Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 739 The German-Soviet War (61)

"Enemy plane!"

This Soviet infantry unit had not advanced very far when suddenly someone pointed behind them and shouted.

It was indeed behind them. They were heading towards Smolensk from north to south, and several German attack planes were heading towards them from the northwest. These attack planes were originally heading to the Soviet rear to perform bombing missions, and accidentally discovered this Soviet unit on their way back. There was a ban before, and even if the Soviet troops heading to Smolensk were seen, they could not attack. But just this morning, the ban was officially lifted. Now that it is discovered, it must not be let go.

The Soviet troops on the ground instantly became a mess. Although the superiors ordered to hide on the spot, this road had not been attacked by the Germans before, and there were no decent bunkers nearby, not even one capable of hiding people. There are no craters.

But they were also lucky. These German attack planes had dropped all the bombs in the previous attack, and now only some machine guns and ammunition were left. The formation of attack planes swooped down, and the cannons plowed out the ground. Coming from the deep ravine, one bullet after another landed in the densest place of the crowd. The bullets penetrated the flesh and blood, and there was blood flying everywhere.

After a round of attacks, the German attack aircraft formation raised their altitude angrily and flew away; the shocked Soviet soldiers continued to move forward under the urging of their commanders.

Less than an hour into the journey, they saw several more German fighter planes flying in the distant sky, ten attack planes to be precise.


The officers were shouting, but this time the soldiers did not appear too nervous. After all, they were much calmer after what they had just experienced. Their team consisted of a full division. Among so many people, the chance of being killed or injured by these ten German fighter planes was not very high. Therefore, many people lay down on the ground, hiding themselves.

But what they didn't know was that the German attack planes that came this time were not only equipped with cannons and machine guns, they were not even equipped with ordinary aerial bombs. What they would drop would become an unforgettable nightmare for these Soviet soldiers... ...of course, if they still have a chance to survive.

The ten attack aircraft that arrived this time were land-based versions of the A-1 attack aircraft. Each attack aircraft carried more than two tons of napalm bombs, large and small.

For the German army, napalm is nothing new. It can be said to be a trump card weapon for attacking exposed targets. Just throw this weapon in pieces to ensure that no one is left alive in a certain area. This weapon is also very effective when attacking bunkers and bunkers, but when attacking unexpanded troops, the effect is even more surprising.

The special feature of this batch of napalm bombs is that they are equipped with proximity fuzes, which explode at a certain height before landing. After continuous improvement, the solidified incendiary bombs detonated in the air will turn a large area into a sea of ​​​​fire, covering an extremely wide area. If a large-capacity transport aircraft is used, then just one can turn an area the size of dozens of football fields into a sea of ​​​​fire. Purgatory on earth.

The few anti-aircraft guns of the Soviet troops on the ground fired sparsely into the sky. Ten A-1 attack planes dropped to an altitude of 2,000 meters and dropped napalm bombs one after another.

The bombs fell like raindrops. When they reached a height of 100 meters, they exploded with a bang, setting off a huge fire in the sky, forming a huge fire net. After stagnating for a few seconds, the fire net suddenly shrouded down! !

"Oh my god!" Looking at the real "rain of fire" falling from above their heads, everyone's eyes widened in horror; before these soldiers could react, the rain of fire fell on each Soviet soldier. .



"It hurts me so much!!"

These seemingly inconspicuous burning colloids have high temperatures of hundreds or even thousands of degrees, and they are as sticky as lard and resistant to burning. The Soviet soldiers immediately let out bursts of shrill howls like slaughtering pigs. Many people subconsciously slapped it with their palms, but the more they slapped it, the more intense the fire became. It turned from a small fire point into a small flame, burning most of their bodies in an instant. Some soldiers simply rolled on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire, but the fire further intensified and caused their whole bodies to be covered in fire. Some of them had a lot of fire blocks on their bodies, and when they struggled, they threw the fire blocks onto their comrades around them, causing further secondary damage.


The burning napalm oil and human body fat burned, and countless Pyromen let out heart-rending screams, stumbling, struggling, and running, and the flames continued to be thrown to other people as they struggled. In order to seek help from others, the burning people who still have a trace of consciousness among the soldiers often rush towards crowded places, but instead draw the flames to more people.

"Quick, run quickly..."

After witnessing the tragic scene of others being set on fire while trying to rescue their comrades, and seeing the burning men rushing towards them, the Soviet soldiers screamed loudly and fled in the opposite direction.

But where can they escape from the rain of fire in the sky? !

When the fire gradually decreased, the original strength of the division was less than one battalion. When the Soviet soldiers who had narrowly escaped the disaster finally got up from the ground, they saw a veritable hell scene in front of them; looking at those who were in the flames They thought it would be a mercy to end the lives of the soldiers who were struggling and refused to die, by slitting their throats with a saw.

What exactly did the Germans drop? How could human courage stand up to such a terrifying weapon? The horrific sight before them made a question pop up in everyone's mind.

"Devil, this is the devil's anger..." Many people couldn't stand this terrible stimulation and became crazy, talking nonsense. "The devil is helping the Germans. We can't defeat the Germans at all... We have to ask the Virgin Mary..."

A few hours later, another Soviet unit came here and saw this tragic image, as well as a group of crazy soldiers. Several soldiers found the highest-ranking regimental commander among the survivors, brought him to their division commander, and asked him what happened. "The strength of a division is just gone, just gone... The Germans are devils, complete devils..." The regimental commander said in a daze, suddenly pulled out his pistol and pointed it at his own gun. Temple pulled the trigger without hesitation.


It's a pity that he forgot to turn on the insurance.

The people around him were startled and quickly grabbed his pistol and subdued him.

At this time, several soldiers who went to explore the road came back and reported to the division commander. "Division Commander, we have checked. Those burnt ones in front..." At this point, several soldiers' faces turned pale, and one couldn't hold it back and vomited on the spot. Some older soldiers gritted their teeth and continued to report. "Those were people, burnt corpses."

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