Gu Jin and Gu Yang rested in a cafe on the street. Xiao Yize shamelessly followed them and sat down next to Gu Jin without changing his expression.

Gu Yang and Gu Jin both looked at him with puzzled eyes like "Why are you still here?"

Xiao Yize turned a blind eye and looked at Gu Yang with admiration in his eyes, "Sister, your hypnosis ability is very strong. It's stronger than I thought."

Gu Yang blinked, "But the black hypnotist just now was better than me."

Xiao Yize looked at her with a complicated expression, "Then do you know who he is?"

Gu Yang guessed: "People from Utopia?"

She could feel that when her sister fought with that man, her moves were fierce and she had unprecedented killing intent.

She could only think of the Utopia organization that could make her sister hate him so much and not fall behind in her hands. Moreover, that person must have a high status.

Gu Jin took a sip of coffee and said, "He is a singer."

Gu Yang was a little surprised.

She had heard the name "Singer" more than once. When he had played against Tully, Devin had guessed that she was a singer.

"Singer is the second-ranked hypnotist on the dark web, and is also the second elder of Utopia. He likes to attack indiscriminately, and hypnosis is mostly offensive in nature, making him very difficult to deal with.

There were also hypnotists in our special department who worked with him. Although he finally escaped from the hypnotic state, he left a psychological shadow. I am still receiving psychological treatment. "

Xiao Yize said, suddenly looking at Gu Yang, his eyes a little fiery.

Gu Yang couldn't help but shrink back while holding the coffee.

She thought of the victims in the musical instrument store just now, and suddenly felt a little confused, "But in the musical instrument store just now, they didn't seem to have any mental problems."

The hypnotist in Xiao Yize's special department must also be a strange warrior.

It makes no sense for alien warriors to have psychological shadows, but ordinary people are fine after hearing this.

Xiao Yize said: "Thanks to my sister, because you reversed his hypnosis. While breaking the hypnosis, you also healed their psychological trauma.

That member of our department finally used external means to forcibly revive him.

It can only be said that I got rid of the hypnotic state, but it left psychological trauma. "

Gu Yang suddenly realized: "So I am more of a healer, and the singer is more of an attacker?"

Xiao Yize said meaningfully: "It should be said that you chose the healing system."

"The singer is very strong, but you are not necessarily weaker than him."

Gu Jin reached out and rubbed Gu Yang's head, "After all, it is often easier to deal damage than to reverse it."

Gu Yang understood.

Her previous fight with the singer was not actually a real fight.

It’s more like, one is tearing down the house and the other is fixing it. Repairing is definitely more laborious than disassembling.

A one-on-one fight like she had with Tully before was a contrast.

But under the circumstances at that time, it was impossible for Gu Yang to fight the singer regardless of the lives of so many people.

"That's why I say you are very strong, sister." Xiao Yize's graceful face showed a smile: "Besides, sister, your abilities should not have been developed by the system.

Although your hypnosis ability has improved a lot now compared to a year ago, this progress is very slow.

Only through systematic development can you unleash your true strength.

Do you want to see your true level? "

Xiao Yize's words were somewhat persuasive.

Gu Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, he was really interested in this, "System development? How to develop it?"

Xiao Yize still had a gentle and elegant smile on his face, but he couldn't help but feel a little excited in his heart.

He was finally going to fulfill his long-cherished wish to hand over his sister, a top talent, to the country!

Xiao Yize suppressed his excitement and was about to continue coaxing, oh no, to lead Gu Yang to join the organization.

However, at this time, Gu Jin's cold voice was heard, "Xiao Yize."

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