Cao Cuo could understand it at first, but Cao Cuo was confused later and asked, "What kind of realm?"

Gu Yang looked at him and shook his head, "It's terrible to be uneducated."

Cao Cuo: "..."

Cao Cuo was so humiliated by such a kid who was two heads shorter than himself that his face turned red with anger.

He pointed to the cycad, "Do you understand it? Then why doesn't it respond to you?"

Gu Yang gently touched Su Tie and smiled at Cao Cuo: "Who said there was no response? Just watch it."

She turned to the cycad and waved to it politely: "Hi, cycad."

Then a scene that shocked Cao Cuo appeared. The cycad tree shook its leaves towards Gu Yang and said, "Hello, Gu Yang."

Cao Cuo:! ! !

Cao Cuo's pupils shrank suddenly and he was so frightened that he took two steps back. His eyes were full of surprise: "You can actually speak?"

Gu Yang put his hands on his hips and laughed triumphantly: "How about it? I didn't lie to you, did I?"

I lied to you.

Cao Cuo: "If I knew what it was..."

Gu Yang: "Jie Men Gang Order, Family, Genus and Species."

Cao Cuo: "The Jiemen Gangmu family is a species, so can I really hear it speak?"

Gu Yang nodded seriously, "Really."

At worst, she could just hypnotize him once and let him chat with plants.

There is no mental problem with talking to plants. There is a problem if you can actually hear the plants talking.

Cao Cuo was not stupid. He knew that Gu Yang came to him to go back to class, "Can you learn this by going to class?"

"Of course. You can't learn it now, but you will learn it in the future. Moreover, as long as you know the words, you can learn by yourself from the textbook. If you pass the final exam, I will give you a gift."

Gu Yang decided to give Cao Cuo some near-term benefits first. After all, he was still far away from learning the biological content.

Looking at Gu Yang's smiling and shining eyes, Cao Cuo's eyes moved slightly, "What gift?"

Gu Yang: "You will know the secret when the time comes."

Cao Cuo was fooled into returning to class by Gu Yang.

Moreover, he ranked first in the class in the final exam, surpassing Gu Ying, who had previously ranked first.

Gu Ying, who studies hard, makes progress every day, and never skips classes or takes naps in class, is simply shocked that he lost to Cao Cuo, who skipped classes.

Cao Cuo found Gu Yang, "Where's the gift?"

Gu Yang broke off a pink and fat leaf from the succulent he had carefully raised and handed it to him, "Here."

The girl's palms are fleshy, white and tender, and the pink fleshy petal in the palm looks like a flower petal at first glance.

"a leaf?"

Cao Cuo looked down at Gu Yang and looked at her with a look like "Are you just using this thing to deal with me?"

"Leo Le Le Le, have you heard that one flower, one world, one tree, one Bodhi? This leaf, when it falls to the ground and takes root, can grow another beautiful and lovely succulent tree like this."

Gu Yang took his bowl of meat over and shook it at him.

Cao Cuo looked at her hesitantly: "Really? Little liar, don't lie to me again, right?"

Cao Cuo had already learned from Gu Ying that Gu Yang knew "immortal magic", so he guessed that when Gu Yang talked to plants before, he was actually using "immortal magic" to confuse him.

"Of course. I'll also give you this pot of peach eggs."

Gu Yang handed him the pot of succulents in his hand, leaving only one succulent for himself. "This piece is enough for me. I will be able to grow another succulent in a while."

Cao Cuo doubtfully took the succulent and its leaves back to plant. Then, two months later, the leaves did not germinate, and even the pot of succulent that Gu Yang gave him that was growing just right was planted to death.

If he hadn't watched Gu Yang's fleshy petal take root and grow into a new peach egg, he would have thought that Gu Yang had lied to him again.

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