Traveling to the World of Attack on Titan

Chapter 438: Operational analysis

Regarding the issue of the fief after the noble canonization, Eric chose a good fief for both Eren and Histria, but Xu Jingkun and I were thieves who chose the fief in Parady The southernmost point of the island, where the forces in the wall have not yet covered it, is the location of the port. Regarding the issue of the ownership of the port, we wisely chose to shelve the dispute for joint development. After the port is expanded in the future and the Adia Second Empire will fully use it, we will be able to collect rent and collect taxes and we will have money at home. Rolling in.

After the throne meeting is over, it is time to formulate the battle plan for the recapture of the Wall of Mary. This battle is very important. It is necessary to repel Jike and even capture a few Titan powers. For some, there cannot be too many casualties, otherwise the balance of forces within the wall will be broken. The National Defense Forces is still undergoing reorganization and reorganization, and only the expanded investigative corps and air force can be deployed for the recapture battle.

The beast Titan Jike is not only extremely difficult to throw stones, but also because of his royal blood, he has the ability to call for Titan, so he doesn't have to worry about being beaten by us at all. With the help of Kaizhi's Titan, super-large Titan and car power Titan, if there is no response plan, this battle will definitely lose a lot. But everything is there. However, the existence of the Titan spell card gives us the ability to fight in a group. Although the effective time of the spell card is only more than 30 seconds, 30 seconds is enough to do a lot of things, no Know what Jike will look like when he sees hundreds of wisdom Titan appear at the same time and rush towards him? Don't be scared to pee your pants.

In addition to the Titan spell card, we also have four Titan power holders. Yani will not play due to the agreement, so she is sitting right behind. The only ones who can fight are Lance, Eren) and Ymir, because this battle must be won, so they can only risk letting the ancestor Titan also participate in the battle. Now that the three of them have drunk armor liquid and weapon liquid, their battle power has soared, so there is no need to worry that they will be defeated and taken away. Lance’s ancestor Titan can now use hardened double knives, Eren Attack on Titan has hardened fist, Ymir’s Titan The claws can also be hardened and thrown out as a throwing knife and then quickly regenerate. When the time comes, they will definitely give Jike a "surprise".

The preparation of combat supplies is naturally the responsibility of others, including thunder guns, machine guns, and artillery. They will prepare them. I just need to visit their training locations in Eren. "I'm so tired, I hope I can rest for a while after the Wall of Maria is captured." I couldn't help but sigh. The past few days are really exhausting. It is too much brainstorming to fight a bunch of old foxes. If you are careless, you will suffer a big loss, so you can do it easily.

The training location was located in a forest of giant trees. A circular open space with a diameter of 50 meters was opened up with human power, so that they could let them fight. When I arrived at the location, Eren and Lance were teaming up against Asia. Ni and Ymir, even though Yani and Ymir were at a disadvantage, they kept their positions tightly, without revealing any flaws that would allow them to win quickly. The terrain of the woods allowed Ymir to play ten percent of his strength. Every time Yani couldn't support it, she would shoot a throwing knife to interfere with Eren and Lance, making them grit their teeth but helpless.

I teleported to the people who were watching the battle on the tree and watching the battle with them, but I think it’s too boring just to watch it like this...

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