Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 696: The German-Soviet War (40)

According to Marshal Budyonny's order, all Soviet troops in Belarus and Ukraine retreated to the nearest city, which facilitated the advancement of the German army and other European armies. As long as they don't attack the city, they can have an unobstructed journey, easily occupying the traffic arteries everywhere, and dividing the city from the city. The German army was galloping all the way, and armies from all walks of life soon arrived at the northern border of Belarus and Ukraine, and began to deploy an encirclement circle intensively.

The German army also specially praised Marshal Budyonny on the radio, saying that because of the marshal's decision, they were able to close the encirclement so quickly, and it was easier to catch the large Soviet troops concentrated in the city.

Stalin, who was far away in Moscow, naturally heard this broadcast and was immediately furious! The order he issued was clearly to attack immediately, but Marshal Budyonny retreated into the city. Wasn't this giving up Belarus and Ukraine to the German army in vain? !

Pavlov was stupid, Timoshenko defected, and now Budyonny dares to openly disobey? !

Stalin, who was extremely angry, immediately ordered that Marshal Budyonny be dismissed from his post on the spot and imprisoned.

Stalin issued this order in the conference room. Commander Eisenhower, who didn't know that Yannick had reserved a special war criminal spot, couldn't help but speak. "Your Excellency Stalin, with all due respect, given the current situation in Belarus and Ukraine, withdrawing into the city to fight street fighting is the best option. As far as I know, Belarus and Ukraine have flat terrain, which is quite suitable for German armored forces to fight. We fight street fighting, You can take advantage of the terrain in the city to offset the armor advantage of the Germans, thus consuming their troops."

"Oh? Really?" Starling sneered. "Since it is such a good opportunity, why don't you make good use of such a good opportunity and instead let the troops retreat?" I couldn't help but curse these damn imperialist cowards in my heart, thinking of running away when something happened. If it weren't for the common enemy Germany, he would have ordered all these bastards to be killed!

Eisenhower was speechless for a moment. The reason why he ordered the withdrawal of troops was not to reduce his own losses. However, based on the retreat speed of the troops, it will take several days to reach the border. By then, the German encirclement should have been formed. "I will order the troops to withdraw to the nearest city and prepare for street fighting with the Germans." He also cursed in his mind that this country was too big and the transportation was not convenient. It would be impossible to mobilize troops from other places within a few months. Support Ukraine and Belarus. And by the time the support arrives, the German army may have already digested the army in the encirclement.

Especially the Trans-Siberian Railway that connects the Far East and Moscow. It takes more than a week to transport materials from the Far East to Moscow. What's even more annoying is that the nearly 10,000 kilometers of railway are still being vandalized from time to time. The saboteurs don't have to go to great lengths. They only need to insert a crowbar or steel bar into the rails, which is enough to cause the locomotive to overturn.

I heard that the Soviets wanted to send a division of troops to protect this railway, that is, one or two soldiers would be deployed every half kilometer or so to guard the railway. It was a crazy idea.

Upon hearing Eisenhower's words, Stalin just snorted coldly and no longer insisted on dismissing Marshal Budyonny from his post.

But at this moment, Stalin's secretary hurried in. "Comrade Stalin, Comrade Stalin, a German army is attacking the Republic of Turkmenistan from the Iranian border!"

Kurmanistan is famous for its rich oil and gas resources. It is one of the republics of the Soviet Union. In history, it had a more famous name - Khwarez. Its former capital was the ancient city of Yulong Jiechi in the northwest region. As a prominent dynasty in the history of Central Asia, Khwarezm's past is interesting. It was founded in the 4th century BC. In the following 1,000 years, it was dependent on powerful surrounding forces for a long time. It was not until the decline of the Western Liao Dynasty where the Khitans were located that it rose rapidly. With its excellent strategic position, Yulong Jiechi once controlled the middle section of the Silk Road.

However, the status of being a vassal state for more than a thousand years did not bring much cultivation to the Khwarezm people: in the 13th century, Mokomo came to the throne and started wars everywhere. In the extreme expansion, he finally got burned and was destroyed by Genghis Khan. Jade Dragon Jiechi also He was devastated by the Mongolian massacre and never recovered.

At that time, Genghis Khan also knew how powerful Khwarezm was, so he sent businessmen as envoys to take the initiative to make peace with Khwarezm, hoping to establish normalized diplomatic relations between major powers. The king of Khwarezm also agreed. However, when a Mongolian mission of more than 400 people entered Khwarezm with merchants from the Western Regions, Khwarezm killed all the missionaries in the name of Mongolian spies. One of them fled back to Mongolia. Genghis Khan heard that He was furious when he heard the news, and immediately began to murder Khwarazmo with the intention of conquering the West.

In 1219, Genghis Khan conquered Khwarezm in the west and soon reached the capital Xunsiqian. King Khwarazm fled and died on a small island in the Caspian Sea. Historical records record: Wherever the Mongolian army went, all the cities and towns were destroyed, and there was no life for humans and animals. The entire Khwarezm was completely devastated. (After capturing the city, the Mongolian army drove the residents of the city to the prayer ground. Before the massacre, Genghis Khan announced to them: "You must know that you have all committed heinous crimes, so you must be punished. You will definitely ask me what evidence I have." Prove your crime? I tell you, I am the disaster of God. If you have not committed any crime, why did God send me to massacre you?" This reason is very absurd, but it became Genghis Khan's killing law)

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Kurmanistan gained independence and joined the United Nations. On December 12, 1995, the 50th United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution on Turkmenistan's permanent neutrality based on proposals from 25 countries including France, Russia, the United States, Germany, Turkey, and Iran. Authoritative information shows that Turkmenistan became the first and only permanently neutral country after World War II that was universally recognized by the international community through a UN General Assembly resolution.

Although Turkmenistan is one of the driest regions in the world, it is rich in oil and natural gas resources and its natural gas reserves rank fifth in the world. It is quite valuable. Therefore, Yannik ordered Rommel to lead an army of 600,000 to attack Turkmenistan.

More than 700 years after being massacred by Genghis Khan, Turkmenistan once again suffered a disaster.

The Middle East Legion, which had been waiting for success for a long time, broke through the Soviet border defense line with overwhelming force and went straight to Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan, less than 40 kilometers away from the Iranian border.

They did not rush to attack Ashgabat, but dropped leaflets into the city, giving them 24 hours to escape the city. After 24 hours, anyone who stayed in the city, regardless of men, women, old, young, women, and children, would be regarded as enemies and be killed without mercy!

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