When we arrived at the film studio, we pulled over and stopped. After getting off the car, Zhou Yan was still saying, "I've made arrangements to put all your books on the shelves. By the way, when will your new book be finished? As soon as possible! Our entire publishing house I am very anxious, just waiting for your new book."

"It's ready."

"Already ready?" Zhou Yan exclaimed in disbelief, "When will it be ready? Why don't I know?"

"Just these few days, didn't I stay at home and didn't go out? I just took the opportunity to finish writing."

"Great, you give me the manuscript, and I will review, proofread and publish it when I get back." Zhou Yan was full of praise for Su Wen's speed, "Your speed is still faster, Wenwen."

"Let me say it first, I won't be participating in any activities this time."

"Don't worry, even if you want to participate, I dare not let you participate." Zhou Yan was frightened this time, and even Xu Pei reminded her specially, which obviously alarmed many people.

The two said as they walked, Zhou Yan was not familiar with this place, but before coming here, there was someone waiting at the gate who was responsible for leading the way. Because Su Wen only knew that before Dong Na became popular, Dong Na worked as an apprentice in a film studio for ten years, doing odd jobs and being an apprentice.

I don't know the specifics, and I haven't heard of it when I ask people inside.

Dong Na is not an employee of the film studio, at most she is a temporary worker, and she never stops after her last meal. If you want to learn acting skills, many times you don’t even get paid for your work, so it’s not bad if you don’t give gifts to the master.

Internal personnel can only check the employees within the establishment.

Su Wen made up her mind and could only try her luck to find it slowly. If she wanted to find Dong Na in advance, she naturally needed to be more patient. Anyway, knowing that Dong Na is here, she will definitely be able to find her.

But these words are hard to say, even Zhou Yan can't say it, because it's hard to explain.

"We have a lot of actors, including singers and dancers. There are also several repertory troupes below. If you have any requirements, you can directly ask them. We can call everyone to choose." The receptionist was very enthusiastic. Because Zhou Yan has a big background, the higher-ups directly greeted her.

The second is that job opportunities are rare, and no matter who is selected, it is a good thing. I heard that the other party is very generous, and the reward is very generous.

Now with the economic development, there are more and more opportunities for filming. There are new projects every year. Two of the four major masterpieces are in the preparation stage, and one has already been filmed. It has provided job opportunities for many people, but the filming is too hard and takes a long time. The income can only barely support the family. make ends meet.

"Wenwen, what do you say? Why don't you find people and choose them?" Zhou Yan suggested: "Otherwise, it's not a solution for us to search aimlessly."

Su Wen can recognize Dong Na as soon as she sees her, but does Dong Na have a chance to run for election?

This is a problem.

Su Wen thought about it, and finally agreed with Zhou Yan's suggestion.

Generally speaking, it is a solution, what if Dong Na also comes?

It's okay to try, but if it doesn't work, I'm thinking of a way.

So the reception staff took Su Wen and Zhou Yan to the reception room to wait, and he himself went to notify all female employees of the right age who could come to participate in the selection.

Su Wen was bored waiting in the lounge for a while, and came out to stand at the door to visit, but unexpectedly met an unexpected person.

"Su Wen?" Lu Jianan thought he was dazzled, and asked in astonishment, "Why are you here?"

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