is the USS Lexington." USS Saratoga, USS Ranger, USS Yorktown, USS Enterprise; USS Colorado, USS Maryland, USS West Virginia, USS Tennessee ; There are also the Canadian aircraft carrier Glory and the battleship Ramillies; of course these are the despicable Canadians who seized British battleships. "

"As for why our army was able to achieve such a huge victory with zero casualties, it was all thanks to President Roosevelt. Speaking of President Roosevelt, it can be said that he and I have a congenial mind and have been friends for a long time. The last time we issued the euro, President Roosevelt waved his hand, They happily saved hundreds of billions of foreign exchange and gave us great support; and today they sent me such a heavy gift on my birthday, I don’t know how to thank you enough.”

As he spoke, he looked around and pointed at Reinhard not far away. "Reinhard, check in the archives later to see if President Roosevelt is a secret agent we sent before. I want to give him a medal, a Knight's Medal with Diamonds, Gold, Double Swords, and Gold Oak Leaves!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Yannick raised his glass and said loudly with a smile. "Come and pay homage to our President Roosevelt! I wish him a long life!"

Hearing this, everyone raised their glasses in response.

The banquet lasted until about two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Damn it, you're so tired after a birthday." Yannick couldn't help but complain a few times when he returned to the office. It was a birthday before time travel. It was enough to buy a cake and celebrate it as a family. There was no need to entertain so many people.

While she was complaining, Anne brought Queen Elizabeth in. "Your Highness, Her Royal Highness the Queen said she has something important to discuss with you."

"Your Highness, I'm here to talk to you about the prisoners of war."

"Prisoner of war?" Yannick's lips curved slightly. "Well, since Her Royal Highness the Queen wants something from me, can you agree to my request first?"

Queen Elizabeth's face showed a look of vigilance. "any request?"

Yannick pointed at Queen Elisabeth's swollen belly. "Can I touch it?"

Queen Elizabeth's face suddenly stiffened. "Your Highness Yannick, could you please take care of yourself?"

Yannick shrugged. "Then why don't you go back first? I have other things to be busy with."

"..." Queen Elizabeth glared at him fiercely, took a deep breath, and turned her head to look aside.

Seeing this, Yannick walked up to her, stretched out his hand and carefully placed it on her belly. The babies in her belly seemed to feel his touch, and the palm of his hand felt as if someone had gently kicked it. It was a real feeling. He felt that there was a strong life greeting him under his palm.

It turns out that this is the so-called fetal movement!

Yannick was immersed in this wonderful feeling. After an unknown amount of time, Queen Elizabeth slapped his hand away and said coldly. "That's enough, how long do you want to touch it?!"

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