Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 946 Decisive Battle (13)

In the combat command room of the "Underground Kremlin" in Moscow, Zhukov listened to the continuous explosions above his head with a gloomy face. The lights above his head flickered on and off with the explosions, as if they might go out at any time; There was dust falling from the ceiling.

Although there are air filtration devices in the underground fortifications, there is still a hint of gunpowder smoke in the air here.

Zhukov took the tea cup and was about to take a sip, but he saw a small piece of wall falling down and falling into the tea cup without any bias. He frowned slightly, but without calling the orderly, he reached out and took out the piece of wall covering, threw it aside, and took a sip.

As soon as he put down the teacup, he heard Minuk complaining in despair. "It's been three days. How many artillery shells have these damn Germans prepared?" It's been three days and three nights! The sound of shelling day and night has made everyone's spirits tense to the extreme, and they are under tremendous pressure. Some people's The spirit is on the verge of collapse.

They estimate that the European coalition has fired hundreds of millions of artillery shells, but there is still no sign of stopping; do these bastards want to flatten the entire city of Moscow with shelling? ! I'm afraid the ground has been blown flat, but they still keep firing!

Suddenly, with a dull loud noise, everyone in the room felt an unusually obvious earthquake.

"What's going on?!" They were more than seventy meters deep underground. It was incredible that they could feel such a strong vibration at this depth. The staff in the command room quickly called various places, and after a while they finally got a clue. However, the staff officer who reported the report turned pale and his voice trembled slightly. "Comrade Commander, the German bomb penetrated into Area 131 and exploded! There was a large-scale collapse there, causing heavy casualties."

"What?! Into Area 131?!" Minuk exclaimed in disbelief, stood up and hurriedly walked to the huge map hanging on the wall. This map was a map of Moscow's underground fortifications. He searched carefully and found Area 131. "How could the German bomb get here?! Is it an earth-penetrating bomb?!" As mentioned before, the Moscow subway can accommodate more than four million people. As the war progressed, a part of it was urgently expanded, and it can barely accommodate nearly 100,000 people today. 10 million soldiers and civilians. But these expanded underground fortifications are just like the subway lines. They are deep underground. How could the German bombs get in? !

In fact, they are not too unfamiliar with ground-penetrating bombs, because the Germans also used a lot of ground-penetrating bombs when they attacked Smolensk, Leningrad, and Stalingrad; especially at the last moment of the Battle of Leningrad, a By chance, a ground-penetrating bomb got into the underground headquarters of the Leningrad Guard Commander Mikhail Semyonovich Khozin, killing everyone inside. However, the underground defenses in these three cities are only 20 to 30 meters deep, and Area 131 is 50 meters above the ground. How could a bomb penetrate this deep? !

A staff officer was not sure. "Could it be that the Germans used some special bombs?" Since the outbreak of the war, the Germans have been developing new weapons one after another. "I heard that the Germans used a bomb to destroy the Eben Emaar Fortress in Belgium. The British Fortress of Gibraltar was also breached by this bomb." Although I don't know the specific situation, this is the rumor.

But he guessed correctly, the German bombers dropped the "Grand Slam" super bomb. Because the German army did not encounter any tough bones like the original Brest Fortress in this Soviet-German war, this "Grand Slam" super bomb did not come in handy. And this thing cannot be produced using an assembly line. Only 200 pieces have been produced so far.

But this time the throw is an upgraded version of "Grand Slam" 0.

In order for an earth-penetrating bomb to penetrate deeply into some buildings or the surface and explode, it must have three special capabilities: one is high speed, the other is high intensity, and the last is a delayed fuse.

In order to obtain a higher speed, the rocket thruster at the tail of the "Grand Slam" version 0 bomb has also been upgraded, which is twice the terminal speed of version 0 of 1,800 kilometers per hour, and is almost three times the speed of sound.

High strength means that the super-sharp warhead and projectile structure of the earth-penetrating projectile are extremely hard, harder than ordinary reinforced concrete or even steel plate armor, which ensures that it can easily penetrate an obstructing object when it comes into contact. In other words, the "Grand Slam" version 0 warhead uses extremely hard tungsten alloy.

High speed and high intensity alone cannot guarantee that the earth-penetrating bomb will explode after penetrating deep into the object. The delay fuze is its last help. This kind of fuze can only explode after a set time after being triggered. The trinity of high speed, high strength and delayed fuze can bring out the maximum power of the earth-penetrating bomb.

This time the German army dispatched five B-36 bombers and dropped five "Grand Slam" 0 super bombs. One of them penetrated directly through the 50-meter-thick soil layer and penetrated into Area 131. The other two collapsed two places. Underground fortifications; as for the remaining two, they only blasted two large holes in the ground.

After listening to the complete report, Minuk looked at Zhukov nervously. "Comrade Commander, do we have to move down two floors?" Although they are seventy meters underground, who can guarantee that the German ground-penetrating bombs will not hit this depth? If an earth-penetrating bomb were to hit them all, they would be so useless!

"..." Zhukov nodded and agreed to his proposal.

Just as he was about to get up and leave, the phone on the table rang.

Minuk picked up the phone, listened twice, and looked at Zhukov. "It's Comrade Malenkov. Comrade Stalin asked what happened with the explosion just now?"

Zhukov sighed. "Report it truthfully and tell him that the penetration depth of the German ground-penetrating bombs will not exceed fifty meters." Of course he did not know how deep the German ground-penetrating bombs could penetrate, but otherwise, Comrade Stalin might have Will be hysterical.

As he expected, Stalin was shocked and angry when he heard the noise caused by the explosion of a German ground-penetrating bomb, and immediately asked Malenkov to find Molotov.

Malenkov didn't know what use it was to find Comrade Molotov at this time. Could it be that he was asked to send a telegram to the Americans to urge them to land in Europe?

But when the call came to Molotov's office, it was his secretary who answered.

"Where is Comrade Molotov?"

"Comrade Malenkov, Comrade Molotov did not come to work today."

"Didn't come to work? Are you sick? Go to his residence immediately and have a look." Malenkov was still very concerned about this "comrade".

"Yes, Comrade Malenkov, I'll go take a look right away."

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