Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 981 Nuclear Age (3)

Yannick took off his goggles and saw that all the people in the observation room had turned into wooden figures. They all stood there blankly, their mouths wide open, and he couldn't help but chuckle in his heart. If he hadn't seen a lot of information and videos about nuclear weapons before traveling through time, he might have been like them and still hadn't recovered. But to be honest, watching a nuclear explosion at such a close range is really shocking, much more exciting than watching a 3D movie.

After looking at the still-tumbling mushroom cloud in the distance for a few seconds, he clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention. "Everyone, mankind has entered the nuclear age. Of course it is not today. We have successfully developed this nuclear weapon a few years ago. However, it was not satisfactory in terms of efficiency or size at that time. We have been improving it; it was only improved to this not long ago. It is a small yet powerful weapon that can be used in actual combat.”

"As for what a nuclear weapon is, you should have heard of Dr. Einstein's E=MC2 theory. Nuclear weapons are based on this theory. With this super weapon, we will no longer be able to destroy the world from now on." It is an exaggerated adjective; human courage and resourcefulness are no longer the factors that influence war. In the face of nuclear weapons, any conspiracy and courage are vulnerable."

"Even if Napoleon Bonaparte is reborn, will he be able to deal with this super weapon?" Yannick smiled at Prime Minister Pétain, who looked a little stiff, and then looked at British Prime Minister Clement. "Can Arthur Wellesley handle it?" Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, is remembered for his victory over Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo. The man who took everything from Napoleon was named Field Marshal of the British Army after the victory, and was awarded the rank of Field Marshal by Austria, Tsarist Russia, Hanover, Prussia, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands. He is the only person in world history who has been awarded the title of Field Marshal by eight countries. A man of military rank, Tsar Alexander I called him the conqueror of world conquerors.

Without waiting for Prime Minister Clement's reaction, Yannik looked at Timoshenko, Chuikov and others. "Can Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov handle it?" Suvorov was the last marshal of the Russian Empire and maintained an invincible record, winning more than 60 victories in his life.

A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on the faces of these people. They obviously thought that if the progress of German scientists' research and development was a little faster; or if the Soviet-German war was delayed until now, then this moment might be in a certain city in the Soviet Union. It's scary to think about testing this nuclear weapon.

"Everyone, I said before that this experiment only has an explosive yield of 50,000 tons of TNT, which is only a small yield. If we are willing, we can create hundreds of thousands of tons, hundreds of thousands of tons, millions of tons, or even tens of millions of tons. A nuclear weapon with the explosive yield of TNT!”

Speaking of nuclear eggs with an equivalent of tens of millions of tons, the first one to bear the brunt is the "Tsar Bomb", known as the "King of Bombs".

It is the most powerful bomb in terms of size, weight or power among all types of bombs ever made by mankind. Its explosive yield was originally equivalent to 100 million tons of TNT explosives. However, the Soviet authorities were worried that the nuclear fallout after the test explosion would cause serious environmental pollution and diplomatic disputes, so they reduced the nuclear bomb's explosive power to 50 million tons. But even so, the Tsar Bomba was still 3,846 times more powerful than the "Little Boy" atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima at the end of World War II.

It was dropped at an altitude of 10,500 meters and slowed down by a parachute, giving the bomber enough time to escape from the explosion zone. This safe zone was 50 kilometers away from the center of the blast. This distance was set at a very dangerous distance. The Soviets estimated in advance that the probability of survival of the two bombers (one to drop bombs and one to record photography) was only 50%, which was much more dangerous than playing Russian roulette.

The Tsar Bomb exploded in the air 4,200 meters above the ground, and the radius of the fireball formed by the explosion was 4,600 meters. Although the Tu95 bomber that dropped the bomb flew 45 kilometers at a high speed in 188 seconds, the strong shock wave still rushed up, lifting the bomber like a small boat in the storm and plummeting 1,000 meters. However, they miraculously survived down. The height of the nuclear explosion mushroom cloud reached 64 kilometers, which is equivalent to more than 7 times the altitude of Mount Everest, and the diameter of the top is 100 kilometers.

Although the Soviet Union successfully completed the test explosion, the Tsar Bomba was never included in the active weapons. The Soviet military only wanted to use the Tsar Bomba as a symbol and display of the Soviet Union's military power.

With the progress of the times, the delivery accuracy of modern missiles and bombs has been greatly improved. In the past, targets that required nuclear weapons with an equivalent of 5 million tons to destroy will only need to be destroyed due to the extremely high hit accuracy of new missiles. A nuclear weapon with a yield of 500,000 tons can effectively destroy it. Coupled with a high-precision guidance system, multiple small-yield nuclear weapons can not only cause a sufficiently powerful destructive effect by continuously attacking the same target, but can also be dispersed to cause damage to multiple targets at the same time. The total maintenance cost is even lower than that of the original old high-yield nuclear weapons.

Therefore, in later generations, whether it is the large multi-million-ton nuclear weapons used in the past or the Tsarist nuclear bomb calculated in tens of millions of tons, they have been sent to the garbage heap of history by the latest generation of micro-nuclear weapons or small nuclear weapons.

At this time, no country will have a cold war with them, and Yannick does not intend to create such an exaggerated big guy to detonate.

"..." After hearing Yannick's words, everyone's faces turned even paler. The power of a bomb with an equivalent of 50,000 tons is already so terrifying. How many more are there with an equivalent of millions or tens of millions of tons? !Sounds like a super bomb can destroy a country? !

Yannick was very satisfied with everyone's reaction. This was the effect he wanted. He used this to strengthen the unity within the EU and deter some wavering forces; he even warned the United States in the distance that it was best to surrender obediently, otherwise they would not be able to bear the consequences.

"You don't have to be afraid. Those who are here today are all friends of Germany. Although our weapons are powerful, they will not fall on friends. They will only be used against enemies. For example, the United States on the other side of the Atlantic. These unknown Damn it, I've given them a chance, if they don't cherish it, don't blame me." Yannick said with a smile. "Today's test explosion is not confidential. If any of you have American friends, you can tell them what you saw."

After saying that, Yannick turned and left. Although nuclear radiation could not affect this place, and the Geiger counter on the operating table did not sound an alarm, he was so scared that it was better to stay away from this place quickly.

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