Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 640: Big Bombing (2)

If the investigation were conducted within the Soviet Union, Beria was absolutely confident that even a dead man would be able to get him to stand up and confess. But the problem now is that Americans are also suspected, so the same methods cannot be used against Americans.

Speaking of Americans, Stalin frowned deeply. Yes, the Americans are not without suspicion. The Americans have their own radio stations and communication keys. Even if they send a telegram, they don't know where to send it or what content they send.

"Then let's check the people within us first. As for the Americans." After thinking for a while, Stalin said. "Isn't the commander-in-chief of their expeditionary force arriving in a few days? Then you can communicate with him and see what he thinks about this. What is the name of that commander-in-chief?"

Beria said respectfully. "Dwight David Eisenhower."

Stalin nodded casually, and just as he was about to say something, another news came from the front. Minsk, less than 100 kilometers away from the border with West Belarus, was bombarded by dozens of German bombers. Then came Kiev, Orsha, Smolensk, Kursk, Velikiy Luki, etc. Cities of all sizes were bombed by the Germans.

Soon, a shrill air defense siren sounded over Moscow. Fortunately, Moscow's prevention and control measures are much better than those in Washington. For example, the Moscow Metro was built in 1932. The construction of this subway was mainly for military purposes, and the convenience of travel was actually a secondary purpose. Most of the subway lines are built below 50 meters above the ground. According to its capacity estimates, the entire Moscow subway can accommodate at least 4 million people for refuge. At this time, Moscow’s population is only about 4.2 million, which means that if it is squeezed, the entire Moscow residents were able to take refuge in subway passages. Therefore, many people directly refer to the Moscow subway system as the underground city.

When the Soviet-German War broke out in World War II, the German army that penetrated deep into Russia quickly brought Moscow into the range of bombers. The military use of the Moscow subway began to show itself. At the height of the German air raids on Moscow at the end of 1941, the Moscow Metro became an excellent refuge for citizens.

The Soviet leadership and the military high command at the time also moved their offices to the subway. There are some secret core areas inside the subway, which were built as high-level command posts during wartime. They are deeper and have dedicated lines directly leading to the airport on the outskirts of the city.

During the Cold War, in the face of nuclear threats, the depth of the Moscow Metro continued to deepen, with some new lines even reaching a depth of 100 meters underground. Some lines are not only very deep, but are even equipped with three-proof equipment to filter out nuclear, biological and chemical environments, making preparations for a nuclear war.

Because they had conducted several drills before, as the air raid sirens sounded, Moscow residents hid in the nearest subway station in an orderly manner.

On the air defense positions around the Kremlin Palace, the anti-aircraft gunners looked at the low and thick clouds in the sky and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. "It seems we were lucky. The German bombers couldn't find their target."

The height of these clouds is only about three to four thousand meters. Bombers flying above the clouds can't see anything. If they dare to lower their altitude and escape the cover of the clouds, these anti-aircraft guns can easily shoot them down.

"It seems we are lucky." The commander of the bomber formation in the sky also shouted the same thing excitedly. Below them was thick cloud, and the anti-aircraft gunners on the ground could see nothing. Now Germany has begun mass production of 3cm wavelength navigation/bombing radars. They can bomb targets even without visual inspection.

"Lower altitude, lower altitude." The bomber formation slowly lowered its altitude until it dropped to about 3,500 meters. "Target Kremlin, prepare to drop bombs." Following the formation commander's order, the drop bays of all bombers slowly opened, revealing the bombs hanging inside. The flow of air made the air whistles on the bombs emit a subtle sound. Hear the scream.

"I found the target area! It's very clear!" The radar operator in front of the radar screen reminded the bombardier loudly. Just like the stealth fighters of later generations cannot be visually invisible, the Kremlin, which was visually invisible at this time, cannot escape radar scanning. "Get ready to drop the bomb! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, drop the bomb!"

"Roger!" the bombardier responded, pressing the bomb wrench, and the heavy bombs hanging inside the belly fell one after another. "The first bomb has been dropped!"

"Second bomb dropped successfully!"

With the clicking sound of the bombardier's throwing action rubbing against the bomb body, the aerial bombs left the bomber's magazine like raindrops, rapidly descending along their own parabola, and the air whistle mounted on the tail began to emit Heart-rending screams.

At this time, several air force generals among the crowd who were still in the Kremlin conference room heard the screams coming from far and near. Their expressions suddenly changed. Before they could even utter a warning, the first bomb had already fallen. far away.


The shock wave of the explosion instantly shattered all the nearby window glass, and large pieces of glass flew down from the balcony and windows.

"Quick! Let Comrade Stalin enter the underground air-raid shelter!" The crowd couldn't help but help Stalin hide in the underground air-raid shelter.

"What's going on? How could the Germans drop bombs so accurately?!" The first bomb fell into the Kremlin accurately. This is incredible! !

Just when everyone was puzzled, the Kremlin garrison commander, Major General Spiridonov, looked as pale as a paper man. Just now, he confidently guaranteed that the Germans would never find the Kremlin, but the reality was that he liked to slap people in the face. Within a few hours, the German bombs fell. If Comrade Stalin were to take the blame, would he still be able to reap the rewards? !

So he kept himself in a corner as much as possible, hoping that others would treat him as a transparent person.

Listening to the continuous explosions on the ground, Stalin's face was extremely gloomy, as if he was about to explode at any time, and the others did not dare to express their anger.

Everyone on the anti-aircraft position was also startled and hurriedly turned the muzzle to fire over the Kremlin. However, due to the thick clouds, they did not know the specific height of the German bomber and could only roughly guess based on the sound of the engine. That’s all.

Regardless of the accuracy of this guess, before they could fire a few rounds of artillery shells, the German bombers climbed high and flew away after dropping their bombs.

40 bombers dropped more than 300 heavy bombs. The Kremlin covers an area of ​​275,000 square meters. In addition, German bombers bombed at low altitudes, and many bombs fell into the Kremlin.

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