Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 742 Surrender (revision)

"What, what's going on? How could this happen?!" Looking at the dead bodies in the flyer, Fominech was stunned on the spot. One of them shows the family of Marshal Budyonny. The bodies of the whole family, including the young and old, have wooden signs with the words "Traitors to the Motherland" hanging on their chests.

Fominech is not a tactical idiot. He quite agrees with Marshal Budyonny's tactics of stationing troops in cities to engage in street fighting and consuming German troops. After all, once they leave the city, their infantrymen will only be beaten by German armor on the flat terrain of Belarus and Ukraine. The troops crushed him.

Moreover, he also knew that Marshal Budyonny was determined to fight the Germans to the end and had no intention of surrendering. Why were his family members executed as traitors? ! Could it be that Stalin labeled them traitors just because they failed to carry out Stalin's order to take the initiative to attack the German army? !

"This is impossible, how could this happen?" Just as Fominech muttered in confusion, Budyonni's adjutant kicked him hard several times. "Why are you still pretending to be confused?! Isn't this what you damn bastards complained to Stalin about?! Why are the families of officers being executed and not the families of political commissars like you? What good does it do you to frame us like this? Huh?! Can you get promoted or get rich?! You bastards are the sinners of the Soviet Union! Traitors!!" The more he spoke, the more excited he became, and the force under his feet became stronger. After a while, the unlucky Fominekh was vomiting blood and dying. .

"Pull him out and shoot him!" Marshal Budyonny waved his hand and ordered his men to drag out the unconscious Fomineh.

The adjutant spat hard in anger, and said angrily. "Comrade Marshal, I think Stalin has gone crazy! The Soviet Union will be destroyed in his hands sooner or later, and there is no need for us to bury him with him."

Marshal Budyonny nodded gloomily. "You contact the Germans."


Soon, Marshal Budyonny issued a notice and surrendered to the German army.

News of the collective surrender of the Belarusian and Ukrainian defenders reached Moscow, making Stalin furious. "How dare he! Why didn't he die in battle?! This is a betrayal! A betrayal of the Soviet Union!" There was Timoshenko in the front and Budyonny in the back. Two Soviet marshals surrendered to the German army; now Cause quite bad impact. Moreover, Budyonny was one of the first marshals after the founding of the Soviet Union. He can be said to be the oldest hero. Why did he surrender like this? !

The furious Stalin immediately came to Beria and ordered the arrest and execution of Marshal Budyonny's family.

Hearing this order, Beria's heart skipped a beat. The family who arrested Timoshenko last time failed, and the family of his uncle who arrested Yakov last time also failed. It left him with a little psychological shadow. .

He did not dare to delay for a moment, and immediately led people to Marshal Budyonny's residence, only to find that there was no one in the house. What he saw was that the house was full of dust. It was obvious that no one had taken care of it for many days.

"Run away again?!" Beria broke out in a cold sweat; first Timoshenko, then Yakov, and now even Marshal Budyonny's family is missing? Damn it, why did such bad luck happen to him? !

But when he asked the neighbors, he got answers that surprised and angered Beria. Neighbors told him that a few days ago, a group of officers wearing blue hats and claiming to be officers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs came and executed the family, and the bodies had been disposed of by the local police.

"Who did it?!" He was the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Who dared to go beyond him and Stalin and execute the family members of the Soviet Marshal? He immediately launched an investigation, but upon investigation he discovered something even more shocking; not only Marshal Budyonny, but also the family members of senior Soviet commanders in the encirclement of Belarus and Ukraine all survived.

Beria finally understood. No wonder the Soviet troops in Belarus and Ukraine surrendered en masse; I'm afraid they had already received news that their relatives were executed as traitors. But he and Comrade Stalin were kept in the dark.

Naturally, Beria did not dare to conceal such a big matter and immediately reported it to Stalin.

After listening to Beria's report, Stalin frowned. "Are you saying that someone pretended to be from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and executed the families of those senior commanders, including the family of Marshal Budyonny?"

Beria wiped the cold sweat from his face and replied tremblingly. "Yes, Comrade Stalin. I have investigated all the action teams of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was not their fault. Someone must have been impersonating them."

"Why didn't anyone report it?"

"..." Who dares to talk when working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Moreover, they were shot in the name of executing traitors to the motherland. If they dared to talk, they might have something to do with the traitors. Who dares to cause this trouble?

Fortunately, Stalin did not delve into this issue. "Who do you think he is?"

Beria blurted out. "It must be a German." Who else could it be but a German? And even if you are not a German, you still have to blame the Germans.

It's a pity, what if they knew it was the Germans? Even if they swear to God that this was definitely done by the Germans, no one will believe it. Maybe you will be despised by others, and if you don't admit what you did, you will be blamed on the Germans.

Stalin obviously thought of this situation and said angrily. "These stupid guys fell into the German trap so easily."

In just one day, the Soviet troops in Belarus and Ukraine surrendered one after another, transforming the place into a liberation army full of revenge. Every senior commander gritted his teeth and vowed to make Stalin pay the price.

In this way, the German army gained nearly a million more troops without firing a shot.

Yanik also promised Budyonny that after defeating the Soviet Union, he would divide a piece of land for him to establish a country.

Subsequently, Budyonny published a crusade against Stalin, which also listed several crimes against Stalin, including the murder of the great revolutionary mentor Comrade Ulyanov; and there were many more accusations than Timoshenko's. detail.

His broadcast made Stalin furious. Previously Timoshenko said that he had murdered Comrade Ulyanov, and now Marshal Budyonny also said that he had killed Comrade Ulyanov, although this was clearly a German conspiracy. , but Stalin also knew very well the principle of three people becoming a tiger. If everyone believed that it was really him who killed Comrade Ulyanov, not only would his reputation be ruined, but his family would be betrayed, and the entire Soviet Union would be in danger.

Stalin, furious, ordered Beria to get rid of both Budyonny and Timoshenko.

This gave Beria a big headache.

The manpower to assassinate Yakov and the German Crown Prince is not yet in place, and now they want to assassinate Budyonny and Timoshenko? !

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