The day after the election results were announced, newly elected future president Wendell Wilkie came to the Oval Office of the White House.

Of course, it's not that I can't wait to sit on the presidential throne that will only be available in two months. After all, Roosevelt is still sitting in that position.

He came specifically to talk to Roosevelt.

"Mr. President." Entering the office, Wilkie bowed slightly to Roosevelt behind the desk and saluted.

"Mr. Wilkie." President Roosevelt seemed unhappy to see this "traitor" of the Democratic Party and nodded expressionlessly. "What are you doing this time?"

The reason why he is called a "traitor" is because the new Republican president was previously a member of the Democratic Party and an activist. However, Willkie later had political differences with Roosevelt, and eventually left the Democratic Party and joined the Republican Party as a dark horse. But he does not believe that he has betrayed the Democratic Party. He once said: "I did not abandon my party, but my party abandoned me."

Wilkie sat on the sofa minding his own business. "Mr. President, I'm here today to talk to you about the Soviet Union."

"!!" When he mentioned the Soviet Union, Roosevelt's eyes were full of anger, and the muscles on his face could not control his slight twitching.

As mentioned before, Roosevelt and former Secretary of State Cordell Hull had known each other for many years. It can be said that the two were brothers and friends, right-hand men who shared weal and woe. Such a close friend was actually killed by the shameless Soviets and was imprisoned for no reason. The crime! A perfectly good person left, but he came back transformed into an urn! !

Every time he thought of this incident, Roosevelt wanted to send troops into Moscow and hang the damn bearded man on the Kremlin.

Now hearing Wilkie mention the Soviet Union, Roosevelt felt a faint uneasiness flashing in his heart while being angry. "What do you want to talk about?"

Wilkie said seriously. "I would like to know what happened when former Secretary of State Mr. Hull visited the Soviet Union? Also, is there any possibility of cooperation between us and the Soviet Union?"

"Mr. Wilkie!" President Roosevelt said angrily. "Have you forgotten how Cordell Hull and his party were brutally murdered by those damn furry bears?! You still want to cooperate with them?! You are betraying the United States!"

In the face of Roosevelt's rebuke, Wilkie was not to be outdone. "Mr. President, if you are making malicious speculations, you should be the one who betrayed the United States! Look what you have done to the good United States?! As soon as Germany announced the release of a new currency, you declared war on Germany, resulting in the European foreign exchange in the national treasury. It became a pile of waste paper; on the birthday of the German Crown Prince, you sent a fleet to attack Greenland, but you were fooled into being ambushed and the entire army was wiped out. You gave the German Crown Prince a big birthday gift; in the end, not only did you want the French gold If we hand it over obediently, even our gold will fall into their mouths.

One after another, these things really make people wonder whether you are really a spy planted by the Germans! And did Cordell Hull and his group really do something to deliberately undermine the possibility of the alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union against Germany? ! "

"You!!" Roosevelt's face turned blue and white after being scolded, and he was breathing heavily, showing his weakness.

Seeing this, Wilkie also softened his tone. “But I know that Mr. President, you are patriotic, and naturally you will not betray your motherland.

I also know of your close relationship with Cordel Hull, whose murder made you hate the Soviet Union even more.

But you can't let your own personal feelings cloud your mind, you have to consider the overall situation. Look at the current situation of the United States. We are across the Atlantic Ocean and pose no threat to Germany. The Germans can fly around in our airspace and drop bombs with arrogance. "

"We must fight back and beat the Germans hard. At present, we can only achieve this goal by joining forces with the Soviet Union." Wilkie said firmly. "I also hate the Soviet Union, but the top priority now is to deal with Germany. Once we gain a foothold in Europe, then we will make the Soviets pay the price."

After a long silence, Roosevelt sighed deeply. "I can't help you. At that time, Hull went to the Soviet Union to discuss cooperation in dealing with Germany. As a result, the Soviets issued a statement in the evening saying that Hull intended to assassinate Stalin. I still don't know what these damn fur bears are thinking."

After hearing Roosevelt's words, Wilkie frowned deeply. The whole thing sounds really strange. Even if the Soviets are assholes, they can't kill the special envoy for no reason. Is there any misunderstanding in this? "Ignoring all this, do we still have a chance to cooperate with the Soviet Union?"

Roosevelt sneered. "I hope not, unless that damn Stalin dies."

However, he also agreed to let the Swiss ambassador have contact with the Soviet ambassador.

Across the Atlantic in Berlin, the Royal Palace.

The phone on Yannick's desk rang. It was Reinhard. "Your Highness, the Swiss intelligence agency just received news that the U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland secretly visited the Soviet Ambassador. The specific content of the negotiation needs to be further explored."

Yannick couldn't help but smack his lips. "It seems that the United States is cooperating with the Soviet Union again?" This was definitely not Roosevelt's idea, but the attention of the newly elected future president Wendell Wilkie. It seems that this guy is quite smart.

But in fact, as early as the last time, the United States and the Soviet Union should have reached an alliance agreement to jointly deal with Germany. However, the US Secretary of State who went to negotiate was beaten to death, and all the people accompanying him were shot; the alliance between the two countries also naturally became Bubble.

And now the incoming president is thinking about cooperating with the Soviet Union?

Are you going back to the historical plot of the original time and space?

Fortunately, Britain had already fallen and there was no springboard to Europe. The Americans could only transport aid to the Soviet Union from the Pacific.

Yannick picked up the phone and dialed the Admiralty. "Marshal Dönitz, how is the construction of Australia's submarine base going?"

"Your Highness, the construction of the base is going very smoothly. 40 submarines are already stationed there."

"If we continue to expand, I am afraid that the Americans will hook up with the Soviets. If the Americans want to aid the Soviet Union, they can only take the Pacific route. By then, I will make the Pacific Ocean a graveyard for the American transport fleet."


Called Lu Airlines again. "Marshal Richthofen, what happened to the plan to attack the Baku oil fields?"

Richthofen said confidently. "Your Highness, the Soviets cannot stop our fleet at all. It only takes a few rounds of large-scale bombing to paralyze the Baku oil fields."

"Very good. Once the Soviet Union and the United States officially hook up, they will immediately bomb the Baku oil fields."

Or, just let the ground troops push over and occupy the oil fields?

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