Traveling to the World of Attack on Titan

Chapter 279: Defense of Troost District (2)

"You trainers are also excellent soldiers who have passed the graduation exercise. I look forward to your active performance in this battle!" Ian, the squad leader of the elite class of the Garrison Corps, was speaking loudly in the gas storage room, and around him, training soldiers We are busy replenishing the gas tanks of their three-dimensional mobile devices and replacing the blades. These are things that are related to their lives, and they can't help but not take care of them. For Titan broke the city and caused everyone to go to the battlefield to block Everyone reacted differently to Titan).

"It's okay Hannah, I will protect you." Franz said solemnly, putting his hands on his girlfriend's shoulders, "Franz." Hannah was moved and hugged him. "It's okay, Amin?" Eren watched his hands trembling constantly, and he couldn't connect the gas supplement device to his gas tank no matter what, Amin asked with concern, "'s okay, this kind of It’s fine right away!” A Ming responded compulsively, but his hands revealed his true feelings at the moment, “It’s not good, there is no technology that can block the eight-meter-high hole yet, even After all, we can’t dig out the big rock near the front door. If we can’t block the hole, the city will be abandoned. It’s only a matter of time before the Wall of Rosette breaks through. In this case... the human race is over!"

"Almin!" Eren couldn't help interrupting him, "Calm down! Unlike at that time, humans will no longer lose to Titan!" Aming stared at Titan) in a daze!" (Eren, it took a long time to speak: "Sorry, I'm fine." "Gao Wen, Eren, Amin." Mikasa walked towards us with Mia, "Mikasa," Eren) immediately stood up, with a nervous look on his face, "My mother, she..." "Don't worry, I have already sent Aunt Carla into Rose's Wall." Mikasa comforted and took out from his pocket. I made a needlework bracelet, "My aunt asked me to bring this bracelet. She said it will bring luck. Come on, Eren, put it on." "What are you talking about? Wear!" Eren immediately took a step back and refused, "put it on, Eren." I grabbed his hand and said, "Live, don't die." Eren hesitated After a while, finally reluctantly put on the bracelet.

"Then we will be divided into classes as per the training, and follow the command of the garrison regiment to carry out tasks such as support and supply, intelligence transmission, and sweeping Titan! The avant-garde department is served by the combat squad of the garrison regiment, and the central health department is trained by the support team. The corps is in charge, and the rear guard is handed over to the elite squad of the garrison. In addition, according to the news that the advance squad has basically lost its combat effectiveness due to heavy losses, the outer door has been breached, and Titan has been able to invade, so Kaizhi's Titan doesn't know when it will appear again, even if the inner door is destroyed, it is not surprising!" Captain Chitz-Wilman of the Troops Headquarters of the Garrison was making a pre-war speech.

The trainers in the field were all in an uproar when they heard the news. Panic inevitably spread among the crowd. "It's a failed speech." I whispered, Chiz-Wilman said in the plot. The performance is basically a idiot. I really don't know how this kind of person became the captain.

"Quiet!" Qizi shouted, "Now the avant-garde squad is facing the enemy. The purpose of this defensive operation is only one, which is to defend the Wall of Rosette before completing the evacuation work of residents! Also, you must already know that, flee before the battle. It's a capital crime, everyone will die and fight! Disband!" "Yes!" Everyone saluted helplessly and responded...

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