Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 762 The German-Soviet War (76)

Bondarev originally had a certain death mentality and was determined not to betray his comrades even if it cost the lives of his wife and children. However, facing his wife's frightened and frightened eyes, Bondarev finally collapsed. .

"Stop!! I say!!"

The German captain smiled. "How good would it be to do this earlier? Tell us all the members of your organization and where they live."

Bondarev pleaded. "I will tell you, but you have to let my wife and children go. They have nothing to do with this matter. They are innocent!"

The German captain shook his head decisively and refused. "Sorry, it's impossible. Our principle is to eradicate the roots. The moment you joined the resistance organization, you should have thought that such a day would come. But I promise to let you die happily. This is the greatest mercy. You know that there are A happy death is always a luxury, but we have plenty of ways to keep you alive for a few months."

Bondarev's whole body was like an eggplant beaten by frost. He suddenly lost all energy and energy. After a while, he said the names of the members of the resistance organization. After writing down the names and addresses of these people one by one, the German captain gave instructions to the communications soldier carrying a radio next to him. "Inform Hellman to arrest him immediately!"

"Take them back. Search the house, take away all the valuables, put a seal on it and record it." Then he patted Valentin's shoulder affectionately. "Well done, Mr. Valentin." He said and stretched out his hand to the adjutant on the side. The adjutant took out a thick stack of banknotes from his bag and handed it over.

Valentin was a little flattered and waved his hand quickly. "Sir, this is too much. I am satisfied if I can avenge my parents."

"Take it, you deserve it. We have clear rewards and punishments. We are cruel to our enemies and generous to our friends. You can go back now."

"Thank you sir, thank you sir." Valentin took the stack of money and ran away happily.

The adjutant muttered complainingly. "Ha, it seems like we can't catch enough of these guys no matter how hard we catch them."

The German captain lit up a cigarette and started smoking leisurely. "We will catch them one day."

At this time, several soldiers moved everything out of the house. "Desk lamps made in Germany, clocks made in Germany, bicycles made in Germany, this bastard is using German products and still resisting. Why not use products from the Soviet Union if you are so patriotic?"

In this way, they eliminated another resistance organization, but naturally such a "little thing" would not be reported to Yannick, or even to Reinhard's desk.

At this time, Yannick also emphasized the issue of infrastructure construction at the meeting. "Don't think it's an occupied area and just make it shoddy for me. It's also the territory of the empire. Anyone who dares to be careful must be prepared to bear the consequences."

Hearing what Yannick said, the person in charge of the energy group quickly suppressed his smile and assured him extremely seriously. "Your Highness, I will personally supervise the construction and ensure that nothing goes wrong!"

Yannick stretched out a hand, pressed it down, and motioned for him to sit down. "I believe in your ability, so you can sit here and hope not to disappoint me. How is the food production this year?"

There is a saying that goes, "Before the troops move, food and grass must come first." That is, how to ensure that your soldiers have enough to eat is the primary issue when sending troops to fight, and sometimes it is even more important than the weapons in the hands of the soldiers.

The person in charge of the agricultural department quickly stood up and reported. "Your Highness, France, Ukraine, Poland, India, Australia and other places will have a bumper harvest this year. Although there are no specific statistics yet, I can guarantee that this year's grain output will be considerable."

France is the most important food producer in Western Europe, accounting for about one-third of Western Europe's food production. Even during World War II, if France had not provided food, about one-third of the German troops would have gone hungry.

At that time, Germany mobilized millions of troops to fight everywhere, and the Germans who served as soldiers were often young adults and were the main force in agricultural production. In short, the size of Germany's troops was linked to the output of food. When countless Germans went to the battlefield with enthusiasm, Germany's own food production began to decline.

Faced with this helpless situation, the German government planned to replace the young German adults who joined the army with prisoners of war from the occupied areas. But prisoners of war also need to eat. Even if they are given the minimum standard, it will still be a huge expense. This method of replacement only slowed down the pace of Germany's lack of food, but did not solve the problem of Germany's deep food dilemma due to the war.

In order to ensure that its soldiers would not starve on the battlefield, on the eve of the launch of Project Barbarossa, the German Eastern Affairs Department, which was responsible for food logistics supplies on the Soviet-German battlefield, summarized a task that the German army must complete based on the data it held. That is to say, within a three-year period, three years after the war started, the German army's food supplies on the battlefield must be provided in the occupied areas, and local food will only be supplied to local German producers and ordinary citizens.

Based on this large task background, the specific allocation task given by the Department of Eastern Affairs is that the food provided by the French government under German control needs to feed 1/3 of the German troops in Germany, and the remaining 2/3 needs to include Ukraine. , Belarus and other so-called Eastern regions.

According to the requirements of this task, it can be seen that without the food provided by the French government, about 1/3 of the German army would have starved on the battlefield. According to the historical fact that Germany almost lost all its eastern occupied areas in the late war, it can be deduced that France will bear the burden in the late war. The proportion of military rations will be far more than 1/3. As a result, France, as the first major country that Germany destroyed, its land became one of the "core" existences that supported Germany's continued war.

In addition to France, Yannick has also not forgotten India. In terms of arable land area, India is undoubtedly the number one in the world and has an overwhelming advantage. According to later calculations, the arable land area in India is close to 900 million hectares. The United States ranks second in the world, with an area of ​​approximately 700 million hectares of cultivated land. Moreover, India is located in the tropics and subtropics, with good water and heat conditions, and the grain can be harvested two to three times a year. However, due to various reasons, India's grain yield per unit area is very low. In later generations, India's population exceeded 1.3 billion, and per capita grain was 234 kilograms. It is the only country among the top ten grain-producing countries that has not solved hunger.

Naturally, Yannick would not let go of such a grain-producing area, and sent people to cultivate grain on a large scale in India to provide food for Germany. In addition, there are grain harvests in Australia, Poland and other places; currently, most European countries have abolished grain rationing systems, and people can buy and eat freely.

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