Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 977 America Strategy (11)

Vice President Truman asked eagerly when he heard that the production of the T-28 heavy destroyer was only one every two days. "Can you reduce the production of other tanks and produce more of this T-28?" In his opinion, the more of this big guy that can crush German tanks, the better. Producing a hundred vehicles a day is not too much. "Aren't we producing the M3 light tank and the M3 Grant/Lee medium tank? Put these tanks..."

Marshall knew what Truman was going to say and shook his head with regret. "Mr. Vice President, these two tanks have been discontinued a long time ago. Most of the northeastern industrial area was bombed into ruins by the German army, which seriously affected tank production. Moreover, the remaining production capacity was also occupied by the M26, and there was no spare capacity to produce more T-28." During the entire World War II in the original time and space, the United States produced more than 80,000 tanks (29,680 light tanks, 50,632 medium tanks, and 2,202 heavy tanks), of which nearly 50,000 tanks were produced by the Crest Factory in Detroit. The M4 Sherman tanks, if converted into days, would be 30 tanks a day.

But now the industrial areas in the northeastern United States have been hit hard. It is difficult for the Detroit Industrial Area to produce three vehicles a day, let alone 30 vehicles a day.

"Can this kind of output be no match for the German armored forces?"

MacArthur couldn't help but sigh. "The threats our armored forces face are not only the German tanks and armor, but also their air attack aircraft. Their attack aircraft not only have powerful attack power, but also have good defensive performance. They are simply flying tanks."

This brings back the issue of air supremacy. If one's own side cannot ensure air supremacy, it will be difficult for ground forces to prevent these terrifying attack aircraft from attacking the ground. If you are unlucky, you won't even see the enemy armored troops, and they will be destroyed by attack aircraft.

"Oh God!" Truman rubbed his temples with a headache. "That is to say, not only can we not deal with the German aircraft, we can't even deal with their tanks." Not to mention the navy's battleships, then only the poor infantry are left.

But the German army swept across most of Europe, and even the Soviet Union was defeated. It can be said that it is a tiger and wolf army that has experienced hundreds of battles; can its own infantry defeat it? Moreover, individual weapons and equipment are no match for others. "That is to say, none of us can surpass or even compare with the Germans. How can we fight this battle!"

The conference room fell into an atmosphere of silence again, with everyone smoking in silence.

"Now we can only hope that the defense line we built can block the Germans. If we can block two or three waves of German attacks, we can at least strive for a decent peace."

"..." Block two or three waves of German attacks? Can you block the first wave? But now there seems to be no other way than praying to stop the Germans.

Just as everyone in Washington was sighing, in the distance in California, everyone in the "German League" was also sighing.

Apparently, the Germans had no intention of giving California to them.

"These Germans are so greedy that they want to take over the entire California."

"They're going to swallow up the entire United States."

"What should we do now?" Their biggest reliance is the Germans, but the Germans have no intention of cooperating with them and even made it clear that California does not belong to them. This is very embarrassing.

What's even more frightening is that the Germans also said that if they want to discuss cooperation, let them take over California first. Isn't this nonsense? If they had the ability to take over an entire state, why would they need to ask you Germans for help? They only have part of the National Guard in their hands, and using them to deal with regular troops is simply a fantasy.

"What should we do? Mr. Davis?" Everyone looked at the old man.

The old man sighed slightly. "It seems we can only wait and see what happens."

European countries across the Atlantic are intensively preparing for war with the United States.

Because the American fleet has almost been wiped out, there is no need to build more warships to deal with it. What is needed now is a lot of transport ships and landing ships; shipyards in various countries are operating at full capacity to produce transport ships and landing ships.

At the military meeting that day, Reinhard explained the Americans' defense deployment to everyone. "According to intelligence, the Americans have deployed many mines along their coastline."

Mines can be said to be the lowest-cost anti-ship weapons. Its production principle is very simple, the cost is very low, and it is very convenient to deploy.

And it’s not easy to find, and even if you find it, it’s difficult to remove it intact. After the war, finding the mine and safely dismantling it became a big problem. The workload and cost of removing all mines far exceeded the cost of laying mines at that time.

The sea area where mines are not cleared may be a trap, and no one knows when they will fall into it. In later generations, the United States once suffered the explosion of its own mine, which almost caused a serious shipwreck. In 1988, when the USS Roberts frigate passed through the Persian Gulf, a hole was blown through the hull by a mine and it almost sank. Later, after investigation, it was found that the mine was an M-08 antique mine. It cost US$1,500, but its explosion caused a loss of US$100 million.

The Americans who are now at the end of their rope will naturally not ignore such an "artifact". In addition to the defense lines on land, they have also deployed a large number of mines in an attempt to resist the landing of the European coalition forces.

Yannick said disapprovingly. "These mines are not a big problem."

They have completely mastered the air superiority. At that time, they can carry out carpet bombing in the sea area of ​​​​the landing area, using aerial bombs, depth bombs, and rockets to plow the entire sea area. If it fails once, do it twice or three times, it will be enough to clear out those Mines.

If that doesn't work, he has one last resort, which is to detonate an atomic egg on the bottom of the sea.

On land, an atomic egg can destroy a city. What would happen if it detonated in the sea?

After World War II in the original time and space, the United States continued nuclear testing on Bikini Island for more than 20 years. In 1946, the first underwater nuclear explosion test was conducted. The purpose was to test the consequences of a nuclear bomb detonating in water. The wealthy Americans placed 95 target ships at the center of the explosion, mainly including two aircraft carriers, five battleships, and four cruisers. The Americans wanted to see what damage the atomic egg's shock wave would cause to these all-powerful battleships during World War II.

The atomic egg detonated 27 meters under the sea. According to expert judgment, seawater can block most of the shock waves, but the facts told them that they seriously underestimated the power of the atomic egg.

After the atomic egg was detonated, it released huge energy, blasting a huge crater on the seabed. At the same time, the huge energy atomized the seawater, and 2 million tons of seawater and sea sand were directly pushed into the air by the huge energy. , a huge water wall is formed, with a diameter of 600 meters and a height of 1,800 meters.

Later, due to the effect of gravity, the seawater and sea sand fell back to the sea surface, creating a huge waterfall with a height of 270 meters, causing huge waves. After these terrible waves spread to a distance of 300 meters, they were still 29 meters high; they directly broke the keel of the USS Saratoga.

When these huge waves reached the coast 5,600 meters away, their height remained nearly five meters.

When the time comes for such a launch in the landing area, not to mention those mines, even the fortifications on the shore can destroy a lot; if those American soldiers hide in the underground fortifications, they will drown alive.

(Today’s chapter)

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