Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 677 Prisoner of War Camp

Three B-36 bombers flew over Washington.

"Get ready to drop the bomb!"

The heavy bomb bay door slowly opened under the drive of hydraulic equipment, revealing the densely packed 250-kilogram high-explosive aerial bombs on the pylons inside.

"Oh God!" The fighter pilot below couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this. "They're going to bomb the White House!"

Before he finished speaking, bombs fell like raindrops.

Everyone hiding in the White House bunker was terrified as they listened to the explosions coming one after another from far to near, and they did not dare to let out their breath. Suddenly, a dull explosion sounded above their heads, and the entire bunker trembled slightly; some timid clerks even screamed and hid under the table.

Fortunately, the explosion gradually faded away.

Three B-36 bombers dropped a total of nearly 500 bombs, plowed the area around the White House, and then sped off.

It was not until the air raid alert was lifted that President Wilkie and others returned to the ground from the bunker and saw that a corner of the White House had been blown down. Everyone's expressions were extremely ugly. The White House had never been attacked by a foreign enemy since it was burned by the Canadians in 1814. But now the Germans were arrogantly throwing bombs over their heads, but they were helpless.

President Wilkie looked at the miserable surroundings and said bitterly. "I understand Stalin a little better now. I can't wait to attack Berlin immediately." However, this is just an extravagant wish at the moment. "The Germans also bombed there?"

News soon came. "More than forty bombers dropped high-explosive bombs on New York, and no other cities were attacked."

President Wilkie muttered in confusion. "Strange, why didn't the Germans drop those carbon fiber bombs?" Although the Germans last bombed 15 cities and caused power outages until now, these 15 major cities in the United States are not the only ones, and some of them can become their targets.

Marshall replied casually. "Maybe the Germans know our countermeasures, maybe the Germans are not yet able to produce this kind of carbon fiber bomb." After saying this, he couldn't help but be stunned, and his face became a little ugly.

The first one is completely untrue. Although the carbon fiber bombs dropped by the Germans were ineffective due to the early power outage, those cities have not been able to restore power. Isn't this equivalent to achieving the Germans' goal?

But if it was the second case, wouldn't they have been fooled by the Germans? ! When the Germans used carbon fiber bombs to bomb the industrial areas of the northeastern United States for the first time, they threatened to bomb the United States back to the Stone Age. The Americans had no choice but to pay 1,500 tons and 3,000 tons of gold "protection fees." But what if the Germans can't mass-produce this kind of carbon fiber bomb and can only save a little bit? ! Then they are completely bluffing. Even if the United States does not hand over the gold, it is impossible for the Germans to frequently use carbon fiber bombs against the United States! !

At most, it's just a few ordinary bombs.

"These damn Germans!!" After hearing Marshall's explanation, everyone present suddenly realized and became furious; but no matter how angry they were, they had nowhere to vent their anger and could only sulk.

President Wilkie turned pale with anger and ordered through gritted teeth. "Minister Stark, you are personally responsible for the 'Ice Aircraft Carrier' project. I will see the results within two months!"


On the other side, an angry Stalin issued "Order No. 270 of the Soviet Defense Council."

The general content of this document is: Commanders and political workers who lose, tear off their badges and flee to the rear or surrender during battle will be regarded as deserters, and their family members will be treated as relatives of oath-breakers, traitors and deserters. arrest. Higher-level commanders and political commissars have the power to execute such deserters among the officers on the spot.

All units and troops surrounded by the enemy should fight to the end without hesitation, protect their equipment with their lives, attack the enemy from the enemy's rear, and destroy the enemy. If one's troops are surrounded by the enemy, then every soldier, no matter how big his position is, has the responsibility to obey the orders of his superiors, fight to the end, and break through the blockade. If an officer or soldier does not organize an active resistance and fight back against the enemy, but chooses to surrender, then any means can be used to eliminate them from the air or the ground. Families of soldiers who surrender to the enemy will be deprived of their state rights and assistance.

All division commanders and political commissars have the right to immediately remove from their posts battalion and regiment commanders who have managed to save themselves in battle and are afraid of exercising command on the battlefield, and may treat them as impostors and reduce them to soldiers. If necessary, they can be executed on the spot and replaced with junior officers or brave and strong men of the Red Army. This order is issued to all infantry, cavalry, artillery, aviation groups, commanders and headquarters for reading.

"That is to say, Stalin has labeled you as traitors, and your family members have been shot and exiled." Timoshenko personally came to the Russian prisoner-of-war camp to recruit soldiers; he announced the entire explosive news by the way.

Sure enough, the prisoners of war in the audience were in an uproar. No one expected that while fighting for the country, he would become a traitor inexplicably, causing his family to suffer as well!

"Stalin discussed the drafting of this order with me before, and this is why I defected to Germany to oppose Stalin. In my opinion, he has completely lost his humanity, and it is not an exaggeration to call him crazy." Timoshenko He looked impassioned and spoke righteously. "It's not your fault that you became prisoners, nor the fault of your battalion commander, regiment commander, or division commander; the culprit is Stalin! He gave the order to attack, and now he wants you to be responsible for his stupidity; this kind of The behavior is not only shameless, it is simply shameless to the extreme!!”

"This war should not have happened. You all know that the Germans are our friends; when Western countries blocked and imposed sanctions on the Soviet Union, only Germany was willing to cooperate with us. The Germans helped us build factories and build roads , to build warships. And Stalin, when Germany and Britain were at war with each other, secretly colluded with the British in an attempt to stab the Germans in the back."

"And now, he has invited the evil Americans to our land to dominate. Think about it, if Comrade Ulyanov was still alive, would this kind of thing happen?! Stalin's behavior has long been Violating 'providing any assistance to the international bourgeoisie' in Article 58, paragraph 4, of the Criminal Code is enough to be punishable by death!"

"So it is not you who betrayed the Soviet Union, but Stalin who betrayed you. His act of forming an alliance with imperialist and capitalist countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States and pushing you and the entire Soviet Union to the battlefield was not only a betrayal of the Soviet Union , it is even more of a betrayal of Comrade Ulyanov, the revolutionary mentor!”

"Now, who among you is willing to join me to rescue and avenge your relatives; to liberate tens of millions of Soviet people from the evil rule?!"

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