Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 605 Türkiye (2)

There was once a large empire called Ottoman Turkey that spanned Europe, Asia, and Africa. This empire was later slimmed down little by little until it was reduced to the current Anatolian Peninsula (780,000 square kilometers). Almost half of the "credit" goes to Russia. From the 17th century to the 20th century, for more than 300 years, the two countries fought 12 wars, with constant minor conflicts; it can be said to be a feud.

Even if Turkey later signed the "Soviet-Turkish Friendship Treaty" with the Soviet Union, it was an expedient measure forced by the current crisis situation. It was impossible to eliminate the hatred between the two countries; if Turkey had the strength, it would definitely beat the hell out of the Soviet Union. Don't know anyone.

If we ask the Soviet Union for help at this time, I don’t know how these furry bears will take advantage of them.

Hearing Prime Minister Saidam's firm opposition, the US ambassador was helpless. "Mr. Prime Minister, you must know that in this situation, only the Soviet Union can help your country." Even if the United States wants to help, it is unable to help! If the United States could reach the Balkans, they would have already taught Greece a lesson for constantly transporting refugees to the United States.

The U.S. ambassador also said that the United States can act as a middleman to bridge the gap between the two countries. However, Türkiye and the Soviet Union are adjacent. If it really wants to ask the Soviet Union for help, it does not need the United States to pull the strings.

Just when the Turks were hesitant, news came from the Soviet Union that they were willing to assist Turkey in resisting foreign enemies. After all, once Türkiye falls, the southern border of the Soviet Union connected to Türkiye will also be threatened.

However, the Soviet Union had an additional condition, which was that it required Turkey and the Soviet Union to jointly defend the security of the Strait in the future. This request was for post-war considerations. The Mediterranean Sea has now become a veritable inner lake for Germany. Once the Soviet Union and Germany completely break up, Soviet ships will be trapped in the Black Sea and unable to move. Although the Black Sea in later generations has multiple entrances and exits such as the Rhine-Danube Canal and the Don-Volga Canal, construction of these canals has not yet begun. Currently, there is only one outlet to the sea, the Turkish Strait.

Although it cursed the Soviet Union for shamelessly taking advantage of the situation, Turkey decided to accept Soviet assistance after careful consideration. They can still distinguish between the strait and the country, which is more important.

While the Soviet Union was preparing to transport weapons and equipment to Turkey, it also sent Molotov to Germany, hoping to, to be precise, warn Germany not to try to undermine Turkey's neutrality.

After hearing Stalin's warning conveyed by Molotov, Yannik curled his lips in disdain. "Does he regard Germany as their republic and dare to make irresponsible remarks to me? Go back and tell him that this is an internal conflict in the Balkans. If the Soviet Union dares to get involved, we will not sit idly by. With its backward weapons and equipment, the Soviet Union still wants to defeat us?"

Molotov smiled awkwardly and mentioned something. "The Army has recently been equipped with a new type of semi-automatic rifle, which seems to be a copy of the German G43."

Yannick nodded. "SVT semi-automatic rifle."

Interestingly, the Germans copied the Soviet SVT semi-automatic rifle. In the early stages of the war at the beginning of World War II, the German army was obsessed with the Mauser 98K rifle in their hands and was not interested in the development of semi-automatic rifles.

It was not until on the Eastern Front battlefield that the German army, which had always been high-minded, was crushed by the Soviet army equipped with large-scale SVT40 semi-automatic rifles at a high rate of fire, did the German top brass really begin to pay attention to the research of semi-automatic rifles. Based on the G41 semi-automatic rifle and referring to the structural principles of the Soviet SVT-40 semi-automatic rifle, the G43 semi-automatic rifle was developed.

In addition to the semi-automatic rifles of the Soviet Army, Yanik also knew that the Soviet Air Force was equipped with new fighters such as MiG-3 and Yak-1. However, the performance of these fighters was far inferior to that of German fighters and was not something to be afraid of.

Speaking of the Soviet army, Yannick thought of another thing. "Is Stalin's son in the army?"

Molotov nodded. "Yes, he is the eldest son of Comrade Stalin. His name is Yakov. He graduated from the Frunze Military Academy. He is now the commander of the second battalion of the 3rd Regiment of the 14th Tank Division of the 16th Army. I heard that there are only a few people in the entire division. Know who he really is."

Yannick asked casually. "I wonder if Stalin will surrender if Battalion Commander Yakov is captured during the war?" But he didn't hold out much hope, after all, he was familiar with the events of the original time and space.

Stalin had two sons and a daughter. The eldest son is Yakov, born to Stalin's ex-wife. Because his mother died shortly after he was born, he was raised by his aunt and uncle. He had a relatively weak relationship with Stalin. When he grew up, he rarely saw Stalin, and even when he did meet, he had nothing to say. Yakov is relatively introverted and taciturn. But once provoked, he will fly into a rage, as if possessed by Stalin. This is a strong inheritance from the family.

During the Soviet-German War, Yakov's unit was completely surrounded by the German army and he became a prisoner. The Germans publicized this, hoping to undermine the Soviet army's fighting spirit. Later, Germany proposed to exchange Yakov for the captured German Marshal Paulus, but Stalin decisively rejected it. "I won't trade a marshal for a soldier!"

Yakov died in a prisoner of war camp. There are various versions of the cause of his death. One theory is that he was murdered by German SS agents. One theory is that Yakov remained unyielding in the concentration camp, continued to fight, and died heroically with his comrades. For this reason, the Soviet government posthumously awarded him the Order of Patriotism, First Class. Another said it was suicide, because Stalin once said that there are no prisoners of war on the battlefield, only traitors. Some people say that Yakov made friends with Polish prisoners of war in the prison camp. When he learned about the disgraceful role played by the Soviet Union in the "Katyn Massacre", he was completely disillusioned, coupled with his father's abandonment, so he committed suicide in despair.

Stalin's second son, Vasily, was born to his second wife. Vasily has been a problem child since he was a child. After his mother died, he hated his father and retaliated with his naughtiness and depravity. When he grew up, he joined the Air Force and became a commander. During the military parade in 1952, Vasily ignored the bad weather and forced the plane to take off, resulting in a serious accident in which two planes collided. Stalin called his son a fool and ordered him to be dismissed from his post.

After Stalin's death in 1953, Khrushchev began to publicize Stalin's mistakes. Vasily was in a very embarrassing situation, and was later imprisoned. In prison, Vasily drank heavily all day long, stayed drunk for a long time, and eventually died of alcohol poisoning.

Stalin's daughter was not very happy in her life. She went through several marriages, but none of them were satisfactory, and she even went into exile in the United States. she said of her life. "My life is too heavy, too heavy to talk about, let alone live."

Molotov thought for a moment and shook his head. "Based on what I know about Comrade Stalin, even if his son is really captured, it is impossible for him to surrender."

Of course, how can someone who can't even change a marshal surrender?

Just as she was sighing in her heart, Annie knocked on the door and came in. "Your Highness, Miss Svetlana has arrived."

Seeing the excitement on Molotov's face, Yannick waved his hand. "You go and talk about old times with your daughter."

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