Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 974 America Strategy (8)

Returning to the familiar underground air defense fortifications, everyone felt extremely depressed.

Although the German bombers were flying to Milwaukee, who knew if the Germans would launch missiles at Washington. For safety reasons, these high-level officials could only hide in underground fortifications again.

After breathing the fresh air outside for a few days, the air in the basement felt extremely turbid. Vice President Truman habitually took out his cigarette case. Although he had never smoked before, he had picked up this "bad habit" these days. He skillfully lit up a cigarette, took a deep breath, and asked. "Are there 150mm anti-aircraft guns deployed around Milwaukee?"

In fact, this is nonsense. Unless the city is surrounded by hundreds or thousands of anti-aircraft guns, there is no way to stop the German bombers. The fleet only needed to make a slight turn to avoid the anti-aircraft gun positions on the ground. However, these bulky anti-aircraft guns had no mobility at all, and it was impossible to chase the German bombers.

"No, Mr. Vice President."

"..." Vice President Truman sighed. It seemed that Milwaukee would also be bombed into ruins. There are a thousand heavy bombers, even if each one is loaded with five tons of bombs, it is still a full five thousand tons.

It’s scary to think about.

"Something's wrong!" Just as everyone was sighing with sad faces, Marshall suddenly said. "It stands to reason that the Germans should not focus on bombing our 'Atlantic Defense Line' or 'Pacific Defense Line'?" The Germans must land in the United States, otherwise they would not have to build these two lines of defense, and with the Germans' It is impossible for intelligence capabilities not to know the situation of these two lines of defense; but so far the Germans have only bombed these large cities and ignored these two lines of defense, not even dropping a bomb. "Could this be a German conspiracy?"

"Conspiracy? What conspiracy?" Everyone's eyes focused on Marshall, but they couldn't figure out what the two lines of defense had to do with the German conspiracy. After all, it was Commander-in-Chief Nimitz of the Pacific Fleet who first proposed the defense plan; could it be that he also colluded with the Germans?

Marshall frowned. He couldn't figure out what the conspiracy was. "The Germans seem to be just watching us build these defense lines. Are they deliberately letting us waste resources?" The steel bars and cement required for the defense lines that are thousands of kilometers long are astronomical. In addition to these, there are countless manpower. Material and financial resources, maybe the Germans just want them to waste these resources in vain.

But this doesn’t seem to make sense.

In any case, if the Germans really want to land, they must not break through these defense lines first?

Watching these lines of defense gradually improve, aren't they causing trouble for themselves? Could it be that they think they have too many troops and want to use their defensive firepower to eliminate a few waves?

This is a bit absurd.

After racking his brains for a while, a terrible thought flashed through his mind. "Canada is a huge danger!"

Although Canada expressed neutrality, no one could guarantee that one day it would suddenly switch sides and fall to the Germans. When the time comes, the large German troops can easily land in Canada and go south to attack the United States. Then these two lines of defense they have worked so hard to build will truly become the "Maginot Line"!

After hearing Marshall's words, everyone's faces suddenly became extremely ugly.

Canada and the United States are the second and fourth largest countries in the world respectively. The total length of the border between the two countries is 8,891 kilometers (including the Alaska section). However, the two countries have no defenses against each other on such a long border. There are no border guards stationed, and there are few barriers and checkpoints. As long as Canadian citizens can enter the United States with their passports, American citizens can also enter Canada.

In 1812, after the independence of the United States, not only for its territorial expansion ambitions, but also in retaliation for Britain's harassment of the United States during the Anglo-French War, the United States invaded Canada again. The outcome was that the United States, Britain, and Canada fought until the end and no one gained any advantage in the territory. The United States and Canada signed a peace treaty. After that, the United States temporarily gave up its coveting of Canadian territory, pointed its expansion to the west and south, and continued to advance westward.

Later, in 1854, the United States and Canada signed the "U.S.-Canada Reciprocal Agreement". Exchanges between the two sides began to become more frequent, and the barriers gradually narrowed. Later, the United States experienced the Civil War. The abolition of slavery brought about unprecedented development speed, and its national power grew to the level of Britain and France. After World War I, the strength of established powers such as Britain and France was greatly weakened. The United States took the opportunity to rise and become the world's most powerful country, and the "friendship" between Canada and the United States became increasingly consolidated.

Unexpectedly, this time Canada betrayed their "friendship" and declared neutrality, and now it has become a major hidden danger that cannot be ignored.

Vice President Truman was not an idiot. He immediately understood what Marshall meant and his face turned pale. "God! General Marshall, do you mean that the Germans may land from Canada and attack us? Then shouldn't we also build a defensive line on the Canadian border?"

Excluding the section in Alaska, their border with Canada is more than 6,000 kilometers long, which is longer than the "Atlantic Line of Defense" and the "Pacific Line of Defense" combined! Building these two lines of defense has already drained almost all the financial resources of the United States. Now it wants to build a line of defense of more than 6,000 kilometers? ! He had the urge to faint on the spot!

Marshall sighed deeply. "Mr. Vice President, even if we can repair it, we won't be able to make it in time." According to their analysis, the Germans will launch an offensive next spring, which means they won't even have ten months left. Building a defense line of more than 6,000 kilometers in ten months? It’s simply a fantasy!

But this also puts them in a dilemma.

Continue to build two lines of defense. What if the Germans really attack from Canada? But give up the construction, what if Canadians adhere to neutrality? At that time, the Germans can easily break through the unfinished defense line and land on the American mainland!

"Damn it! How about we strike first and capture Canada directly!" I don't know who made the suggestion.

"..." But anyone with any sense knows that this suggestion is nonsense. Canada is not a small place as big as the palm of your hand. It can be conquered just by conquering it.

Once force is used against Canada, it will be equivalent to pushing it directly to the German side. Isn't this causing trouble for yourself?

To put it another way, even if the Germans allowed themselves to capture Canada, what would happen after the capture? Canada's long coastline has become a burden on itself again. Do they still want to build defense lines on the Canadian coastline?

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