Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 931 Decisive Battle (1)

March 17, 1942.

It was just daybreak, and airfields across the German front line were enveloped in the dull roar of engines.

The German army built more than 200 frontline airports and deployed more than 30,000 aircraft. This is quite an astonishing number. The number of aircraft assembled by the German army in the original Moscow Battle was only 1,390. Today, the number of aircraft has increased more than 20 times, and there are more than 10,000 fighter jets alone. 2,000 of them are the legendary ultimate piston fighter Ta-152!

In fact, the German Air Force today does not have too urgent demand for the Ta-152. After all, the existing BF109 and FW190 are already capable of crushing the enemy. Moreover, the original design of the original space-time Ta-152 was to fight against American high-altitude bombers. At that time, the German Intelligence Agency learned that the American B-29 was about to enter service. The combat altitude of this bomber was in the stratosphere. Germany did not yet have a fighter jet that could reach the same altitude. Even if it could barely reach it, it would have completely lost its combat capability. So the designer Kurt Tank began to lengthen the fuselage and wings based on the FW-190D-9, and added a nitro compound injection afterburner (GM-1) and a methanol injection afterburner (MW-50). With afterburner turned on, the ultimate speed of this fighter can reach a top speed of 760km/h, which is almost the limit of a piston fighter.

It is rumored that Kurt Tank (he was not only a designer, but also a test pilot) personally drove a Ta-152 from Hanover to a meeting. On the way, he encountered four Allied P-51 "Mustang" fighter jets. The Tatank calmly pressed the MW-50 afterburner button, and saw the Ta-152 spit out a cloud of blue smoke and disappear in the shocked eyes of the P-51 pilot.

Unfortunately, Germany was already declining when the Ta-152 appeared. The lack of aviation aluminum materials and the destruction of the factory made the production progress of the Ta-152 slow. In the end, only 43 (some say 150) were built, and the German fighter jets were produced at that time. The priority is the Me-262 jet fighter. The reality that piston aircraft will be replaced by jets is inevitable.

Yannick felt that it was a pity that such an excellent fighter was buried in history, so he ordered a batch of them to be produced and put into the battlefield; it could also be regarded as the last glory of the piston fighter.

One after another, fighter jets took off from various airports, formed a huge formation, and flew to Moscow.

At the frontline command center in Moscow, a staff officer nervously reported to Zhukov. "Comrade Commander, the radar station ahead has discovered a group of German aircraft. They are too numerous to count!"

Zhukov stood up abruptly. "The German army is about to attack!" Because the temperature in these days has begun to warm up, the Soviet military leaders also guessed that the German army will launch an attack at any time. Although the specific date is not known, the troops have already entered the highest combat readiness state. Zhukov looked at Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force Alexander Alexandrovich Novikov aside and ordered. "Comrade Novikov, send our fighter jets to fight."

Commander-in-Chief Novikov hesitated and reluctantly gave the order for the fighter jets to dispatch. "Comrade Zhukov, the losses of our air force in this battle will probably not be small." There are now more than 2,000 fighter jets deployed in Moscow. Although it is not known exactly how many fighter jets the German army has, Commander-in-Chief Novikov also knows the performance of his own fighter jets. A long way behind. Only the latest production Yak-9 can compete with it.

The Yak-9 fighter jets of the original time and space did not seem to be inferior in the face of Germany's advanced fighter jets. And as the pilots gradually matured, the Soviet Air Force began to slowly control the air supremacy in the European battlefield. At that time, this Yak-9 fighter jet could be said to be the mortal enemy of the German Air Force in the mid- and low-altitude areas. Although it was difficult to tell the difference between the two, because the production cost of this Yak-9 was very low, the Soviet Union was During the World War, this Yak-9 fighter jet was produced like crazy. According to statistics, throughout World War II, the Soviet Union produced nearly 17,000 Yak-9s. This was also the most important weight for the Soviet Union to gain advantage in air confrontation. code.

Unfortunately, there are only 30 Yak-9s in Moscow today. This number may not be enough to fill the opponent's teeth.

"Yes." Zhukov sighed deeply. He didn't know the performance gap between the two fighters. But now it is the final battle. If these fighters are not brought out to fight, they will either be destroyed on the ground or become the other side's trophies. ; It is better to fight for the country vigorously.

The distance between the two sides' defense lines was only 50 kilometers. It took less than ten minutes for the German fighter jets to fly over at a speed of more than 600 kilometers per hour. When the Soviet fighter jets had just taken off to form a formation, the German fighter jets had already killed them. Then the two sides began to fight. There was a fierce fight. To be more precise, the German fighter group carried out a one-sided massacre.


A German BF109F bit a Yak-1 fighter. The four 7mm machine guns in the wing sprayed out four long tongues of flame. The trajectory formed by the tracer bullets easily covered the Yak-1 fighter. Watching it risk The black smoke plunged down, and the BF-109F fighter pilot was not willing to fight. Relying on the remaining energy advantage he had after diving down from high altitude at high speed a moment ago, he climbed up to high altitude again.

At this time, two nearby MiG-3 fighter jets stared at the climbing BF109F and immediately caught up with them.

But before he could catch up within the shooting range, an FW190 fighter jet penetrated from the diagonal stab and swooped towards one of the MiG-3 fighter jets, the cannons in the wings flashing with light.

"Dong dong dong!"

The MiG-3 was exploded into a ball of fire, and the other MiG-3 hurriedly rolled away. But the next second, a dense rain of bullets poured down from high altitude, beating the MiG-3 all over. It was a hole, and several bullets even hit the cockpit, causing a cloud of blood mist.

The Soviet army took off in the first wave of more than 700 fighter jets, while the German army sent 3,000 fighter jets.

Using fighter jets with poor performance to fight an enemy four times their own size, the Soviet fighter pilots were really left with nothing but despair.

"There are too many enemy planes, we need reinforcements!"

"Oh my God, I'm being chased by three enemy planes! Someone help me!"

The desperate shouts of the pilots were transmitted to the command headquarters via radio, and Air Force Commander Novikov glanced at Zhukov. "Comrade Commander, will you continue to send fighter jets?"

Zhukov's deeply frowned brow seemed to be knotted. "How much have we lost?"

An air force staff officer handed the statistical documents to Novikov. "The Germans sent more than 2,000 fighter planes. Within 10 minutes of fighting, our army lost more than 200 aircraft. In other words, in another 20 minutes at most, our first wave of 700 fighter planes will annihilate the entire army."

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