Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 621 Georgia (12)

The acrid smoke covered the sky and the sun, and the air was filled with a strong smell of oil, mixed with a trace of disgusting blood. The sea breeze blew by, but it could not dissipate these smells.

The sea surface was densely covered with aircraft wreckage, corpses, and Soviet pilots who were still flopping.

Max Bastian, standing in front of the bridge window, frowned and looked at a smoke-filled destroyer in the distance. This unlucky destroyer was hit by three aerial bombs in succession, although it was still floating firmly on the sea. , but the need for rescue has basically been lost.

A staff officer came over to report. "Commander, these are battle damage statistics."

Max Bastian ordered casually. "Read it."

"One destroyer was severely damaged, and seven other destroyers and three light cruisers were damaged to varying degrees. A total of 75 people were killed, 53 were seriously injured, 81 were slightly injured, and 5 were missing."

Max Bastian nodded silently. At the cost of more than 200 casualties and one destroyer, more than 500 fighter planes were shot down. It was a good result and could be said to be a great victory. Of course, if our own fighter jets participate in the battle, the casualties will be much less. "The Soviets should have more than 400 fighter planes left. I don't know if they will continue to attack."

"Probably not. If you come again, you'd be really stupid." asked the adjutant on the side. "Commander, what should we do with the Soviets who fell into the water?"

"..." After thinking for a while, Max Bastian ordered. "Rescue all the living people, but beware of enemy submarines."

The Soviet Navy had 218 submarines before the war, making it the largest underwater fleet in the world at that time. Its number was twice that of the United States and nearly four times that of the German Navy.

Due to its geographical location, the Soviet Union was unable to compete for control of the ocean. The Soviet Union only had free access to the high seas in two areas, the Arctic Ocean and the Far East, but neither area had the conditions to fully deploy naval infrastructure. What remains are closed seas such as the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea. The Soviet army believed that its navy could destroy the enemy's submarine cables laid in these waters after the war began. The Soviet Union was unable to fight with German surface ships and could not see the prospect of fighting side by side with the British Navy, which had the largest fleet in the world, for a long time. The development of an underwater fleet was the only logical decision. Due to its relatively low construction cost, it can be built into a force powerful enough to play an important role in the maritime battlefield.

During World War II, the Soviet submarine force also achieved certain results, but these results were obscured by the German wolf pack tactics and became unknown.

At this time, in the Sevastopol headquarters, Deputy Commander Gorshkov slumped on his chair with a pale face, as if he had lost his soul.

Three waves of more than 500 fighter planes, plus the Black Sea Fleet, were completely wiped out! !

Gorshkov stretched out his trembling hands and opened the desk drawer, took out his own gun, and stared blankly at the black muzzle.

Commander Oktyabryski died early in the battle, and he might still be able to gain the reputation of a martyr, but he himself was responsible for the failure of this battle. Instead of being sent to Moscow for interrogation, it would be better to simply die at his post. superior.

Just when he was hesitating whether to shoot, a shrill air defense siren suddenly sounded over the base.

Gorshkov trembled with fright and dropped the pistol in his hand to the ground. "what happened?!"

A staff officer ran in in a panic and shouted loudly. "Deputy Commander, it's a German attack plane!"

After waiting for two hours and seeing no follow-up Soviet attack, Max Bastian simply dispatched a formation of A-1 attack aircraft to attack various Soviet bases around the Black Sea. Ten of them flew to Sevastopol.

Gorshkov no longer cared about suicide and ordered loudly. "Quick! Take off the fighter jets to meet the enemy!" As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud bang, and the entire headquarters shook violently, followed by a second explosion, a third, and a fourth...

The 10 A-1 attack aircraft that easily flew over the Soviet anti-aircraft artillery positions were divided into two formations. One formation went straight to the base airport, and the other formation went straight to the Black Sea Fleet headquarters.

A Yak-1 fighter jet was preparing to take off on the airport runway. The ground crew shook the propeller desperately. With a buzzing sound, two streams of black smoke came out of the exhaust pipe, and the engine finally started.

The pilot Sergey pushed the throttle to the maximum gear, and the plane began to slowly taxi on the runway, but at this time Sergey had already seen several enemy planes approaching in the distance.

Quick, quick!

An airplane is only valuable in the sky. When it's on the ground, it's an absolute living target. Sergey definitely doesn't want to be destroyed on the ground like this, he wants to take off!

The Yak-1 fighter jet was gliding faster and faster. Sergey held on to the control stick tightly, with the tail rudder facing upward, pushing the airflow, trying to pry up the nose of the aircraft.

It's a pity that the speed has not been reached yet, and it is not possible for him to fly just by taking off.

Just when Sergey was extremely anxious, he saw a flame bursting out from under the wing of the enemy plane headed by the enemy plane.

The A-1 attack aircraft carried 12 rockets, each weighing 68 kilograms, which can be said to be a big guy. However, because it was an uncontrolled rocket, its accuracy was not very good. The pilot of the A-1 attack aircraft fired 6 rockets at the Soviet fighter jet that was about to take off.

Seeing these rockets coming towards him, Sergei's pupils dilated instantly. He didn't expect that the opponent had such a long-range weapon.

There was a loud bang, and a rocket hit the center of the runway not far ahead, blasting a big crater. The second rocket came straight towards him and was about to hit him. Sergey reluctantly pulled the joystick, turned the nose of the plane, and drove off the runway and into the grass beside it.

The plane slid quickly on the grass. After a turbulence, the nose of the plane raised upwards with difficulty, and then the entire fuselage left the ground. However, the plane seemed unwilling to abandon the earth, and fell again as soon as it left the ground.

The turbulence of the plane made Sergey's body feel as if he was about to fall apart, but he still held on to the control column tightly and tried his best to stabilize the fuselage. After a few hops on the grass, a puff of black smoke came out of the engine, and then the roar suddenly became louder. The entire plane was like a fledgling taking off for the first time, shaking off the ground and flying into the sky.

But before it climbed a few meters, dense tracer bullets swept down from high altitude and hit the wing of Yak-1. The wooden wings were instantly torn apart by the 20mm cannon shells of the A-1 attack aircraft, and the aircraft lost its balance and fell to the ground.

Sergey, who finally climbed out of the cockpit, could only watch with grief and anger as the five attack planes bombed the airport wildly and then left.

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