"It's Dong Na."

"People are not as good-looking as the posters, like two completely different people."

"The poster is much whiter than the person."


"This difference is too big, so disappointing."

"I don't understand why Su Wen chose her, I'm just average!"

"Although I'm average, the poster looks really good and amazing. I really don't know where Su Wen found the photographer. The photography skills are so good." The girl finished speaking with envy on her face, clasped her hands together On the chest, I don't know what I thought of, with a dreamy expression.

"By the way, do you think Su Wen herself is not as good-looking as in the photo? It's just that the photos taken by Aishang magazine are good."

"You're wrong to think so. I think Su Wen looks better in person than in magazines. I saw her in person at the signing event last time."

"Yes, yes, we can all testify that when Su Wen came to the factory to select candidates, many of us have seen her. Don't doubt my idol just because of Dong Na's own problems. She is very beautiful. Who is truly talented and beautiful."

The others nodded in agreement.

Those who doubted were humiliated.

"There is also Xu Junfeng, he is similar to himself on the poster, he is very handsome, very handsome."


Dong Na finally understood what the problem was, she took a step sideways and left. She had thought of this kind of questioning a long time ago, because Boss Su made her look so good, she was ready for it at that time.

And Su Wen said that the bearded photographer's skills are very good, and the results will be better.

She didn't doubt Boss Su's words at all.

"Wait, don't rush away." The girl who took the lead to stop Dong Na stopped her again, and said kindly: "We don't mean anything malicious, everyone is just curious, don't worry about it. Now that you are popular, everyone saying you."

After finishing speaking, the girl saw Dong Na's confused appearance, and carefully took out Su Wen's new book from her bag, with a poster inside.

"Look, this is a poster of you and Xu Junfeng, it's very nice."

Unfolding, Dong Na was dumbfounded. After realizing it, she blushed and apologized in shame, "I'm sorry, I... I let everyone down, I am not good-looking."

Seeing herself on the poster, she actually felt sorry for Boss Su.

When you see your true self, you will be very disappointed, right?

No wonder Boss Su asked her to be like Director Su.

When everyone heard Dong Na's apology, they covered their mouths and laughed. The laughter was very pleasant, and there was no contempt, bitterness or contempt.

"Hahaha... What are you apologizing for? It's a good thing that the poster looks good. I don't think your facial features are ugly. The bridge of your nose is high and straight, which is much more three-dimensional than ordinary people's facial features." The girl who took the lead covered her mouth and smiled for a long time.

"You're such an interesting person, you'd be crazy if you were someone else."

Others saw that Dong Na didn't become arrogant as soon as she gained power, her attitude was much better, and she even praised her a lot.

"We stopped you because we wanted to ask about the bag you were carrying." The girl who took the lead was named Ji Tiantian. She had asked for leave because of family affairs, so she missed Su Wen's chance to choose someone, and she had never met Dong Na.

Ever since I came back from home, I have been hearing about Dong Na.

Seeing her now, I found that she was completely different from the rumored one.

"My name is Ji Tiantian, may I have a look at the bag you're carrying?"

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