Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 661 The German-Soviet War (18)

"Oh? Are these Russians going to surrender too? I thought they would fight to the end." In the German frontline headquarters, Kruger couldn't help but muttered when he received the news that the Russians were going to surrender. They have taken over most of the Ukrainian and Belarusian troops in the encirclement, but so far no Russian troops have surrendered.

Kruger also knew that these troops were almost out of ammunition and food, so he did not order an attack. He just wanted to trap them alive. Unexpectedly, these Russians finally couldn't hold on and surrendered.

Guderian sneered disdainfully. "These bastards, they didn't join the Geneva Convention, but now they want to enjoy the treatment of prisoners of war? How can such a good thing be possible?"

The reason why Stalin did not sign the "Geneva Convention" was because he believed that the so-called international convention was just a political game for imperialist countries to carve up the world's territory, which was contrary to the original intention of the proletariat. Therefore, he did not sign the "Geneva Convention". However, historians have this saying: When President Roosevelt persuaded Stalin to recognize the Geneva Convention, the Soviet supreme leader said this: "I cannot let the Soviet people know that the enemy also abides by the rules."

"I would like to ask your Highness for instructions on how to deal with it." His Highness only said that the Ukrainian and Belarusian troops were the targets that could be fought for, but he did not say what to do with these Russians. Maybe His Highness wanted them to starve to death here.

At this time, a celebration banquet was being held at the German rocket launch base in the Sahara Desert of Algeria, and Yannick on the stage was talking with a microphone. "A long time ago, I discussed an issue with the late Dr. Einstein: Why do human societies continue to have wars? I believe that wars are caused by human beings competing for living space and resources."

In fact, various people have different views on the root causes of war. For example, naturalistic war scholars believe that the root cause of war lies in the natural environment and human biological nature, and that war is a natural and eternal phenomenon. Christian war theorists believe that war is God's punishment for human sin. Racists believe that wars are caused by differences between superior and inferior peoples. Modern geopolitical scholars believe that war is based on geographical environment, that is, caused by competition for a certain living space and natural resources. Malthusians believed that overpopulation and starvation were the real causes of war.

Yannick, on the other hand, is more inclined to the views of geopolitical scholars. "If we had inexhaustible land, inexhaustible mineral deposits, and inexhaustible energy, would there still be wars?" Of course there would be. Yannick silently gave an answer in his heart. Just like there is a very classic saying in the martial arts novels of later generations: "Wherever there are people, there are grievances, and where there are grievances, there will be rivers and lakes, and people are rivers and lakes." Unless everyone becomes a saint with no desires or desires, war will never disappear and the killing will never stop.

But if there is really inexhaustible land and inexhaustible energy, wars should be greatly reduced. Of course, this is just his conjecture. Maybe by then the scale of the war will become larger and larger, with more and more casualties.

"The population of the earth is constantly growing, but our earth is only so big. The number of people depends on the support of various resources. Once these resources are exhausted, the end of mankind will come."

“Only by moving towards the vast universe can human beings avoid the fate of destruction.”

"449 years ago, the great navigator Columbus discovered the New World, ushered in the Age of Discovery, and changed the course of world history. Today, you have opened another new era. This feat is a hundred times greater than Columbus! "

"Your names will be passed down for centuries, and your achievements will last forever! When our descendants travel freely through the vast space, I believe they will sincerely thank these great scientists and engineers for their work. Humanity’s contribution!”

Thunderous applause and cheers erupted from the audience, and many people even burst into tears with excitement.

After finishing the pie painting, we still had to continue talking about reality. After announcing the official start of the celebration party, Dr. Braun was called. "Dr. Braun, how is the development of new missiles going?"

Dr. Braun, who is in charge of the missile project, can be said to be a genius in this area. During World War II in the original time and space, the world's first ballistic missile V-2 was first developed in Germany. After the war, it was used by the Americans in the "Operation Paperclip" He was taken to the United States and led the research and development of the U.S. Army's first ballistic missile, creating the "Red Stone" ballistic missile.

The Redstone ballistic missile is 1 meter long and 8 meters in diameter. It can carry a nuclear warhead with an equivalent of 3.5 million tons of TNT (or a nuclear warhead with an equivalent of 500,000 tons of TNT). It has a take-off weight of 763 tons and a designed range of 320 kilometers.

This missile can be said to be a replica of the V-2, but Dr. Braun has improved it in many places. For example, there are four fins behind the warhead of the Redstone missile. Dr. Braun believes that the main factors affecting the combat effectiveness of the V-2 missile are accuracy and reentry speed. The accuracy problem was greatly improved by high-precision air bearing gyroscopes. In order to increase the re-entry speed, Dr. Braun designed a detachable warhead. That is, before the Redstone missile re-enters the dense atmosphere, the second half of the missile body will be abandoned, and the four fins of the front missile body become the tail fins of the separated reentry warhead.

The Soviets on the other side also built the famous Scud missile based on the V-2 missile drawings they collected. The name Scud was originally a nickname given by the West to the Soviet Union's R-11 missile and its subsequent version, the R-300 Elbrus. Later, it was widely used by Western media and became a collective name for many types of missiles developed by other countries based on the Soviet R-11 prototype. Finally, it was developed that any ballistic missile that was not developed from a Western missile prototype could be called a Scud.

Compared with the little-known red stone ballistic missiles that are famous among Americans, the Scud missiles can be considered a big star and are well-known to every household. First, its star effect. Apart from the German V-2 missile in World War II, the Scud may have had the largest number of actual combat applications and launches. Especially the live broadcast of CNN during the Gulf War made this missile well-known to people all over the world. The second is that this kind of weapon has a great impact on the strategic game between some countries. In recent years, many of the United States' efforts to contain the proliferation of missile technology were directed at Scud. Third, this kind of missile has a wide spread range. It is probably the tactical ballistic missile that has been equipped by the most countries in history and has the most copycat products developed based on it.

Dr. Braun said respectfully. "Your Highness, the development of new missiles is going very well."

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