"Is this the Sequence One angel you call?"

In front of the door, Forsi looked at the picture displayed on the other side of the door.

"Leonard" of the sequence one angel plug-in is engaged in a "fierce" battle with an ordinary believer who believes in the God of Immortality.

In short, rookie chickens peck each other.

"Gah, of course." The crow Amon quacked.

"Pallez Zoroaster, he is the serial angel of the Zoroaster family and the thief serial path."

"He shouldn't be so weak."

Forsi's right eye flashed scarlet and she thought about the reason.

After a while, she looked at Amon.

"Why didn't the angelic power appear?"

"Maybe it's because Palles thinks there's no need to take action." Amon said with a 'reasonable analysis': "Leonard can solve the believers of the God of Immortality."


While Amon and Forsi were thinking, Leonard finally came up with his "trunk card."

He took out the charm from his pocket and threw it at the core of weakness he found, which was the heart of the cultist.

The crimson talisman of the Church of the Night, a talisman containing the power of "purification", instantly inflicted "serious injuries" on the cultists who had the upper hand.

This is not surprising. It can only be said that it is a piece of cake for a professionally trained Nighthawk to fight against a cultist who has gained extraordinary power in just a few days and is also acting crazy.

It is not difficult to find the weak point and defeat the latter.

After being hit in the weak point by Leonard's spell, the cultist collapsed on the ground limply. In front of Leonard's eyes, his limbs were like plants, taking root, sprouting, blooming green leaves, and bursting with vitality.

The vines are spreading, and the golden ears of rice are like a harvest, blooming with the brilliance of hope on the corpse.

Probably, it’s a hope?

"Old man, what should we do now?" Leonard looked at the remains of the cultist and didn't know what to do with it.

Under normal circumstances, even those Extraordinaries who are completely out of control still have at least a rough human shape.

However, what Leonard encountered was an accident.

The cultist who believed in the evil God of Immortality in front of him actually turned into a pile of plants after being severely injured!

"I don't know. Well, let's try the goddess's name."

——I don’t know how to deal with it, so I call on the power of the goddess.

"Okay, I'll try."

"You are nobler than the stars,

The goddess of the night who is older than eternity;

She is the Crimson Lord, the Mother of Secrets,

Queen of distress and fear,

Lord of sleep and silence. "

As Leonard recited, the surroundings gradually became dark under the ancient Hermes language.

Dark night falls, and the hidden power completely engulfs this place.

Silently, as the night passed, everything returned to normal.

"Phew, it's finally taken care of." Leonard breathed a sigh of relief and patted his breathing chest.

"Have it taken care of?" The old man's words poured cold water on him.

"He's not the source."

"Not the source?!"

"Of course, you haven't dealt with the cultists, or the cultists who believe in that evil god. What you just fought was just a derivative of this power."


"It's really a big show that's not exciting at all." Amon quacked and flapped its wings.

"It's boring, I want to see a river of blood! Ga!"

"What you want to see is Leonard protecting the people and dying with the cultists?"

"Of course!" Amon didn't hide his bad taste.

Is there anything more fun than seeing heroes fighting evil, only to die together, and then nothing changes?

“This fight is really boring.

The cult villain turned out to be an irrational retard. There were no ordinary people around Leonard who needed protection. The fight between the two sides was not exposed. Leonard actually killed the enemy through the crimson spell of the goddess of the night, instead of... have……

All of this is really... too plot-free. "

While closing the door, Forsi took up the topic: "What does it mean to have plot fluctuations?"

"Gah, of course it is.

The cultists kidnapped ordinary people, and Leonard relied on decryption to find the location of the cultists' conspiracy. After the two sides fought many battles, Leonard found the cultists' lair.

Then Leonard tried his best to save ordinary people in the trap set by the cultists.

Next, Leonard and the cultists faced off one-on-one, with both sides shouting about their ideals and dreams... anyway, it was a passionate and passionate line like this, leading to a passionate and passionate battle!

When Leonard was about to fail, the arrogant Pales helped Leonard defeat the cultists.

However, the cultists had previously put a plague on ordinary people. In order to protect those people, Leonard had to use up his extraordinary power to solve the plague. "

Amon became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke, his beak spitting like a machine gun.

"In the end, Leonard lost his strength, suffered the blows of the warmth and coldness of human relationships, and the harshness of the world, and became extremely decadent.

In the days that followed, with the encouragement of the old man Pales, Leonard stepped out of the shadows and became a hero once again, unswervingly embarking on the road to save the world! "

"Gah, this is the perfect script!"

"Lord Amon, he is truly the greatest artist!"

Forsi rolled his eyes at Amon and complained unceremoniously: "The cultist is not a lunatic. His idea is to attract those people to join and believe in the God of Immortality. As long as he openly professes his faith, it is enough for him. I will naturally let you go."

"The situation on the streets of Iron Cross Street is that there is no need for him to promote longevity and power. As long as he can eat enough, there are thousands of believers in the God of Immortality, and nine out of ten people will believe in the God of Immortality."

"As for the decryption, if you and I hadn't made Leonard one-on-one with the cultist, I'm afraid that after the "pollen" spreads, ordinary people nearby would become new cultists."

"Also, one-on-one? Now that you can fight in groups and sneak attacks, who can play one-on-one with you?"

"The following... twists and turns, this is really a third-rate plot."

"Gah, Forsi, this is art, you don't understand, this is great art, great art written by Lord Amon!"

"This is really bad art."

Forsi's venomous tongue made Amon suddenly stop, his wings stopped flapping, and the crow's eyes were as dull as if they had lost their dreams.

"Next, the Church of the Night will deal with the group of cultists like the God of Immortality."

Forsi held her chin up and thought about what would happen next.

The power of the Church of Night, no, not only the Church of Night, but also the attention of other Churches of Storms and Church of Steam will be drawn into slums like Iron Cross Street Lower Street.

"The power of the Orthodox Church is involved. I can try to find the owner of the stigmata."

"Aren't you afraid of being exposed?" Amon asked casually, not knowing when he would return to normal.

Forsi shook his head.

"Besides me, there are six stigma holders in Tingen City. As long as I don't actually show up, I won't be exposed."


"The protection from my ancestors makes me not afraid of divination."

This is indeed true. Mr. Men's protection can make Forsi not afraid of the so-called divination.

"Hugh, you're already awake."

Forsi trembled for a moment, and then she said in a nonchalant tone: "I no longer need to divorce this friend."


"Of course, I don't need her anymore."

"In the past, I was weak and could only bear everything, silently enduring the pollution of nonsense, and huddled in a corner alone.

Now, I will turn everything around! "

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