Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 768 The German-Soviet War (82)

After occupying this six-story building, their superiors asked them to stay put. This order was equivalent to resting in place.

Everyone took out their own rations. "Thud! Thud!" The roar of the MG-3 machine gun could be heard faintly in the distance, but it was far enough away that they didn't need to worry about it. They just wanted to enjoy their lunch now.

During the Second World War, the battlefield was filled with smoke and the soldiers were in danger all day long. The only thing that gave them the greatest comfort every day may be the rations.

Among the many countries participating in the war, the food of the US military is known as the highest standard in the world.

How good is it? There is even a joke on the Internet later to describe the food of the American troops in World War II. In the late World War II, in order to severely inflict heavy damage on the Allies during the Ardennes Counterattack, Germany sent commandos disguised as US troops to penetrate behind enemy lines to cause destruction. A German spy who infiltrated the US military praised the food after lunch. As a result, I was caught out by the US military next to me, because today's lunch was the worst day in the past few days.

As early as 1936, relevant departments of the US military conducted research and classification of food for soldiers, and divided it into four categories of ABCD rations. The first level is fresh food, the second level is semi-processed canned food, the third level is general canned food, and the fourth level is chocolate. You must know that at that time, many countries could not solve even the most basic food and clothing problems, but the United States actually divided the production of individual soldier rations into four categories, which was really arrogant to the extreme.

In 1937, the American Hormel Food Company produced the famous "canned lunch meat". During World War II, this innovation played a mainstay role in supplementing the protein needed for survival of the US military, greatly improving the combat effectiveness of the army. Both allies and enemies of the United States are "coveting" this kind of can.

But American soldiers hated these cans. Because throughout World War II, Hormel Company delivered 15 million cans of lunch meat to the military every week. The GIs complained: "The cooks would fry luncheon meat for breakfast, grill it for dinner, put it in corn cakes for dinner, and have luncheon meat pies the next morning. God knows where they got so much of it. Luncheon meat! Must be ordered by the bucketful! Lunge luncheon meat, luncheon meat sticks, boiled luncheon meat and greased with luncheon meat grease!” They even came up with all kinds of sensational names for this unfortunate can that never seemed to be finished. nickname. Such as "a certain type of suspected meat", "watered meat", and more often it is called "spiritual meat". In their view, these damn lunch meats are like enemy bullets and gonorrhea, the common enemy of millions of American soldiers around the world.

I don’t know if this counts as “being in the midst of blessings but not knowing the blessings”.

At the beginning of the war, the German army's rations were quite good, and all aspects of nutrition were quite complete. However, in the later stages, they gradually shrank in various ways.

Today, the rations of the German frontline troops are so rich that they are the envy of others.

Bowman took out a bag of individual soldier rations from his backpack, tore it open, and poured out the food inside.

200 grams of pork ham sausage, sandwich, 50 grams of dehydrated vegetables and soup, biscuits, salt, sugar, sandwich, instant coffee, cereal, chocolate, a small bottle of red wine, hard candy, and an orange.

There is also a portable heating stove, which is not much larger than a cigarette box and can heat a pot of soup in a few minutes. The main component of stove fuel is methenamine. This solid fuel has the characteristics of producing no smoke when burning, having high energy density, not dissolving when burning, and leaving no residue after burning. The position of soldiers will not be exposed on the battlefield, so it is particularly suitable for battlefield environments.

Bowman lit the heating stove, poured dehydrated vegetables and soup into the lunch box, added some water and put it on the heating stove.

He saw the soldier next to him tear open a bag of pasta and pour it into the lunch box, and asked curiously.

"What is that?"

"Macaroni, it just arrived two days ago."

"Oh, then I have to change my taste next time." The German army had several staple food rations, such as macaroni, sandwiches, baguettes, etc.

After the soup boiled, Bowman began to devour it. In less than five minutes, everything in front of him was wiped out.

On the one hand, I am really hungry, and on the other hand, I have formed a habit long ago.

Even if they were presented with delicacies from the mountains and seas, no one would spend more time on the battlefield savoring them. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. No one knows when the enemy's counterattack will start, and no one knows when the artillery shells will fall. If the meal is half eaten and the rest of the meal cannot be eaten, it will only be a waste of natural resources. Therefore, soldiers on the battlefield will develop the habit of eating as quickly as possible.

After putting all the staple food into his stomach in one breath and taking another sip of coffee, Bowman burped happily. "Comfortable."

After eating and drinking, he inevitably felt a little sleepy. He yawned for a long time. Bowman leaned on the cabinet behind him and prepared to take a nap.

Just as I closed my eyes, I suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from the cabinet behind me.

"!!" The hair on Bowman's body suddenly exploded, he rolled to the side suddenly, picked up his gun and pointed it at the cabinet.

The surrounding comrades were startled by his sudden move, and subconsciously pointed their guns at the cabinet. "What's the matter, Bowman?!"

Bowman whispered. "There was a noise in the closet."

The soldier next to him immediately retorted. "Impossible, we've just checked it."

"..." Bowman stepped forward carefully and opened the cabinet door. There really wasn't anything in there except some random junk.

"Is there a mouse under the cabinet?" At this time, the rustling voice had turned into a low whine. Bowman frowned slightly, lay down and looked at the bottom of the cabinet. The bottom of the cabinet is only a dozen centimeters above the ground, making it impossible to hide anyone.

He saw a gray and white puppy lying under the cabinet, or rather stuck there unable to move, whining. "Hey, it's a puppy." Bowman reached out and pulled the puppy out.

"This is a Russian shepherd dog." The soldier on the side introduced. Due to the beauty and elegance of the Soviet Shepherd Dog, this dog was only bred by the nobles in Russia, and was given to each other as gifts among the nobles. Being able to hunt with the Soviet Shepherd Dog has become the most representative aristocratic sport in Russia. Even the literary giant Leo Tolstoy was once a fan of this dog. Since the royal family and the people love this elegant hound, the Soviet Union The Russian Shepherd is the national dog of Russia.

"It's still an aristocratic dog." Bowman handed the can with a little soup left to the Soviet-Russian shepherd dog. Maybe it was too hungry, and the puppy began to slurp without politeness.

"Hey, this little thing is quite cute." Seeing this, everyone handed the leftovers to the puppy. The puppy also accepted everyone who came, and enjoyed eating this and that.

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