In addition to interacting with fans, there is also a lottery in the live broadcast room, which is signed by some Blue Whale team.

Prior to this, the Blue Whale team also conducted several peripheral lottery activities on Weibo.

Gu Yang saw the boxes in the corner, surrounded by blue whale dolls, badges, mobile phone cases, etc., everything.

Gu Yang set aside a whole set alone and asked everyone to sign their signatures.

Because it was Gu Yang who requested it, even Gu Jin, who never liked signing, was very cooperative.

"Yangyang wants to keep one set for collection?" Shen Ran asked.

Gu Yang put them all into a box and said, "Give them away."

She remembered a lot of things this time. She remembered that she had a silly younger brother who seemed to like Team Blue Whale very much.

Others thought that when Gu Yang said giving away people, he meant giving away fans through a lottery.

The World Esports Championship Finals is coming soon.

The two teams that entered the finals are the Blue Whale team from China and the XRB team from Sakura Country.

As we all know, China and Sakura have a sworn blood feud.

So in this competition, the entire network is counting on the Blue Whale team to crush the XRB team hard and beat them to a pulp.

Because of the previous record, everyone felt that this was a must-win situation.

The pressure is completely on the XRB team. What they care about now is not whether they can win, but whether they can lose better.

The war is approaching, and the Internet is already reveling in advance for the foreseeable victory.

Only Gu Yang looked at these carnivals and felt sad in his heart.

After a whole course of memory recovery hypnosis, she finally remembered all of her past.

Because of the light cone experiment, she traveled from the future to the past.

She was the one who unfortunately fell into the Möbius strip.

It turned out that those fragmentary memories that kept popping up in her mind were indeed the future she had already experienced.

The girl who appeared in the mirror in the dream was her former self, using Xiao Yang's body.

And she had seen how much older this body looked like now. The real owner of this body was named Bai Yueshuang.

No wonder Bai Yueshuang has these memories of Wu Hao and the Blue Whale Team in the orphanage, because Bai Yueshuang is the owner of this body.

When she used Bai Yueshuang's body, she had no memory of this body's past, simply because she was not the owner of this body.

So, when she entered Xiao Yang's body through the book and had all the memories of that body, was it because it was originally her body?

She is Xiao Yang, and she is the person in the book. Her passing through books was not an accident, but a return.

Gu Yang recalled what she heard the physicist say when she was unconscious in the Utopia base laboratory.

She was injected with drugs and passed out, but she was conscious and could hear what they said.

Everything that happened to her was related to UO, and the reason why UO favored her so much was because she was bound to UO.

It is precisely for this reason that the Utopia organization focused on her in order to find UO for light cone experiments.

The light cone experiment that happened at Katie's Manor was also successful, so she went back to the past.

However, even going back to the past doesn't seem to change anything.

She lost her memory and everything developed according to the original trajectory. Even though she now has the memory of the future and knows that the light cone experiment at Yunqi Orphanage is coming, she can only follow the past in Feng Jue and the others' memories. Go down.

Because, that is the best choice, the optimal solution at the moment.


I have a cold. It feels really uncomfortable. Many people have colds and fevers during this period. Please be careful.

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