Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 701 The German-Soviet War (44)

According to Stalin's order, the old, weak, women and children in Ashgabat left the city, leaving only the army and young adults who defended the city.

However, the Middle East Legion did not rush to attack Ashgabat. Instead, it sent overwhelming bombers to bomb the entire city; tons and tons of cloudbursts and napalm bombs were poured into the city as if they were free. inside. Now that it has mastered the Middle East, the German army has no worries about fuel, and the terrible napalm bombs can be mass-produced like ordinary bombs. After all, there are no technical difficulties in producing napalm, it just consumes a lot of gasoline. However, this was unthinkable for fuel-starved World War II Germany.

The entire city was reduced to a sea of ​​flames, thick smoke covered the sky, and a pungent and strange smell filled the air.

The fire in the city raged for two days and two nights before it gradually extinguished.

The soldiers of the Middle East Legion marched into Ashgabat and found that the entire city was reduced to scorched earth after the fire. Burnt houses and horrific corpses were everywhere.

"These stupid guys." A German soldier looked at the almost carbonized corpse curled up in a half-collapsed corner of the wall and crossed himself on his chest. "You are allowed to run away and refuse to listen, and you have to be burned into this horrible state to be happy?"

The soldier next to him sighed. "The logistics troops are going to have a hard time, and it will be troublesome to clean up so many corpses."

If this was a wild place with few human traces, maybe we could just ignore them and let these corpses rot slowly, let mosquitoes eat them, let wild animals bite them, and finally only a pile of bones would be left. But this is a city where people need to live, and the temperature is about to rise in the summer. If these corpses are not disposed of quickly, it is very likely to cause a terrible plague.

Another soldier lit a cigarette and felt bad. "Are you still concerned about the logistics force? If the logistics force is short of manpower, maybe even we will have to participate in the cleanup."

I heard that other people had cold expressions on their faces. "That's really disgusting." Thinking about moving these carbonized corpses that would break into pieces when touched, I felt goosebumps all over my body.

While they were talking, they turned into the alley next to them and saw a machine gun position built with sandbags not far ahead. The high temperature may have detonated the grenades and other explosives in the position. More than half of the entire position was overturned, and five or six others were left. A Soviet corpse was also burned and had its limbs mutilated by grenades.

As soon as they stepped over the sandbags, they suddenly heard an inaudible groan.


Several people searched around for the sound, and finally discovered that the faint sound came from under a pile of sandbags. Everyone moved the sandbags away one after another, and they were shocked to see a Soviet soldier underneath who was also burned, but miraculously he did not die, but was moaning in pain.

"Ugh!" A recruit vomited out on the spot. He had just seen the dead corpses and thought it was nothing. But now when he saw such a half-dead charcoal, he just felt his stomach tumbling, and he couldn't hold back the body that was still alive. I vomited out all the digested breakfast.

The other soldiers couldn't bear to look away, and the squad leader spat and shouted. "Medic, medic!"

After a while, a medical soldier carrying a medical kit ran over. "Who's hurt?!"

"We are not injured." The squad leader pointed to the wounded Soviet soldiers on the ground. "Do you think this guy can be saved?"

"Holy shit!" The medical soldier suddenly became furious. "Are you kidding me? Unless old Jesus shows up in person, no one can save him. Let alone me. Even if he is sent to the best hospital in Berlin, he will not be able to be saved. I think it is better to give it to him. It would be kinder to give him a quick shot."

"I think so." The monitor nodded casually. "Who is that, Hans, you deal with him."

Hans was the first recruit to vomit just now. He was leaning against the wall next to him, gasping for breath. After hearing the squad leader's order, he hesitated, raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at the squirming charcoal body on the ground. , but has yet to pull the trigger.

The monitor urged impatiently. "What are you inking on? If you ink for one more second, he will suffer for one more second. You are shooting to help him relieve his pain."

Hearing Hans grit his teeth, he aimed at the wounded man's chest and pulled the trigger.



Almost at the same time, another gunshot rang out, and a bullet hit the ground directly in front of them, splashing a cloud of black ash.

"Enemy attack! Dodge!"

Several people hid behind the sandbags in the machine gun position. The squad leader quietly stuck his head out and looked in the direction of the bullet. "Directly ahead, fifty meters, third floor! The window in the middle! Prepare the iron fist!" Fortunately, it was just a Mosin-Nagant rifle. If the opponent was a machine gun, then they would be in trouble.

A soldier took down the Iron Fist rocket from his back, released the safety, and nodded to indicate that he was ready.

"Fire and cover!"

A dense barrage of bullets was fired at the building fifty meters away. The bullets hit the windows on the third floor and raised pieces of stone debris. The soldier with the iron fist took the opportunity to lean out, aimed at the window, and pressed the launch switch.

"Bang!" The rocket dragged a long tail of smoke towards the target in the distance. Although the trajectory seems a bit shaky, the shooting accuracy of the Iron Fist rocket launcher is still guaranteed at a distance of about 50 meters. Sure enough, the Iron Fist rocket accurately penetrated into the third-floor window and exploded with a bang. The already shaky building shook violently several times, and finally collapsed, raising a large cloud of dust.

The squad leader spat disdainfully. "Hey, these guys are really tenacious, and they won't surrender even after this. Everyone, please be vigilant and don't get shot in the dark!"

Although there were still many surviving Soviet soldiers in the city, most of them had lost their will to fight. Only sparse gunshots were heard throughout the city. In less than two days, the German army took control of the entire city. a city.

Photos of the burning city of Ashgabat were spread throughout the country, copied into millions, and distributed to various cities in Belarus and Ukraine.

Some people who were originally shaken by the letters of surrender from their compatriots finally couldn't sit still when they saw the entire city being burned to the ground in the leaflets. Especially those troops from Belarus and Ukraine. Stalin said that surrender would affect their families, but their family members are all locals, and Belarus and Ukraine have been surrounded by German troops. Stalin can still send people to capture their families and send them to Siberia. What? !

Therefore, most people's minds began to become active, and undercurrents gradually surged in various cities.

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