Many irritable netizens in the live broadcast room started to complain——

[Does Gu Jin speak responsibly? She said it's okay if it's okay. Does she think she's a doctor? 】

[It’s better to go to the hospital for a check-up. If something happens, we can’t afford to delay it]

[Hillbilly, stop showing off. Is it possible that a high school student still wants to create a character with medical talent? 】

[Gu Jin delayed Lawyer Qiu’s treatment so much, wasn’t he afraid of being sent in by Lawyer Qiu? 】

Just when netizens were denouncing Gu Jin, a lot of comments about rich people appeared, and these comments were all from the wealthy people on the reward list——

[She is really a doctor]

[It’s not certain who can send whom in]

[Suddenly envious of Qiu Baizhou, I also want Mr. Gu to touch and examine his bones]

A lot of inexplicable words made netizens confused.

What surprised them was that Qiu Baizhou actually believed Gu Jin's words and nodded seriously to say thank you.

The other guests actually had no objections.

Qiao Xuan didn't know Gu Jin well, so she could only look at the familiar Gu Yang with questioning eyes.

Gu Yang gave her a reassuring look, "My sister is a doctor and is very good."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all because we failed to take care of our children."

At this time, the Orchard couple pulled a little boy over to apologize. It was the kid king who took the lead in chasing people just now.

Lao Li slapped the little boy on the buttocks, beating him until he cried, and blamed himself: "It's all my fault for being disobedient and leading others to run around and make trouble."

Their village is a poor village, and the village party secretary has said that they expect these big stars to help them bring and sell goods to get out of poverty!

This is the hope of the whole village, so we can't offend people and make them angry.

The child king was crying, but his momentum was not weak. He rubbed his neck, pointed at the dirty little boy over there, and said angrily: "Dad, why did you hit me? I didn't hit you!

It's the little mute! I'm right, woohoo! That little mute came to steal our fruit and ran away when he was discovered. We are catching the thief! "

The little mute stood under the tree with his head buried in a grapefruit.

The other children obviously followed the lead of the Child King and echoed his words.

"Yes, Uncle Li, it's the little mute's fault!"

"Uncle Li, please stop hitting brother Xiaohu. It was the little mute who hit him."

Lao Li had a straight face, frowned and glanced at the little mute. After all, it was someone else's child, and it was not easy for him to beat or scold him, so he caught his own child and continued to apologize.

"I'm sorry, I'll take care of this kid when I get back."

The guests looked at the crying children, looked at each other, and finally looked at Qiao Xuan and Qiu Baizhou, who had the most say.

What else could it be like, they were almost all adults, how could they care about little kids?

Qiao Xuan was helpless: "Children are ignorant, so we can't..."

Qiu Baizhou took over the conversation coldly: "Children are ignorant and should be educated well."

Everyone present was stunned.

Qiu Baizhou looked at the child king Li Hu with a serious expression and squatted down: "Your name is Li Hu, right?"

Li Hu was obviously a little frightened of Qiu Baizhou. He nodded shyly and said weakly, "I'm not wrong."

Qiu Baizhou: "It wasn't you who hit the person. You were right. Did you just say you were catching a thief?"

Li Hu was stunned, then ran over and grabbed the little mute, "Yes, that's him. He stole my grapefruit! He bumped into you, it's his fault!"

Lao Li glanced at the camera, frowned and scolded: "Xiaohu, don't make trouble."

"Did you steal their grapefruit?" Qiu Baizhou looked at the little mute.

The little mute stared at Qiu Baizhou, trying to speak but unable to form a sentence. He could only squeak out broken syllables, shake his head vigorously, and make wild gestures.

Gu Yang's eyes deepened, this child was not mute, but aphasic.

Gu Yang could read his meaning through body language and expression, "He said he didn't steal it, he picked it up outside."


Good night, good night~

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