Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 699: The German-Soviet War (43)

Although Yannick easily resolved the American rocket launcher crisis, he also knew that it was unrealistic to intercept these rockets 100%. In later wars, the efficiency of grille armor was only about 60%. Fortunately, there were no advanced piezoelectric ceramic fuzes at this time, and backward mechanical trigger fuzes were still used. The probability of rockets misfiring was higher, and even the missiles were more likely to misfire. Even if the angle is not suitable, it will not detonate; therefore, the interception efficiency can be even higher.

An interception efficiency of around 80 is already quite good. For example, without grille armor, an armored force will lose 50 tanks. If equipped with grille armor, it will lose up to ten tanks, which is completely acceptable.

But Marshal Rundstedt was a little worried. "With such a simple armor, the enemy will probably imitate it immediately. Then won't the 'Iron Fist' and 'Tank Killer' equipped by our infantry be unable to deal with the enemy's tank armor?"

Yannick nodded. Of course, they can't apply for a patent to prevent other countries from copying it. In a life-and-death war, who cares about your patent? "Indeed, our 'Iron Fists' and 'Tank Killers' will only be able to attack a dozen forts or fortifications. Fortunately, our infantry is equipped with a large number of destroyers and assault guns, which are enough to deal with the enemy's armored forces." There is no way for a rocket launcher to deal with grid armor, such as the tandem warhead armor-piercing projectiles of later generations. This type of ammunition is mainly used to deal with enemy reactive armor. It generally has two stages of charges. The first stage is used to detonate or penetrate the enemy's additional armor so that the main charge jet at the rear will not be interfered with. The latter stage is used to penetrate already exposed armor.

However, using the current technology to produce tandem warhead armor-piercing bullets, the price/performance ratio is extremely low, which is completely useless! Therefore, Yannick decided not to bother with that. Fortunately, grille armor cannot be used as tank shells, and it has no defense against kinetic energy armor-piercing projectiles.

"Okay, that's the end of this question. Have we finished building the submarine base in the Arctic Ocean?"

Although Australia has a submarine base, the distance into the Pacific to intercept US military transport routes is too long. Moreover, after encountering several wolf attacks, the US military's transportation routes sailed as close to the North American continent as possible, and could even be covered by Army aviation. This made it difficult for the German wolves to attack the US military transport fleet.

And last time there was news that the Americans were going to transport supplies directly to the front through the Bering Strait and the Arctic Ocean, so Yannick ordered the establishment of a submarine base in the Arctic Ocean.

Dönitz said respectfully. "Your Highness, the submarine base in Svalbard has been built, and our submarines will be stationed in it in a few days."

Svalbard is the northernmost territory of Norway, located in the Arctic Ocean between mainland Norway and the North Pole. Located in the north of the European continent, between the Barents Sea and the Greenland Sea, it is one of the closest habitable areas to the Arctic.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, the site was used as a whaling station, but was later abandoned. At the beginning of the 20th century, coal mining began on the Cold Coast Islands, and several permanent settlements were formed.

The Treaty of Spitsbergen (the Treaty of Svalbard) was signed in Paris in 1920 by Norway, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, the British Overseas Colonies and Sweden. , stipulating that Norway "has full and complete sovereignty" over the Spitsbergen Islands, including Bear Island, but citizens of each contracting state can enter freely and engage in legitimate production and commerce as well as scientific exploration within the scope of abiding by Norwegian laws. and other activities. The treaty came into effect on August 14, 1925. In the same year, Norway collectively called the Spitsbergen Islands, Bear Island and other islands Svalbard.

In accordance with Yannick's wishes, the Norwegian government expelled all outsiders on the island, and the German army established an air force base and a naval base here.

Yannick nodded with satisfaction. "Very well, we must strangle the American transportation lines as much as possible. That is equivalent to strangulating the throat of the Soviet Union. The tighter we strangle, the faster the Soviet Union will die. Marshal Kesselin, the Volga-Urals of the Soviets The oil-producing area is almost completed, let's start bombing." Stalin has always been "obsessed" about the Baku oil field and tried to destroy it several times. Unfortunately, he failed every time and lost many aircraft. Now he has finally stopped. Come down, but Yannik has no intention of letting him live in peace. The Volga-Ural oil production area is prepared to be bombed every day.

"As you command, Your Highness."

At this moment, the door of the conference room opened slightly, and Annie walked in, walked quickly to Yannick, and whispered the report into his ear. "Your Highness, Queen Elizabeth is here. She is chatting with Her Royal Highness the Prince and Princess in the drawing room No. 1."

"..." Yannick glanced at her doubtfully and said, come as soon as you come. It's not Elizabeth's first time here. Is it necessary to report it during the meeting?

Anne hesitated for a moment, lowered her voice again, and spoke in an inaudible voice. "When His Royal Highness saw Auston, he said that he looked exactly like you, Your Highness, when you were a child."

"What?!" Yannick almost jumped up and immediately announced the end of the meeting and went straight to the No. 1 living room.

Walking into the No. 1 living room, I saw Prince Oscar and his wife, his parents, holding Auston and Alice, and sitting beside them was Queen Elizabeth, who looked a little embarrassed. I saw her constantly changing her sitting position, looking restless, and there were even beads of sweat on the tip of her nose. When she saw Yannick walking in, she stood up as if she had found a life-saving straw, but she hesitated to speak. .

"Son, you're here. Look, your godson Auston looks exactly like you when you were a child. Queen Elizabeth still doesn't believe it, so I asked someone to get our family photo album to see if he looks like him. "

Yannick coughed slightly in embarrassment. "Mom and Dad, let me tell you something." He said and looked at Queen Elizabeth. Queen Elizabeth's face suddenly turned red. "Sorry, I'll excuse you for a moment." Seeing Queen Elizabeth hurriedly walking out of the living room with a strange look on her face, Prince Oscar and his wife couldn't help but look at each other. "What do you want to say?"

"Uh, well..." After hesitating for a long time, Yannick said it bravely. "The two children you are holding are your grandchildren."

"What?!" Prince Oscar and his wife were shocked, looking at the baby in their hands in disbelief. "You mean you and..."

Yannick shrugged his shoulders as if he was breaking a pot, and admitted simply. "Yes, it's what you think. It's the child born to me and Elizabeth."

"Oh, God!"

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