Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 726 Assassination Plan

Yakov's television broadcast caused an uproar, and Stalin was furious. Although he issued a statement saying that he had severed the father-son relationship with Yakov, the relationship can be severed, but the bloodline cannot be severed. In the eyes of others, Yakov is still his son. This is an indisputable fact. Moreover, the German propaganda department ridiculed his so-called severing of relations as a shameless excuse to avoid the punishment of "Order 270".

Although Stalin was furious about this, what could he do? He couldn't rush to Berlin and strangle Yakov with his own hands to set the record straight.

strangle to death? Suddenly, Stalin had an idea in his mind and immediately called for Beria. "Comrade Beria, can you get rid of this damn traitor Yakov?!" Stalin went straight to the topic as soon as Beria entered the office.

"!!" Beria was shocked. He didn't expect Stalin to hate Yakov so deeply. But the shock was not over yet, Stalin continued. "It would be best to get rid of the German Crown Prince as well."

Stalin also planned to assassinate Mustache during World War II in the original time and space.

In 1941, the German army launched Operation Barbarossa and raided the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was caught off guard and responded hastily, losing large areas of territory in the early stages of the war. Soviet Interior Minister Beria formed a special operations group under his direct leadership, whose task was to organize reconnaissance and sabotage activities in Germany. The team submitted an operational report to Stalin, recommending that the assassination of Mustache be the target of the operation.

Stalin approved the report, and the special operations team began preparations for the assassination. Considering that the capital Moscow is likely to fall in the end, Mustache will definitely come here in person to review the troops (because when Germany occupied France before, Mustache had left a photo commemoration under the Eiffel Tower). Therefore, Beria's special operations team established an underground party organization in Moscow in advance, intending to take advantage of Mustache's arrival in Moscow to kill this devil.

Unexpectedly, after paying an extremely painful price, the Soviet army tenaciously withstood the fierce German attack, finally won the victory in the defense of Moscow, and began a strategic general counterattack. Since then, the assassination of Mustache can only be carried out in Germany.

Just when the special operations team overcame various difficulties and tried every means to get close to the top German officials and prepared to implement the assassination plan in November 1943, Stalin suddenly stopped the plan. "It is better to keep him alive given the current situation. To completely defeat Germany, we need him. As long as he lives, Germany will not make a separate peace with the West. If he dies, his successor will most likely turn to the West Make peace, that would be detrimental to us. Now we are close to completely defeating Germany, so don't touch him."

Stalin's worries were not unfounded. At the end of World War II, it was Goering, the number two figure, who actively proposed negotiations with Britain and the United States and hoped that Mustache would authorize him to take charge of everything in Germany. In this way, out of grand strategic considerations, Stalin finally let go of the war madman Mustache. History has proven that the mustache did indeed become a trump card in Stalin's hands.

Beria only felt that his legs were weak, and he almost fell to the ground. Yakov didn't know whether he could succeed, and he wanted to assassinate the German Crown Prince? ! But facing Stalin's eyes full of eager expectations, Beria did not dare to refuse, so he could only bite the bullet and agree. "I'll make arrangements right away, Comrade Stalin."

Starling nodded with satisfaction. "Go and get it done as soon as possible."

After leaving Stalin's office, Beria couldn't help but sigh. This task was too difficult. How should it be completed?

After much thought, he decided to find someone for help, so he came to the office of the Soviet Military Intelligence Bureau (GBU). Because the Germans bombed Moscow from time to time, all important offices in Moscow were moved to underground air-raid shelters.

As soon as I walked into the corridor of the GBU office, I saw Natasha, the second in command of the GBU, walking towards me.

"Hey, isn't this Comrade Beria?" Natasha greeted him with a bright smile. Looking at her curvy body curves and the mature charm exuding from her whole body, Beria's breathing became quickened. Natasha is a well-known "social butterfly" in this circle, and Beria was also lucky enough to spend a good night with her. Her vagina, which almost squeezed people dry, really made Beria think about it for a long time.

Beria coughed lightly and suppressed the restlessness in his heart. "Comrade Natasha, I came to talk to you about something. To be precise, I want to ask you for a favor."

"Comrade Beria, you are too polite. If you have any instructions, just tell me. Then go to my office to talk."

The two came to Natasha's office, and as soon as they closed the door, Natasha hugged him and couldn't wait to reach out and unbutton his clothes.

"Comrade Natasha, I have something important to do..." Beria pushed her twice, failed to hold on, and tore off her clothes with her backhand.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ten thousand river crabs crawled through~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After a period of ups and downs, Beria lit up a cigarette and remembered the purpose of coming here. "Natasha, do you still have agents stationed in Berlin?"

Natasha, who was arranging her clothes, raised her eyebrows slightly. "Comrade Beria, you are not at your level to inquire about such things."

Beria smiled disapprovingly, which was also admirable besides her ****. Public is public, private is private, and they will never be confused. "Then I'll ask Comrade Stalin for instructions." He picked up the phone and called Stalin's office. After briefly explaining the situation, he handed the phone receiver to Natasha.

Natasha took the phone and nodded after listening. "Understood, Comrade Stalin, I will fully cooperate with Comrade Beria's work." After saying that, he put the receiver back on the phone. "Comrade Beria, you just asked me about the agents deployed in Berlin. You should also know that the Germans' counterintelligence work is quite outstanding. Our original agent team deployed in Germany has been almost wiped out. Only A three-person team is lurking. I'm worried about exposing them, and I haven't contacted them for a long time. Once this team is exposed, we will completely lose our spy in Germany. What mission is so important?"

Beria sighed. "Hey, Comrade Stalin asked me to get rid of Yakov, and by the way, the German Crown Prince." He didn't hide anything. After all, he needed to use Natasha's manpower. Even if he didn't tell her now, Natasha would know the contents of the operation. .

"..." Natasha opened her mouth slightly, with a look of surprise on her face. "Comrade Beria, you have really picked up a hot potato."

Beria cracked her mouth and showed a smile that was uglier than crying. "Who says it isn't?"

Natasha didn't say much, took the paper and pen, wrote down a few lines and handed them over. "Here's the contact information for that team of agents. Good luck."

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